Chapter 14-Nico

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(Nico) **Four Days Earlier** I woke up with a gasp, my eyes snapping open as the gunshot still rang through my head..where..where was I? I woke up in a bed, my hands shaking as I pulled the covers off and blinked my eyes. am I here? How am I back in this room.. I turned my head, seeing all the furniture still intact as if a fire had never licked these walls. As if my whole world hadn't turned upside down and been obliterated since she died..since I lost the only person I truly cared about in this world. I quickly got to my feet, rushing out of the door and into Gia's room..if I was back here..then maybe my wish came true..maybe she was here too. I opened the door, creeping inside as my eyes landed on the photo that had been haunting my dreams. The one her dad picked for the memorial..he didn't know I came..but I did..I vowed to make up for all the sins I had done against that family. I vowed to beg at Giada's knees for forgiveness if I was so lucky enough to see her when I died. I walked over towards her bed, my heart leaping into my throat as I saw a dark figure lying there.. Please God, let it be her..let me see her one last time. I moved around the side slowly and that's when I saw the soft morning light wash across her beautiful face. She was like a damn angel. I fell to my knees, my hands dropping to my sides as tears sprung from my eyes. She was here.. I reached my hand out, my fingertips barely touching her cheeks as I watched her chest rise and fall deeply. She was alive. Suddenly a memory flashed through my mind.. an ethereal voice whispering a that I would hold dear to my heart. "One more chance." I mumbled to myself, that's when I saw the phone on Giada's nightstand and quickly grabbed it, checking the date and time. June 7th, 4:30 a.m. 4 months..I was given four months to fix this.. "I won't betray you this time Giada..I won't lose you." I whispered, the last night I saw her alive playing through my mind as it all became so real once again. "Nicky, I know it's hard to hear..but I just got the text transcripts..she knew. Her dad hired someone to do it because he wanted to absorb your dad's half of the company." Isabella explained, the pictures of my mom and sisters accident in my hands as I saw red. "Giada knew." I breathed..I could get over the cheating and the lying..but this..she kept this from me. "Here are the receipts of the money he wired." She added for good measure and I poured another glass of scotch before chugging it down. "Honey, let's just forget her. She has ruined our lives enough. She signed the papers today and we will have the house all to ourselves. Then we can get married like we always wanted." Isabella's overly sweet voice whispered next to my ear. Married? Did I want to marry her? I trusted her more than Giada, I knew Giada bullied Isabella since she came here. I remember the first time I found out..I was staying late at school for soccer practice and was walking towards the locker room. I heard the sound of crying and went to investigate. That's when I saw Isabella curled up behind the bleacher. Her knees were scraped and her hair all messed up. "What happened?" I asked, crouching down to her level. I recognized her as Giada's friend. "N..Nothing." She squeaked, making my brow furrow as I reached out and turned her head towards me. I felt protective of Giada's friend..even though Gia and I had been more distant since my mom died, I still would do anything for her. "Did someone hurt you?" I asked angrily, making her sob even more. "Please don't say anything..I know Gia is your friend and I don't want you to think poorly of her." She cried, making my brow furrow as I looked at her in confusion. "Gia?" I way..Gia wouldn't do this. No f*****g way. Gia was sweet, kind, and caring. Little did I know at the time Isabella was the one bullying Gia. She planned everything so f*****g meticulously that she had her friend push Giada once and I walked into Gia falling into Isabella, causing her to fall and hit her head. Giada cried so f*****g hard. She apologized profusely and I thought it was all an act. I never saw Isabella more than a friend..not until after the birthday party. So I never understood why Giada acted that way towards Isabella. But that night of the party, I wanted to make Gia jealous for was a d**k move but I was pushing her away. The anger of my mom's death and the possibility of a happy life causing me to grow bitter. Nothing was going to come of it..I was just being a d**k. I stayed out late and got drunk with Isabella and a few friends, then went home late. Once Isabella showed me the pictures of Gia cheating, that's when s**t hit the fan. The texts and rumors were all swirling in my I got drunk and f****d Isabella a week after the birthday party. I don't know how it all came to she got so far into my head that I lost myself completely. . I told Gia to meet up with me, the death of my mother and sister fueling the madness as I tied her to the bed. I want her to admit it..I needed to hear it from her mouth. The betrayal and hurt I felt exceeded everything as I wrapped my hands around her throat and squeezed. I took a swig from the bottle of liquor Isabella gave me before I started asking Gia some questions. I felt the guilt trying to take over..the angel on my shoulder telling me to stop..but I was too far in..I already had one foot in hell. "I love you Nico, I would never betray you." Gia sobbed, making me even angrier. LIAR! If she loved me..then why did she lie? Why did she betray me and pretend to be so innocent when the facts were constantly thrown in my face? I squeezed her throat, my anger pulsing out in waves as I saw the life slipping from her eyes, her warm tears rolling down her cheeks, and landing on the back of my hands, causing me to snap out of it. I ripped my hands away, my eyes growing wide as I moved Giada's face from side to side. "Giada..wake up.." I yelled, my heart stopping for a moment as the weight of what I just did set in..then I saw it..her chest rising and falling as relief flooded through me.. She wasn't dead..she was alive..she was still alive. I quickly untied her arms and legs, my hands searching for my phone as I realized I left it in the other room. "I will be back..hold on Gia." I choked out, my throat dry and cracked as I jumped off of the bed, falling to the floor, and raced to get my phone. I couldn't let her die..what the hell did I do? Suddenly I heard Gia moan, causing me to snap out of it as I swiped away the tears on my cheeks and quickly stood, realizing I was still in her room..I couldn't let her see me.. I crept out of the room, shutting the door quietly behind me as I went back to my own and let my back hit the wall as I tried to slow my racing heart. If it's two days before the party..I can save this..I can save her..I won't let them get to her. I need to do this right and if Gia remembers..then I can't let her know..I can't let her know I saw it too..that I was there and did that..I can't put her at risk again and I will be damn selfish..I will save her this time and I will destroy that b***h who started all of this.
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