CHAPTER 2 Who's She? No One Important

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OLIVIA CARTER This is not how I ever imagined getting married. I have always dreamed of having a fairy tale wedding with me in a white dream wedding dress, and not just to anyone, but a man who truly loves me for who I am. I do not know if it is right to console myself by saying at least he agreed to marry me, but I am hoping that one day he would acknowledge me as his wife, and most importantly, remember me. We are seated in front of the Marriage Officer, ready to take our marriage certificate home. I am a little bit happy, but it would be more exciting if Alexander was in it too. But hey, I cannot be the only one unhappy in a situation, right? He needs to be a little uncomfortable somewhere somehow too, even though a part of me wishes that he could take my hand, look at me in the eye, and tell me that he loves me. The Marriage officer finally returns with our marriage certificate. He hands it over to us, but I get to take it because Alexander is not interested. “Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Walker. You are officially a married couple,” He announces. His PA and driver who are our witnesses clap their hands. I squeal in joy and hold Alexander’s hand firmly so that he does not yank my hand off. He looks deadly into my eyes, and I abruptly let go of his hand. The Officer then hands us our marriage book with our pictures that were taken in the process of getting married. I take it and look at it. I sigh, running my fingers on the photo. How are we so close to each other, yet he feels so far away? I turn my head to look at him and smile. “Are we done? Can we leave?” He asks, uninterested and gets on his feet. I stand and follow him outside. “We are officially married. Look,” I give him our marriage certificate, but what he does next is so unanticipated. He takes it and crumples it into a ball before he throws it to the ground. “Alexander!” I cry out. He puts his hands in his pockets and looks at me indifferently. I sigh and pick it up quietly and unfold it, smoothening it with my hand. It might not mean anything to him, but to me it is everything. “How are you a doctor when you manipulate people to do what you want them to do before you help them?” He asks. “Yes, I am a doctor, but I also have dignity. I am about to give away a part of me that could probably prioritise my health in the future. Did you at least think about that? You want something? I should also get something out of it — it is a quid pro quo world,” I state, holding back my tears. He looks away uncomfortably and decides not to protest. “Let’s just go to the hospital. You got what you wanted, right? Now, let’s get this over and done with.” *** We have arrived at the hospital. I have changed into the hospital gown that was provided to me. I am about to sign my organ to a woman who does not even know that I exist. It just breaks my heart that I will be saving her life so that she can live for the man I spent a long time searching for. “It is time, let’s go,” His sonorous voice bounce around the walls of this room like a pin ball before it hits my heart. Can’t he be soft at least until this is over? “Wait, I need to take something with me first,” I say, taking my bag from the drawer to get the marriage certificate. If anything, I am doing this for my husband, not his girlfriend. “We can now go.” We get into the theatre room, and I am asked to lie on the bed before I am given an anaesthetic. I place the certificate close to my chest and take steady breaths. I glare at Alexander who is standing outside the room, looking right at me. It might not be today or tomorrow, but I hope one day you will realise why I gave away my kidney to your lover. Hopefully, it wouldn’t be too late. I can feel myself getting weaker. I hope it all goes well, not only for me but also Nichole Davis. If anything fails, everything that I have done will all be in vain. My eyes are shutting, and I know after that, Nichole will be sent in so that they can start the procedure. *** ALEXANDER WALKER Patience is not my cup of tea, but I do understand that somethings are out of my control, and they require a lot of patience, like the operations between the two women in my life. It has been over two hours, and I am watching through the glass outside of the operating room, looking at doctors running instructions and working on the two bodies of the women. None of them has said anything to me since, and I am starting to lose my mind. I need an update! “Excuse me, sir. We noticed that there is some financial information you did not fill in for Mrs. Walker. We need that information so that we can know if she is legible to stay under our care after the operation, or if she would need to be transferred to a government care,” The clerk asks. “Firstly, she is Ms. Carter, and secondly, do whatever you feel it is right,” I made sure that everything goes accordingly for this operation. What happens after is actually not my problem, as long as Nichole is okay. Realising that the operation is taking longer than expected, I take this time to get out of her and just drive around the area for about an hour just to clear my head. I notice a florist shop across the road, so I make a U-turn to stop by. I step out of my car and walk into the shop to look for some flowers. This is the least I can do. A red bouquet would be too much, so I decide to take the white one. After paying, I decide to drive back to the hospital and just when I head to the ward, I am told that the operation was successful, but Nichole is still sleeping, so I decide to visit Olivia first with the flowers in my hands. As I walk in, I hear her moaning in agony. I see her pressing her eyes so much with tears escaping her eyes. She is pale, as if she ate poison. If she is like this, I am wondering how Nichole is. I should go and check on her right now. “Alex… Alexander,” Just as I turn to go out, Olivia calls my name. Her voice is shaky and she can hardly speak. I turn back to her, and now that her eyes are open, they are bloodshot. I don’t get how she still manages to smile through all this pain she is going through. “You brought me flowers?” She slowly asks. I sigh and close my eyes for a moment before I walk to the side of her bed. “Do you think a woman like you deserves these expensive flowers? You donated your organ, and you married into a wealthy family. It is not a loss to you, so why would you think these flowers belong to you?” I sneer. The room is so cold and unattended. To be honest, she does not look so good. “Olivia, you need to be strong,” I say the least. “I am trying,” She whispers. Her lips are chipped and trembling. Her hand reaches out and she weakly grabs my jacket, looks at me with tears gushing out of her eyes, and mutters, “I am in pain, Alex…” She cries out. I bite my lower lip and crouch down, holding her hand. I look at her and guilt instantly overwhelms me. How did I get involved with such a miserable woman? She is way out of my league, and had I not been committed to Nichole, I probably would have been a laughingstock to my family with Olivia. Besides her doctorate, what else would she bring to the table? Her looks are limited. “Sir, Ms. Nichole is awake,” A nurse quickly walks into us and announces. I swiftly let go of Olivia’s hand and wipe it with my trousers. “Alexander, please, I am in a lot of pain,” Olivia begs me. “I am not a doctor, but you are. You should help yourself out,” I say before I leave the room. I get to Nichole’s room with the flowers and smile, seeing that she looks well, but a little weak. She smiles back when she notices my presence at the door. She is not alone, but with her mother Brittney and father John Davis. I head to the side of her bed and lean over to her to kiss her forehead. “How are you feeling? Are you felling any pain, do you need me to call the doctor to check on you? Are you cold?” I ask in so much concern. “No, I am much better. I actually feel like a whole new different person,” She says and smiles. She does sound good too. “I hear my parents tell me that you contacted the person who donated their kidney to me. Who are they?” “Shouldn’t you wait until you fully recover before you worry about them?” I ask, frowning. “I need to know, Alexander. Who are they? I want to meet them and thank them,” She insists. I raise my finger at her and gently tell her, “No one important.” 
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