Chapter 13-Morning After

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(Giada) I lifted my arms above my head, stretching my back as I let out a groan. What even happened last night? Ughh..I drank way too much. Then I had the weirdest dream.. I fluttered my eyes open, expecting to see my room as my brow furrowed in confusion.. The room I was in had grey walls with a black sofa and coffee table in the middle. The bed was huge with a dark wooden frame and grey blankets. Suddenly I heard the shower being turned off, causing me to turn my head towards the bathroom door just in time to see Nico walking out in nothing but a towel that was wrapped around his waist. My jaw dropped as my eyes absorbed his body greedily. He looked like some type of Greek sculpture that had been carved from stone..his abs were well-defined and his smooth chest glistened from the beads of water that tickled down his body. Then my eyes wandered up to his wet and disheveled black was like he had just walked off of some type of sexy photoshoot. How can someone be so damn perfect?! Nico strode over to me, a smile lifting at the corner of his mouth, revealing one of his heart-stopping dimples as he bent down and placed a kiss on my lips. "Good morning wife. We better get going, I have the realtor meeting us at that breakfast place you like downtown." He said smoothly as everything came rushing back to me. We slept together...we freaking slept together! Oh god..even worse..I threw up in front of embarrassing! Nico's hand reached out, gripping my chin as he tilted my head back, forcing me to meet his gaze as I swallowed hard. "f**k, you look even more beautiful in the morning like this." He muttered, kissing me once again as he deepened it, shoving his tongue into my mouth as he explored me slowly. By the time he pulled away, I was left panting while staring up at him like a damn i***t. "Go shower baby, before I take you again and make us late." He threatened against my lips, causing me to jump straight out of bed and run into the bathroom. Oh god..what did I do?! I began hyperventilating as I quickly grabbed Nico's shirt and stripped it off of me. That's when I slapped my hand over my mouth, covering the shriek that wanted to escape. I had hickeys and bruises all over me...I'm talking ALL over me. I turned my head to the side, seeing multiple love bites and suck marks down my throat. I looked like I got into a fight with a damn vacuum and lost. "What the hell Nico." I whispered to myself, turning to examine my back and realizing that wasn't much better. I even had bite marks on my ass and thighs... "I don't hear the water going. Do you need me to come in and help?" Nico suddenly shouted behind the door, making me almost have a heart attack. "No..I..I got it." I yelled back, hearing a deep chuckle in return. "I picked out your clothes, and laid them on the bed." He informed me as I switched on the water and jumped in. Fearing he would follow through with his threat if I didn't do what he said. He even picked my clothes out? I went to reach for his shampoo as another gasp left me..the ring..why is the ring on my finger?! I tried to remember anything else after we had s*x and the only thing that came up was me hugging the damn toilet. I gazed down at the tear-shaped diamond, my stomach twisting into knots as I bit my lip and closed my eyes before resting it against the cool tiled wall. "How the hell did it turn out like this? What does it mean?" I asked myself, the memories of Isabella at the party making me scoff. Isabella is going to be pissed..I know the whole reason she came back was to get with Nico. She is not going to just lie down and let this happen..I need to make sure I am on my guard. I know the setup with the fake pictures happened in a week at a work event for my father's company and then a couple of days after that was the hit and run.. I'm not sure if Isabella was involved in that one though..but the way it happened made me think she was. I had gotten a text from Nico, saying to meet him for coffee to talk about the cheating allegations, and on the way I was hit by a car. I was in the hospital for two weeks, luckily nothing was broken but Nico never even came to visit. Could he have been the one to do it? Even Isabella came by with my dad to check on me..I knew it was all an act though, considering the huge ass smile on her face made me convinced enough that it was her. So would that mean it would happen again? I just know not to go in that area on June 18th. I turned off the shower, the scent of Nico's soap causing a shiver to tremble through me as goosebumps pebbled across my skin. I was sore...everywhere. I walked out, wrapping a towel around my body as the door suddenly opened, causing me to scream. "Nico! What the hell!" I shouted, making his eyes flash with humor as he strode over to me. He wore a dark blue suit with a black dress shirt underneath. His hair was now brushed back and he quickly came up behind me. "Just