6 - A Lead and Some Lunch

1141 Words
It had been a little over three months since Darius came home again and the house was finally falling into a rhythm. Life had been fairly blissful for the Drakos family. Dimitri and Darius had finally come to a more comfortable relationship, both being in Rayne's life again. The search for Darius' captor continued and they had gotten closer than ever before recently. The seven-million-dollar payment went through without a hitch and seemed to be undetected this far. They only hoped a hit came soon. It was praying on all their minds but left unspoken.   Rayne stood looking in the mirror, she was becoming quite rounded in the belly. At six and half months, she wasn’t feeling very sexy of late. Although her husbands always tried to make her feel as beautiful as they saw her. She just wanted to sit and eat cake in baggy clothes.  She was horny all the time but also hungry. It was an annoying conundrum to be in and the brothers were enjoying it thoroughly. They pleased her and fed her regularly and all was right with the world.    Rayne’s current attire of a maternity shirt that simply said in white lettering, 'pregnant as f**k' was on the designer dress list of the house for that day. Sure didn't wear this particular shirt outside the house in public, as the sensitivity of others was always over the top, but it honestly was her favorite.  They had decided as a threesome that she should be married to both of them even if the second ceremony was not recognized by the masses. On her ring finger she had Dimitri’s wedding band then the engagement ring and then Darius’ wedding band. She didn’t care what anyone thought, she had two husbands and a life that she wouldn’t give up for the world.  It was about noon and Rayne walked into the kitchen to fix her men, big and small, lunch. She prepared Souvlaki, which consisted of chunks of skewered pork, served with chopped tomatoes and onions in pitta bread with her homemade tzatziki sauce. And of course for herself, a traditional Greek salad with grilled shrimp, as pork was giving her insane heartburn of late.  Zane was in the playroom delving out orders to his flock of stuffed animals and the like but of course, Mr. Piggy was in trouble. He was in a small chair outside the door with a dunce hat on. Rayne had questioned Zane recently as to what it was that Mr. Piggy always did wrong and she simply was told he lacked discipline in his actions and was clumsy. Rayne just snickered and hoped one day that Zane would never fall for an uncoordinated woman. She might get a lot of time outs and spankings.  Dimitri was on the phone in the office and Darius was sitting taking notes as always. They had a hit on some of the money moving around and thought to be close to a hit. Darius was out for justice and Dimitri was out for blood.   She picked up the little bell on the bar and rang it several times loudly. It sounded like a herd of elephants coming down the hall and to the kitchen. These men were all hungry and it showed. She had slept in that morning which meant for breakfast they had to fend for themselves. This also meant it was cereal or toast, possibly pop tarts if there were any left. “What’s for lunch mommy? It smells so good!” Zane said getting plates from the cabinet and setting the table.  “Souvlaki with homemade tzatziki sauce.”  “Oh my favorite!” Zane squealed and hollered in Greek for his fathers to hurry up. Rule of the house is if everyone is home, no one eats until everyone is sitting down.  Rayne placed everything on the table so they could make their own pitas and put her shrimp salad down at her place.  Both Dimitri and Darius in turn kissed her forehead and then Zane’s before sitting to eat.  “Damn babe this smells too good. You shouldn’t have gone to so much trouble.” Dimitri said hungrily.  “Well, I can just take it back then…” She went to reach for his plate and he swatted her hand away. She made the pouting face and turned to Darius. He was already putting the first bite in his mouth. She laughed. They loved when she cooked Greek. They said it reminded them of home when they were growing up.  Suddenly the table shook and Rayne whimpered. Her belly looked like it was doing flip flops. That baby wanted the table to know that it was there too. Instinctively she started to rub her belly.  “Alright my little bean pot, calm down. Geezus I am not getting any sleep as it is. This one is feisty.” Dimitri and Darius both tried rubbing only to make her stomach hop around more. It wasn’t working. Clearing his throat Zane held up his hand.  “I got this. Watch. Ok my lil dragon time to calm down. I am here. Zane loves you.” He placed his head on her belly and it started to calm. Within seconds her little gymnast was peaceful and she would finally be able to eat.  “Wow Zane, you are going to make the best big brother.” She ran her fingers through his almost shoulder length hair.  “Thanks mommy. My brother loves me a lot. We are going to be best friends.”  “But what if it is a girl?” Rayne asked Zane seriously.  His face was stone cold and his expression unchanging. He had Arianna and was convinced he only would have one girl in his life. This baby had to be a boy.    The sound of Dimitri’s phone was on going from the office. They all looked until it stopped. It was family lunch and phones weren’t permitted at the table. No more than a moment later his phone went off again. Weird. That isn’t normal.  When the ringing stopped this time, they started to discuss the addition they wanted to build onto the house. For the third time Dimitri’s phone went off again. He looked at Darius and Rayne. Striding into the office the ringing stopped but it was what came next that shocked the household.  “This is Dimitri. Yes…Yes… You did? No s**t? Ok. So where…. Wait. What the f**k did you just say to me? Are you absolutely sure? His f*****g head is going to roll. Yes. Got it. Thanks, Bye.”  By the tone of his voice this wasn’t going to be pleasant by any means. He walked a bit slower of pace back into the eat in kitchen area. His face contorted in anger and disbelief. “Well? Who the hell was it? What is going on?” Rayne asked.  “They got a hit on the money trail. It stopped in an account in Texas. You aren’t going to like this, I can sure in hell tell you I don’t. We need Kris here.” 
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