chapter 4

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mommy mary: So I know you can do it Chandria chandria: yes mom, okay, maybe I'm bothering you, thank you for answering my call mommy mary: no Chandria, I was washing their clothes today ma'am and sir, so it's ok to call one more time I really miss you so much thank you for remembering me chandria: of course I will never forget you, never mom, I will forget everything, just don't forget you and dad mommy mary: thank you chandria chandria: ok mommy finish your work so you can rest mommy mary:ok chandria always be careful there bye i love you chandria chandria:ilove you too mom mommy mary:bye chandria:bye mom toot toot toot... *end call* *after a few days, as Lloyd takes longer at work, he always comes home at 5am and until one night* *doorbell**chandria woke up to the doorbell of the gate because chandria was already asleep* chandria: loyd came home again at 5am *chandria comes out to open the gate* loyd: It's been a while since you opened it chandria: sorry, who are they? *loyd with friends* loyd: My friends at work, are you going to let us in or not? chandria: sorry, come in (open the gate) loyd: thank you, let's go guys inside celine: ok loyd bea: this is your own house sir loyd mark: it's beautiful here Lloyd loyd: yes this is my house, chandria can you get us food and drinks chandria:huh ok I'll just take it celine: that girl is your maid loyd? *while chandria was getting food and drink, she heard the girl's question to loyd, and she also heard loyd's answer* loyd: yes shes my maid here in the house *chandria was hurt when she heard Lloyd's answer to the girl* celine: oh you are very lucky with your daddy because you already have a house and gave him a job in his company and now you have a maid loyd: thank you im super lucky because i have parents like them *Chandria has already given the food and drinks and the one with Loyd who is his friend already brought alcohol drink so Chandria spoke* chandria: will you drink alcohol? loyd: why Chandria? chandria: maybe your dad will be angry when he finds out that you drank alcohol loyd: You don't need to know, besides, unless you report, dad will definitely know chandria: I'm not going to report Loyd, I hope that even if your daddy isn't here, you don't get along with him, I hope you learn to obey him. loyd: You don't care ,ok so please stop saying like that *Chandria kept quiet and went up to the room as if she was going to cry, because she was having a hard time with Lloyd, she fell asleep crying* *it's morning, chandria has come down, she sees Lloyd and his companions sleeping and their living room is very cluttered* *chandria wakes loyd up but he doesn't wake up, loyd's girl friend, celine wakes up* chandria: Lloyd wake up Lloyd celine: hi, sorry we fell asleep here *chandria didn't speak she kept waking loyd up* chandria: Lloyd wake up celine: I think he doesn't like it, why don't you just leave him there, besides, he won't wake up right away because we drank last night and you know that, right? chandria: are you not in work today? celine: no, we still have work tomorrow, but we'll be home later, can you cook I'm hungry chandria: ok *chandria cooked later celine got water from the kitchen* celine: Loyd's lucky with his parents chandria: of course, he is very lucky with his parents, why? celine: because he has a house and works now and you are his maid chandria: huh ah yes im maid here celine: that's why he's so lucky chandria: yes, eat it, I'm done cooking it celine: wow that's my favorite fried rice thank you huh chandria: no problem (smile) celine: you eat too chandria: ok *chandria also ate, celine spoke again while eating* celine: I hope Lloyd and I are destined because I think I already love him *chandria looked at celine and chandria asked celine* chandria: how did you say that you love loyd? celine: because every time we are together, he makes me feel how important I am to him, he is very kind to me (smile) chandria: Lloyd is really like that celine: really but for me I hope he is the right boy for me *chandria didn't speak she just continued her food later on while she and Celine were eating, Loyd was already awake and went to the kitchen* loyd: Oh Celine, you're awake, what time did you wake up? celine: early, eat now, wait, I'll get you a plate and spoon and fork, just wait *celine takes care of loyd, chandria just looks at loyd, and loyd ignores chandria as if he doesn't see chandria* celine: that's it for you, Lloyd, eat now loyd: thank you Celine (smile) celine: you want me to take care of you Lloyd, I know you still have a hangover, because we drank last night loyd: Don't worry, I'm fine, besides, you also have a hangover too celine: haha ​​ok *chandria leaves because what she sees hurts her* chandria: ah, I just went upstairs, excuse me (sad) celine: okay but wait what's your name? chandria: Chandria celine: ok hi chandria im celine chandria: (fake smile) I'm going upstairs celine: ok (smile) *Celine and Bea, Mark have already back their home. loyd and chandria are at their house* *chandria is watching tv* loyd: They're going home *chandria doesn't talk to him* loyd: Can I talk to someone? *suddenly chandria turned off the tv and went upstairs*loyd followed her upstairs and talked to her* loyd: Chandria are you really not going to talk to me? *chandria still ignores* loyd: chandria, you know I have a hangover, right, then you act like that chandria: so it's my fault, why do you have a hangover, it's my fault, it's still my fault now, why did I drink, right? loyd: yes you, it's really your fault for everything, why am I doing this Chandria, did you agree to this settlement, now you have to do it, you wanted it, chandria: really, wow, I'm really guilty of everything, why isn't it clear to you, Lloyd, that I love you, Lloyd, I've loved you for a long time *loyd didn't speak, and left, because he was vomit he went to cr* chandria: