chapter 5

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*loyd's parents and chandria's parents back home and later in the evening loyd has also come home from work* chandria: oh loyd you're already here(smile) *loyd inside the house* loyd: yes, how are you here at home, did mom and dad and your parents come here? because they messaged me that they would come here at home chandria: yes they came here, they were just back home when you came back here loyd: ah ok, did you eat? chandria: ah not yet, but there is food there, let's ea loyd: ok (smile) I'm hungry too *while eating, chandria thought again if she should tell loyd, and she had the courage to say it, because she was satisfied that loyd might agree to let her work* chandria: ah Lloyd, I was going to say something loyd: What is Chandria? chandria: Your dad said if you agree that I will work for your company *loyd was silent but later on he also answered it while they were eating* loyd: ok chandria I don't want you to think that I don't allow you, but you know that I really don't want you to work, you know because I learned from myself that women shouldn't be made to work, especially if men can do it handle their situation, and I can handle everything for us, Chandria chandria: I know that Lloyd, but you or our situation are not the reason why I want to work, and I told you my reason, why I want to work loyd: Your parents *chandria was silenced* loyd: chandria I understand you, but do your parents know why you want to work is because of them, and not for us, do they know your reason? chandria: no loyd: They don't know, maybe it's better if they know your reason for wanting to work chandria: it doesn't matter if they know or not, as long as I want to help them, as a child that's my responsibility loyd: but do you think if they found out your reason, they would agree that they are the reason why you want to work *chandria didn't answer* loyd: maybe it's good to think about what you're going to do before you start ok (smile) *and Lloyd continued eating, later on they finished eating* *going to sleep* Lloyd: why do you seem to be silent, are you sad that I answered what you said chandria: no, I'm really sorry, why do I want to work loyd: it's ok chandria, I understand you, and you're right, it's the responsibility of the child to help the parents no matter what happens, even if the child has have own family, they still responsible for they parents (smile) Chandria: thank you Loyd you understand me (smile) loyd: just remember what I said, before you start something, think about whether what you're going to do is right or wrong, so you won't regret it in the end chandria: ok loyd *loyd hugged chandria, and they fell asleep while to each other hugging* *it's morning, loyd is going work* chandria: you're going work Lloyd, have you had breakfast yet? loyd: yes, im done, go eat breakfast, I'm going to work chandria: ok, ah wait loyd, I'm planning to visit my parents, is it possible? so I can visit them too loyd: yes, you can somehow get out of the house, but don't stay up late and be careful chandria: ok loyd thank you (smile) loyd: welcome ,I'm leaving chandria: ok be careful loyd: I love you bye chandria: I love you too bye (smile) *chandria goes to her parents* chandria: guard guard: Oh Chandria chandria: are my mom and dad there? guard: yes, your mom and dad are both there, because sir andrew doesn't come to work anymore, that's why natoy stay here at their house ma'am and sir, but sometimes they travel when they leave chandria: is that so guard, okay, can I go in, I'll just visit them guard: ok, come in Chandria chandria: thank you, guard, I'll just go see mom and dad guard: ok chandria *chandria has already entered Lloyd's parents' house so she can visit her parents* mommy leah: Chandria is that you, it's good that you visited here *Chandria kisses Leah on the cheek* chandria: yes mom, where are my mommy and daddy? mommy leah: Mary is there cooking for our lunch, and your daddy is watering the plants chandria: ok mom, I'm just going to go to dad, please tell my mommy that I'm here mommy leah: ok chandria (smile) chandria: ok just wait mom mommy leah: ok (smile) *Chandria went to her daddy in the garden of Lloyd's parents, Chandria saw her daddy and felt pity* chandria: dad (sad) daddy natoy: chandria, you're here, have you been here for a while? chandria: no dad, I just came here daddy natoy: ok chandria wait I'll just finish what I'm doing, did you eat? *Chandria answered and took the water to finish what her daddy was doing* chandria: yes dad *natoy was shocked because Chandria took the water and Chandria was finishing hes work* daddy natoy: Chandria I can do that, go inside and wait for your mommy and me inside chandria: dad it's ok, besides I miss watering the plants, do you remember that I always do it here, and when I have a problem here I always hang out here daddy natoy: of course I will never forget that, because this garden is your favorite place (smile) chandria: so I'm fine dad, I can handle this, you go inside, because it looks like mom is done cooking, so you can eat too daddy natoy: ok well, when you're done with that, go inside too, huh chandria: yes dad *Natoy entered the house, later on Chandria finished watering the plant, and she also entered the house of Lloyd's parents* mommy leah: Oh Chandria daddy andrew: oh eat chandria mommy mary: Chandria, eat too daddy natoy: you really finished the watering huh chandria:yes dad (smile) *chandria had already eaten and she spoke again* chandria:ah daddy andrew I was going to say something daddy andrew: what is it Chandria? chandria: because Andrew still doesn't