5 - Intimacy & Saviors

3345 Words
It had been a full day of fun and exhausting tasks. The sun was starting to set finally and it was way past dinner time. Rayne pulled into the drive and let Miranda out and helped carry her bags in the front door.  “You ladies look like you had some fun today?” Kris said taking the bags from Rayne.  “Well our Krav Maga class kicked our ass but I think the pregnant ninja over there is far better than me. She took out our instructor. So we ate bad for you food and went shopping. Seemed like a viable reason.” Miranda laughed and lined up about twenty bags of items she bought. “I got you some of the clothes you asked for and also new towels and other crap we don’t need that I liked.”  Kissing her forehead and popping her ass, Kris said that was why he made the money so she could be happy. He hugged Rayne and walked her out while Arianna came toddling over to her mom wanting hugs.  “You ok Rayne? You seem quieter than normal.”  “I am good, just planning out my evening in my head. I think I am going to give Darius a haircut and spend some time with him. I have been bothered by what he said to me, all day.”  “You are who they both have always needed, so I am sure whatever your plan is, it will work. I will warn you, Dimitri and Darius had words today. I think it ironed out a lot of feelings they needed to release but there is some slight tension.”  “That’s good actually. I need them to work it out so we can just move forward and make it work easier at home. Love you Kris.” She kissed his cheek and hopped in the Bentley. The sun was almost set in the background.  Turning up the radio she headed down the dirt road towards her home. She was ready for a shower and some one on one time with the man she had missed more than words could say.  Pulling into the drive Zane came running out with his flashlight in hand.  “Mommy! There you are!! I have big, BIG news! Daddy Dimitri is taking me out to camp tonight! We are going to sleep under the stars and tell stories. Isn’t that the coolest thing Ever????” Rayne slipped out of the SUV smiling. She leaned down and hugged Zane tightly.  He was the cutest thing she had ever lay eyes on and sincerely couldn’t imagine life without him.  “You are? That sounds like super fun buddy. Are you all ready to go? Or do I need to help get things ready?”  “I got it all ready! Both Daddy’s helped me and I am ready to go but I am not allowed to go until I see you. So now I can go, right?”  She laughed and opened the back of the car. Loading up some of the bags she was greeted with helping hands.  “Can I help?” Darius was smiling with his hands out. His eyes widened when he saw how many bags she had in the back of the car.  “Yes please. They all go to our room. The groceries are being delivered tomorrow morning. I couldn’t do anymore walking today so I just ordered them online and paid ten dollars for someone to deliver them. It was just…easier.” “Fair enough. I would have gone for you though.” “It’s fine babe. I just was ready to come home.” She said placing a loving touch on his face. “Where is the other brother?” “Right here sexy.” He said kissing her neck from the other side. “Geezus, did you leave anything for other people to buy. This isn’t like you.”  She giggled and patted her belly. “I found some nursery stuff, some clothes for this guy,” She pointed to Darius, “and I needed some new clothes. Seems this child is just going to keep expanding my waistline.”  They took all the bags into the spare room that wasn’t being used for anything yet and was soon to be the nursery. The walls had been painted a very soft sunflower yellow and trimmed with antiqued ivory baseboards.  She used this room as her catch-all for the time being.  Walking back out to the living room Zane was prancing around singing an inaudible song waiting as patiently as possible. He had all the gear near the back-patio door.  Rayne smiled knowing this was the monthly camping night in the ‘backyard’. She walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water. Followed closely by Dimitri they had a more hushed conversation.  “Look, he needs to figure this out with you and I am hindering that. Zane and I will be outside til morning. As much as I want to punch a wall at the thought of sharing you now, I know this is something we need to move forward. Enjoy your time with him but remember you are still mine too and we haven’t had intimate time in a while. I might get angry and hungry for you in ways I can’t subside.” His eyebrow raised and side smirk spoke volumes. She nodded and looked up at him with a more submissive glance. “I know that Dimitri. I look forward to that evening, very soon.”  He scooped her up by the waist and pulled her as close as possible kissing her lips and shoving his tongue in her mouth without reservation. As the kiss broke, she opened her eyes back and looked at him mouthing the words, I love you forever in Greek. He growled and released her from his grasp walking away with a slight limp from the hardness in his pants. As Zane and Dimitri exited it was just Rayne and Darius in the living room. She looked him up and down and he almost seemed to be uncomfortable at the aloneness. She walked past him with her finger waggling, asking him to follow. Without much reluctance, he was on her heels. Following Rayne into the bathroom, she pulled out the boudoir make up station chair and placed it in the middle of the tile.  “Strip to your underwear please.”  The perplexed look on his face was uncertain with her intention. He started to strip off his shirt and her eyes couldn’t help but rake over every nuance and muscle curvature his imprisonment had helped develop. He was cut like find porcelain and shaped to perfection. While what happened to him had to have traumatic, it certainly didn’t hurt his physique.  She stepped out of the bathroom to gather a few items and returned with scissors, a comb, new pajama pants like he used to love and some toiletries that she recalled he loved. She also had a straight razor and shaving cream. The beard he had going was too cumbersome to his gorgeous face. He eyed her treasures and smiled widely.  “You remembered everything didn’t you?” She nodded setting everything out neatly for him.  “You needed things and I wanted to make you feel like you were back home. We are going to cut your hair, shave your face and shower you. Then what happens, happens but tonight it is just you and me. Understand?” His smile was warmer, more thoughtful and definitely had a hint of deviancy. He had not stopped raking her form with his eyes and the possibilities of how they could reconnect were nothing less than crude and s****l in his mind. Rayne had not lost her s*x appeal and for him, if possible, he wanted her far more than he did previously. “I understand. I am at your command.” Rayne liked the way that sounded.  She had already called Locks of Love while out that day and set up for a donation. His excess had to be at least sixteen inches of good viable hair. It would bring some good out of the horrible experience that created such long gorgeous hair to grow.    Turning on the small radio in the bathroom speaker, she played some classical music so she would have something to work too. Darius smiled remembering her dancing around the house in her headphones many years ago cleaning. It was one of his favorite memories. Brushing through his hair she pulled it up in the tightest to his head ponytail possible. Stripping down to her boy short undies and bra she prepared to make Darius feel more like himself again.  “You ready love?”  His eyes moved over every curve and noticed how her already ample breasts were beginning to fill out more due to pregnancy. He gulped and let out a large breath.  “Ready as I will ever be.”  She stood behind him and kissed his neck on each side softly. Then took her scissors and cut through the thick long ponytail. Holding it in front of his face before setting it on the counter, Darius couldn’t believe how long it had become. He hadn’t experienced a hair cut in so many years this was kind of odd. She proceeded for the next twenty minutes to trim, snip and comb through his hair while humming and swaying her hips around to the sound of the music. Geezus she is sexy. Was his most coherent thought. She stood back smiling and nodded her head. She kissed his lips and pushed his head back so he was staring at the ceiling. The shaving cream was cold and caused him to shiver slightly. She giggled and continued to lather up his face. With an evil look in her eyes and slight giggle, she held up the straight razor and tried to look evil. Darius’ hearty laugh filled the bathroom. It was such a good sound to hear she laughed loudly too.   With careful strokes and attention to his face she was within kissing distance the entire time, as she concentrated on giving him the best shave possible. “I believe, if it is truly possible, you have gotten even more handsome Darius. What you were hiding under all that hair and beard is sooooo sexy. Makes me want to rub my body all over yours for hours.” He knew he couldn’t smile but the growl in his chest told Rayne all she needed to hear. He was enjoying this intimacy as much as she was and being half naked in front of him was helping immensely. It took her a good ten minutes but when she wiped his face off the final time and stood back, she couldn’t deny the lust and s*x appeal that emanated through her body for this man. He was clean shaven, hair on point and was more gorgeous that she remembered.  “Well, are you ready to see yourself? I think I could come just looking at you Darius.”  He smiled and pulled her in for a kiss. Mmmm yes, that feels so good. She thought to herself. She moved out of the way and let him stand and look in the mirror. He looked at himself as if it was a foreign face. Rayne just watched intently for a moment before pushing her code in the keypad for the shower to heat up.  “I, I… Wow Rayne. Thank you. I forgot how I looked; I think. You are amazing.” He walked to her and scooped her up in a basket cradle hold. She wrapped her arms about his neck and smiled happily. The next moment was almost in slow motion. It was something she was waiting for, his walls to drop. Their eyes met and the stare was intense. He looked at her lips and then her eyes before leaning in to place his lips on hers. The feeling was penetrating to her core. It wasn’t an emblazoned kiss of lust or desire. The kiss spoke of love, thankfulness and release of all the fears he held on to since he walked through the door the last evening. She let him take time, kissing her, exploring her lips with his again before his tongue slowly slid inside and grazed over hers. She moaned slowly into his mouth as they kissed like star crossed lovers. He took a few steps and sat back down in the chair with her in his lap. Shifting her body so she was straddling him face to face, the kissing was never broken. Hands were exploring every inch, feeling for a curve or gradation that might have been long forgotten. She was moving her hips on his lap causing the already rock-hard shaft in his pants to throb madly. There was no mistaking she wanted to be close with him again but there was that moment of hesitation in his movements. She felt it and broke the kiss. Standing up, Darius reached for her worried he had yet again run her off. She held up a finger and reached down to undo his jean shorts and pull out his pulsating c**k for her displaying pleasure. He couldn’t gain focus on what was happening. Many times he had dreamed of this instance and it ended with Darius realizing his own psyche played tricks.  