Lloyd *after the cr opens, loyd comes out and has a stomach ache* chandria: are you ok? *loyd can't speak* chandria: Lloyd, speak up loyd: My stomach hurts Chandria *chandria doesn't know what to do, loyd is very weak from stomach pain, so what she will do is call loyd's parents to say that loyd is not ok* loyd: what are you going to do (weak) chandria:huh you will call your parents so they know what is happening to you now loyd: no don't chandria please, I know dad will only get angry, please don't want them to know that I'm not ok now, especially mommy will worry about me chandria: what are we going to do with you, what if you need to be taken to the hospital loyd: I'll be ok Chandria as long as you don't leave me *chandria was silent because loyd held chandria's hand and loyd begged her not to leave him* loyd: Please don't leave me *chandria answered* chandria: I will never leave you Lloyd *chandria hugged loyd and later on she helped him climb upstairs so that loyd could lay down in their room because he was *weak from his stomach pain* loyd and chandria are in the room, loyd vomits because of his stomach pain, chandria takes care of him and chandria wipes loyd's sweat and changes his clothes after a while, loyd is a bit ok because he has fallen asleep* *it's morning** loyd woke up but chandria wasn't by his side, he got up later on someone opened the door of their room chandria: you're already awake Lloyd, oh I brought food and water I've cooked breakfast so you can eat *loyd looked at chandria and smiled* chandria: why? loyd: Thank you, thank you for not leaving me chandria: no problem loyd, i will do everything for you because i love you loyd loyd: You really love me, why? chandria: is it really necessary to ask that, you should eat first, besides, are you sure you ok, because you fell asleep last night and then vomited loyd: I'm fine Chandria promise, so thank you for taking care of me chandria: ok (smile) eat now loyd: You too chandria: I'll be later, you can eat first loyd:ok(smile) *chandria smiled, because Lloyd's behavior seems to be fine with her, and I hope he wishes, they will continue to be ok* *a few months passed and the two continued to be really ok when they went together, Lloyd was also very sweet to Chandria and until one night* *chandria opened the gate because someone rang the doorbell and it was loyd* chandria: oh loyd, you're already here, why do you have flowers? loyd: just let's go inside chandria: is this your flowers for me? loyd: yes, is there anyone else here (smile) chandria: thank you loyd: That's for you, have you eaten yet because I brought some food for us, but let's put it there first chandria: ok loyd: Chandria chandria: yes *loyd holds chandria's hand* loyd:chandria thank you for everything, thank you for not giving up on me, thank you for not giving up on loving me, thank you for the love you make me feel, even though I don't love you, but you continue to love me, I'm sorry if I didn't see it the love you give me, I'm very lucky with you, my parents were right, because Im in the right woman and that's you (sad) *chandria cried* loyd: don't cry, because I love you and it will hurt me if I see you cry *chandria was surprised when loyd said that loyd loved her* loyd: yes, you heard right that I love you, and I will continue to love you (kneel) chandria: what are you doing why are you kneeling what is that? *ring* loyd: Chandria will you marry me chandria: Huh loyd: I said will you marry me chandria: yes, but what are you going to do about our marriage for real? loyd: yes because we love each other chandria: Are you serious Lloyd? loyd: yes im serious chandria so again will you marry me chandria: (smile) yes , yes i will marry you loyd loyd: Thank you Chandria(happy) *loyd hugs chandria and chandria also hugs loyd* loyd: I promise I won't waste it, thank you so much Chandria chandria: thank you so much too Lloyd because you learned to love me (cry) loyd: why not, it's not hard to love you Chandria (smile) so don't cry please chandria: (smile) *chandria and loyd were very happy until 1 day loyd's parents and chandria's parents visited their house* *doorbell* *open the gate* chandria: mom dad, it's nice to have you visit (smile) *chandria kissed Lloyd's mommy's cheek and her parents hugged her* mommy leah: We are also happy because we saw you again Chandria mommy mary: Yes Chandria, we miss you so much chandria: I miss you too, wait, come inside first,and just sit down, I'll just get you something to eat and juice *later on Chandria brings food and juice for her parents and for Lloyd's parents* chandria: this is the food, eat first mommy leah: thank you chandria chandria: (smiles) daddy andrew: so how are you and loyd chandria doing? is there something you are not telling us, that loyd has already told us chandria: Did Lloyd tell you? mommy leah: yes chandria (smile) *chandria shows the ring that Lloyd gave her, which proves that Lloyd proposed to her* mommy mary: so true chandria, im so happy for you chandria (smile) daddy natoy: Chandria I'm also happy for you and Lloyd, I hope you'll continue to get along well (smile) chandria: thank you mom and dad daddy andrew: and 1 more thing because your mommy said you are bored here at home, you want to go to work at the company Chandria so you won't be bored chandria: yes dad I'm really bored here but I don't know if Lloyd will agree mommy leah: i think loyd chandria is willing to agree, after all you are ok, so i know he is agree, and another thing is that you also need to leave the house, if you are really here you will be really bored, especially there is always loyd works, you are not with here mommy mary: Ma'am Leah is right Chandria so Lloyd is willing agree chandria: I hope so mom *chandria wondered if she should tell loyd or not but she thinks it's better to be honest and she hope loyd really agrees that she can work now*
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