making sure you are okay, you've been in here for a while." He whispered, his head bending down as he pressed his mouth against my neck, causing me to stiffen. "Let me see." He breathed, his warm breath tickling my skin as I furrowed my brow. "See what?" I asked in confusion, and without even answering me, Nico gripped my towel and pried it open. "Your body and the marks I left." He stated casually, causing my eyes to grow wide as he stared at me in the mirror. Suddenly his hands began to wander my body, admiring his work as he looked me up and down carefully, seeming to take note of each bruise and bite that littered my skin. "I want you like this all the time..I want your body covered in my marks. You are mine Giada, and everyone who sees you will know that. Now come here, let me dry your hair." He added, and I didn't even know what to say. Nico covered me back up before placing me on the counter and pulled out a hairdryer, swiftly turning it on and began drying my hair. I watched him carefully, seeing the way he was concentrating so hard and trying to stay focused. I couldn't help but reach out, my fingertips gliding across his furrowed eyebrows as he locked his gaze on mine before turning off the loud hairdryer. "Why are you doing this Nic?" I asked quietly, letting my hand fall to my side as he placed the hairdryer on the counter. "Because I didn't want you to walk around with wet hair and catch a cold." He responded making me shake my head. "No, why are you treating me like this?" I looked down at my hands, staring at the huge ring that now sat on my finger as Nico reached out and touched it. "Because I'm tired of living in misery, I want to be happy this time Giada. I want to see you happy." He said, his words making my eyes snap up..this time? "What..what do you mean this time?" Wait..could Nico remember everything too? "I just mean I have spent so many years after mom died dwelling in darkness..I became spiteful. I saw my life crumbling around me..and the moment I woke up and saw you hurt like that. I felt like I wanted to protect you Gia..that I wanted you to come to me first when something like that happens. I wanted to be your best friend again and be your husband. I don't know why you thought I would go with Isabella..but yes in the past I believed her lies. I let her paint a picture of you that helped my self-punishing narrative." He said, his palms sliding up my arms as he looked me over carefully. Luckily I had kept the towel on so I wasn't totally naked..even though I felt it. It was like his eyes could see right through me and straight to my soul. "Nico..what if..what if I had a dream..a dream where you went to Isabella last night instead of me and things got worse? What if I'm scared it will happen in real life? What if you change your mind?" I whispered, not fully telling him what happened because let's be real..he would probably think I'm insane. Nico paused momentarily, his eyes filling with some type of emotion I didn't quite understand. "I would say it's just a dream Gia, it was a horrible nightmare that wasn't real..this..this is real." He stated, his hands sliding up to my cheeks as he held me firmly. "You and I..our love is real." He whispered, inching down towards me as I let out a gasp. "You still love me Gia, don't you? You never stopped loving me right? Even in that nightmare." He asked desperately, making tears pool in my eyes as the truth hurt me..the memories of my final seconds of life still loving Nico made my heart ache as I knew it was true. I was a fool..but it was true. "Yes..I still love you..I still loved you in that nightmare too..but Nico, you didn't love me." I cried, placing my hands over my face as I began to sob uncontrollably. "That Nico must not of known how to show it..that Nico must've been the worst version of me because I always loved you Giada..Even in those nightmares that Nico did too, he was just lost..and I vow to love you Giada..I vow to only give you the protect you and care for you. I won't make the same mistake..I promise it was just a horrible nightmare." He gasped, his arms circling around me as he pulled me to his chest. "I love you Giada Romano, its always been you..even in those nightmares. In the end that Nico had to realize what he did..that he tried to fix it.." He whispered, making me pull away as I looked up in Nico's face..he looked..scared. "Are..are you okay?" I asked, feeling his grip around me tighten as he hid his face in the crook of my neck. "I won't let them hurt you..I won't let them take you from me again." He mumbled..making me even more confused. "Who Nico? Who are you talking about?" I asked, my hands sliding up to his hair as I stroked it softly. " was just a dream I had too.." He stated and suddenly I began to wonder what type of dream Nico had...did he have some type of nightmare about what happened? But he was the one who hurt me....he was the one who killed me..right?
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