The warm wet lips suddenly surrounding his hardened shaft took his breath away. He could only lean back and let the air out of his lungs in gasping breaths. This had not been his intent the first time they were together intimately but he didn’t want it to stop. To keep himself sane and alive, many a night he had imagined this scenario. She took him in and out of her mouth with a hunger that brought forth the urge to come quicker than he wished. Looking down he watched her hand move up and down his shaft in time with her lips. She was not just doing this for him, he could see the enjoyment in her motions and the soft moans as he pulsed in her mouth stirred the urge to push inside her further. As selfish as he wanted to be, this was not what he truly needed. She had relaxed his nerves enough that his mind and intent was clear. Reaching down he placed a hand on her cheek. She slid him out of her mouth with a small flick of her tongue on the tip. His hips instinctively pushed forward. She looked up at him smiling.  He stood and pulled her up to stand with him. With careful movements he slid down her black boy short panties and took off her bra tossing it to the side. Her belly was rounded and made the sight of her naked form so much more appealing to him now. The woman that gave him reason to live life, had a life growing inside her that one day they would call theirs.  Taking Rayne’s hand he led her into the shower as he flicked off his shorts and boxers to the side before stepping inside. His goal was to touch and kiss every inch of her. His memory was sparse and he needed to reacquaint himself with every progression of her skin and curvatures. His hands ran over her from shoulders to down her arms. The feel of her sides and hips caused more painful erection pulses but he maintained his mission. He lay kisses on her body in various places. She allowed him all the time he needed, she moaned at his touch and pulled him into kisses when her need was too hard to resist. His mind was spinning and he needed to be surrounded by her. He needed to make love to the one he had never let go of in his heart or soul.  Washing them both down and rinsing off, he retrieved two towels and proceeded to take his time to feel her again while drying her off. She looked up at him, not many words had been spoken but her need was apparent.  Scooping her up in a cradle position in his arms, he walked her into the bedroom. Placing her in the center of the bed, he was over her in an instant. His hot kisses and breaths were caressing down her body with necessity, as if her body were the requirement for him to live in that moment. She had never remembered his kisses to be so substantial. Darius was always a love maker, a soft motion and passionate lover. His demand of her was not one of kindness and sweet love making. He intended on making her entire core quake with desire under his command and she was damn close to fulfilling that from only his touches.  His tongue dove into her s*x with a deprivation that instigated her back to arch near immediately. His mouth made out with her womanhood as if it were the lips on her face. His tongue brushed over her clit repeatedly and slid in and out of her opening in a rhythm matching the throbbing of his c**k. She was caught in waves of pleasure and quivers as the orgasm began to rise. Taking two fingers he slid them in and out in time as his tongue licked up and down creating a primordial whimper from Rayne’s core. She was so close he wanted to remember her taste. He wanted the tangibility of her orgasm on his fingers and tongue. With one sucking motion and sliding in as far as possible her deep gasp was momentary as the wave of orgasm took over. Her body shook and her legs quivered on either side of his face. He watched the gratification his indulgence of her on his lips created.  Withdrawing his fingers and crawling up, his body was on fire and wanted to release himself into her for real. Her body still shook in aftershocks of orgasm as he slid inside her with his agonizing erection. She gasped loudly as he slid in hitting her back wall. She pulled him down to kiss her deeply as he worked in and out. Her legs lifted and he felt the deeper penetration surrounding him wholly. She felt different. Tighter and each throbbing rhythm that squeezes his c**k was weighted, close-fitting. She was moaning like a woman in the throws of utter passion and yearning. “More, Harder Darius. Please claim me again. I have missed you.” She purred. Placing his hands on either side of her and lifting up slightly he pushed in and out with his hips, harsher, faster. She was moving in time with his thrusts and her nails gripped and scratched at his back. He was alive. She was here and he wanted to fill every bit of her with all he had building inside. Her panting was quickened and moans higher pitched, he could feel the pressure she was pulling, milking him inside her.  “Now, please now Darius.” Was all she could manage to pant out in breathy words as her back arched once more. Squeezing her thighs on his sides and digging her nails in his back he couldn’t withhold it any longer.  His entire essence poured into her and she accepted. The feeling of her inner walls extracting ever drop as if it needed it to live, was powerful. As they rocked in time until the orgasms started to subside their eyes didn’t look away. He watched her pleasure and she watched his need be fulfilled. Her legs fell to the side and her back relaxed slightly. He removed himself and fell gasping for air next to her body. She turned to look at him with sleepy, spent eyes.  “I am glad you are home. I love you Darius.” He kissed her eyes and forehead while smiling. “I am home. I know it now. Thank you for your patience my love. I was lost but as always you bring me back home.”  She turned on her side and curled into him. The feeling of her back and ass in his hands could have been the last thing he felt and it would have been enough. Rayne Arianna Drakos was not Dimitri’s, she was Darius’ too. He knew that now. Suddenly his mind quieted and his body fell into a relaxation state. Pulling up a blanket on them both it was not long before they fell asleep intertwined.  She had saved Dimitri from cold hearted lifelessness and she had saved Darius from a prison of fear and uncertainty.
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