Chapter Three

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Autumn I woke up before anyone else I looked around the room noticing it was still dark out. I looked next to me and seen mom laying there glancing over to the other bed I seen dad but where was Zach, I sat up looking around I found him sleeping on the small couch that was by the window. I slowly slipped out the blankets and tipped toed to the bathroom. Turning in the light squinting my eyes till the adjust once I could focus I went over did my business then went to the sink to wash my hands. I looked picked the sleeves up on my T-Shirt looking at the bruises I seen they were still noticable. I hate being so fare skinned it show ever mark even just a small bump. Letting my sleeves down I walk out the bathroom I saw dad was awake sitting up on the bed. He patted the spot next to him I walk over sitting down by him he places a arm around my shoulders kissing my temple. I offer him a smile leaning into him. I've always been a daddy's girl I think it's because he seems to understand me more. Don't get me wrong I love my mom as well but my dad just gives me that safe feeling he's my rock. Zach sitting stretching he see us getting up he walks to us I see him ask my dad. "We good?" I look back at dad noticing him head bobbing up and down. I scrunch my eye brows at him. He smiles pats my leg then gets up. I was gonna wake my mom but she had already got up must have been when I was watch Zach and dad. I shrug my shoulders getting up I decided I'd stay in my comfy clothes today wasn't really looking forward to the drive. Grabbing up my thing I sling the bag over my shoulder walking out the room with Zach he seemed on edge this morning you could see the tension in his shoulders. We reached his car popping the truck he tossed his bag in they turned grabbing mine. Once he placed it in the trunk he slammed it shut. I reached out tapping his arm he snapped his head my direction. Holding my hands up to him I seen him give a look then mouthed "Sorry," "What's wrong?" I asked him. He shook his head. "Just don't want any trouble again," He signed back to me. I just nodded he gave a weak smile then stepped around me opening the passenger side door for me. I walked over climbing in he shut the door. I seen mom and dad at the front of the car they were talking to Zach. I couldn't see mom or Zach's face but I could sort of read dad's lips. "Next time when we stop we need to be more careful," Be more careful? What was dad talking about he seems worried. Zach said something then mom then dad . They all walked away from each other I didn't get to see what dad had said he spoke to fast. Zach got in started the car backing up then pulling out on the highway. We drove for a couple of hours before we needed to stop for fuel and I was of course hungry by then so Zach stopped where we could get some breakfast which by now was close to lunch. Dad and Zach never left my side it didn't matter if I was going to the bathroom one of them walked me there and back. I thought they were being a little over board but I didn't say anything. Once we finished we left climbing back in the vehicles once again. We were back on the road on the before I knew it hopefully we will be there today. I was so over this ride. Finally after a whole day of riding we had reach out new town. It was super late in the evening we didn't stop long each time. Driving through town I watched out the window most of the shops were already clothes but I seen a lot I wanted to check out. Zach navigated through the street you could tell he's been here for a year already. We drove out of the small town to what seemed to be a suburb area. Just a few turns and Zach stopped in front of a house. "We here," He signed to me then stepped out the car. I followed getting out I stood by the car looking at the house. It was huge probably the biggest we have ever lived in. Just then dad pulls in the driveway mom behind him. Zach walks over to me I look up seeing him looking over the hood of his car off into the small wooded area across the street. He had a harden look on his face. I touched his arm his head snapped back to me and his face softened. I scrunched my eye brows together in confusion. He smile then held is hand out towards the house I looked to see dad unlocking the door walking in he turned the lights on. Mom stopped at the door I seen her saying something but it's to dark to tell what it was. Just then I feel Zach's hand on the small of my back I started walking with him. We reached the door stepping in I was in complete awe this place was absolutely gorgeous. The living room was so huge you could hold a party there without being crowded. Making my way to the kitchen you could easily fit two of our old one in there. It has so much counter space and cabinets. I was excited to find my room when I turned I seen mom she was waving her hand to follow her she started up the steps I quickly ran to catch up to her. When we reached the top she turned walking down the hall till we reached the end she then opened a door to another set of steps. When I got to the top I couldn't believe the room. It was the whole third floor it has shelves all down the one wall a huge walk in closet. The window was one that open to step out onto a small balcony. When I could think it got any better mom popped open a door to reveal a bathroom. "Oh my God," I half squealed, I have never had my own bathroom. I looked to mom she had a smile on her face. "We thought you would like your own bathroom," She signed. I ran to the bathroom looking in it was not super big but it was big enough for me. I turned to look at me mom. "I love it!" I said to her. "Thank you," We both walked down to find dad and Zach bring the bags in from the cars we would unload the truck tomorrow. Grabbing my things I took off up to my new room which I was so in love with I just couldn't get over the fact I had my own bathroom,
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