agree to let me work, but I really want to work, maybe he won't be able to do anything when I start working *andrew thought about what chandria said and he answered again* daddy andrew: so you are really willing to work chandria: yes dad mommy leah: It might affect your relationship, if you chandria force to work *chandria couldn't answer, and she thought, but it was important to her to help her parents, so she answered again* chandria: mommy leah maybe not, besides I just want to help his too, and one more thing so I won't be bored alone at home, that's all I have so I hope he doesn't mind *loyd's parents are thinking* mommy mary: Chandria, in case you might have problems with Lloyd again daddy natoy: one more thing that you and Loyd will fix, the ugly thing is if you go back to the way you were before, his bad attitude against you chandria: dad loyd doesn't agree, but he understands why I want to work, as long as he tells me to think about what I'm going to do, whether it's good or bad *Chandria's parents couldn't answer what she said, Loyd's daddy answered* daddy andrew: so if you are really willing, ok go ahead and start the company tomorrow, and I will call my assistant so that he can assist you tomorrow, because I don't go to the company anymore, sometimes I just visit there, I trust everything from loyd chandria: is that so dad, ok thank you dad, I promise I will improve my job in your company (smile) daddy andrew: I know that Chandria, that you will improve your work in my company, because you are smart, so I know that I will not regret letting you join my company chandria: thank you dad (smile) *chandria's parents are still silent, and loyd's mommy is also silent* *chandria is going home* mommy mary: Chandria, are you going home? chandria: yes mom mommy mary:Ok, About what you said earlier that you really want to work, Chandria, I just think that it might affect your relationship with Lloyd again, and I don't want you two to get not Ok to each other. chandria: mom please, I'm doing this to help neil, and dad is another one of you, mom, even if he doesn't agree, it's ok, he still has no choice, besides, he loves me, if he loves me, it's ok with him that I work *mary was silent when chandria said, but someone spoke and it was loyd's mommy* mommy leah: Chandria chandria: mommy leah why? mommy leah: are you going home? chandria: yes mom why mommy leah: for me or your mommy, our only point here is that you starting work tomorrow at the company will not affect your relationship with Loyd, because I know Loyd, because he came from me, I know his behavior , so I'm praying that you're still ok after you have work tomorrow *chandria couldn't answer, her daddy answered, her daddy just finished what he was doing* daddy natoy: as long as Chandria just pray ok I know Lloyd will also agree (smile) chandria: yes dad thank you, as long as I know, even if he doesn't agree now, I know he won't change our relationship, because he loves me and I love loyd very much too mommy leah and mommy mary :(smile) daddy natoy: ok Chandria, go home, it's 6pm, maybe Lloyd will look you, go back your home now, be careful huh chandria: okay dad, am mommy leah, just tell daddy andrew that I'm going home mommy leah: ok, because he someone is talking upstairs in calling, maybe it's his assistant Greg, maybe it's him, because he'll be assisting you tomorrow chandria: so that's what I'll look for tomorrow, mom mommy leah: yes but don't worry, because you won't look for him, he will come to you, because he is very responsible for his work and he is kind (smile) chandria: ok mom, I'm going home, thank you mommy, Leah and mommy, dad, I'm going home (smile) mommy mary: ok chandria be careful huh daddy natoy: ok chandria take care chandria: bye mommy leah: bye chandria *chandria has already returned home, when chandria came home, her mommy and Lloyd's mommy talked* mommy leah: I hope when Loyd finds out that Chandria is going to work tomorrow, I hope they're still ok, I hope Loyd doesn't change because that's what I'm really worried about chandria mommy mary: I hope ma'am that Loyd doesn't really change to Chandria mommy leah:I hope(sad) *chandria's mommy and loyd's mommy are really worried about loyd and chandria relationship**chandria is already home* chandria:loyd is not here yet, it's a good thing I got ahead of him, hayyst, what can I do, should I say, what if our parents are right, what about Lloyd and me, what is now Chandria, think about it (I'm worried ) *neil is home* *doorbell* chandria: loyd has come home, what is that chandria what are you going to do, are you going to tell (brain question) *chandria has opened the gate, so that loyd's car can enter, loyd already has his own car* chandria: Lloyd chandria: Chandria (smile) did you eat already ? chandria: not yet, because I just got home loyd: Is that so, I brought some food, I bought it because I was at a restaurant Chandria: why? loyd: because the food there is delicious, so I bought it for us, because my workmates and I have eaten there several times (smile) Chandria: Whose car is this? loyd: Wait a minute, let's go inside first *they entered their house* loyd: I bought that car, because you know I earn a lot from daddy's company, especially when he trust it from me chandria:thats good loyd: yes so what, how are your parents, also mommy and dad how are they? chandria: they are ok (smile) loyd: ok let's go let's eat chandria: ok loyd lets eat *loyd and chandria have already eaten, later on chandria spoke* chandria: loyd am i was going to say something loyd: what's that again? =to be continue=

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