Rose's story

2262 Words

At the end of the night, Rose sighs. She has to go home, and she is not looking forwards to it. She and her little sister Tammy stay with her wealthy sister, Hanna, and Hanna's husband, Larson. Not in the house, though. No, Rose has to work as a housekeeper for the outdoor rooms she and Tammy are staying in. She knows the wealthy couple will have something to complain about when she gets home. They always do as they do not have children, and Tammy is a thorn in their side. Rose has to work at Charlie's place to buy her little sister clothing, and she is saving up to move out of her sister's house. She is also studying while working two jobs. Rose is studying graphic design. She dreams of working for a big company one day, and her dream is to work with someone like Jennie Petrov. She knows

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