Looking for Rose

2115 Words

Enzo knows he is not himself. He hates his brother and is jealous. His parents taught them to love each other, and he hates feeling like that towards his brother. Yes, he thought he was in love with Jennie, but he now knows she is a timeless beauty, and he lusts after her. At dinner the previous night, he could see true love between Jennie and Dante. His hate for Dante disappeared, but he could not help feeling a bit jealous still. He wants to love like that. One-night stands are getting old, and he does not want to marry someone he does not love. He also can not forget the face of Rose, the waitress at Charlie's Place. She smiled, but her smile never reached her eyes. She was polite, but he could see the worry in her eyes. Enzo knows people, and he knows how to sum them up. Like Dante, th

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