CHAPTER 1 Marry Me! You Promised!

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OLIVIA CARTER Brooklyn is such a beautiful, honest place when it snows. It is like a naked cold bed covered in a thick white sheet made of feathers. It is deadly freezing but soothing too to people who enjoy snowy seasons like me. The view up here is satisfyingly amazing. These humongous windows are making me see a different perspective of New York. The owner of this restaurant must be extremely proud of themselves because I believe they make a lot of money with customers who come here not only for the food but also for the expensive view of the Brooklyn Bridge. No wonder he chose this restaurant for us to meet. Whispering among the customers here forces me to turn my head and look back to the entrance where I notice him walking in. He did mention that he would be running a little late from a meeting, so he brought his PA with. I smile and stand from my table and wait until he gets to me. “You,” He sternly but serenely declares. “Alexander,” I say, looking into his dark forest-green eyes. He smiles, but it does not mean anything. He is just being pleasant because he cannot afford to upset me. I notice a little chunk of white crystals on his shoulder. I sigh and dust it off him before I put my hand on the side of his face. “Did you have something to eat?” He asks, and I already know that he is asking because he cares. “Just coffee,” I say. “Then let us sit down and talk over a meal. I have an hour and thirty minutes before I go back to the office,” He gestures his hand to my seat, and he sits as soon as I have sat down. His PA is sitting at another table, giving us privacy to talk. I have not seen this man in months. I had to travel a five-hour distance today to meet him and talk to him in person because he would not come to Rochester, where I live as he is a busy man. To be honest, seeing him today has made me seek different intentions from what I came here for. The waiter comes to our table to take our food order, before Alexander sends him to take his PA’s order. We talk about everything general until our food finally comes and we eat before we talk about what seriously brought me to the other side of New York. “You know, it kind of bothers me that I had to travel this far to get a hold of you. You said you would come, yet you never made the time, Alexander Walker,” “I do not need to tell you how much of a busy man I am now, do I?” I forget how serious he can get, and how deep and cold his tone can be, but I have to be true to myself right now. I am not enough. “I am starting to doubt your intentions towards me. I feel like you were not taking me seriously these past months. Am I not enough for you? What does she have that you cannot find in me?” Before he could answer me, his personal assistant gets to our table with a tablet. “I am sorry to interrupt you, sir, but I have just received the email of the results. They prove that this woman is a complete match for Nichole. She can save her life,” My heart breaks at the mention of the name. I know that Nichole is the woman who has been keeping Alexander busy in Brooklyn. Alexander’s eyes turn to me and pierce deeply into mine. His eyes have suddenly gotten even darker and colder. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath to calm himself before he opens them again and calmly asks, “What do you want?” His question is not even direct, but I know what he means by it, so I will give him a blunt answer to make my intentions clear to him. “Everything that I want, I must get,” I say with a smile. He tilts his head and looks at his PA who immediately left our table. He then looked back at me and heaved a deep sigh. “Just say what you want, Olivia,” He stated, unenthusiastically. “I want marriage, Alexander. I want you to marry me,” I spit. Instantly, he chokes on his saliva but quickly drinks the water in his glass. Suddenly, the room feels too hot for him, so he takes off his jacket and sits upright on his chair. Did my words sound too hostile and attacking? I mean, my request cannot be too much, right? “Do you think that I would marry someone like you?” He asks, so aggressively I swear I felt a pang in my heart. Someone like me? What does that even mean; that I do not meet his standards? I mean, I am a medicinal doctor, or does that not count because I do not have billions in my account like him? Is it because I come from a poor family and I am paying off my family debts that could take over two years? Is it the clothes I wear? Seeing that he humbled me, his tone is calmer when he suggests, “People like you are not easily satisfied, so how about ten million dollars?” He throws it out of his mouth as if it is nothing. That is a lot of money, and I could take it if I could, but I cannot let him treat me the way he sees me. I will be difficult with him. How dare he!? “Fifty million? Still not enough?” He sneers. He knows how desperate I am for money, but I cannot let him get into me. I have come so far to be treated like trash. “Gosh, say something!” I am on the verge of crying, but I cannot show my weakness. It breaks my heart to see a man I have a soft spot for treat me like this. In my eyes, I see a man I can spend the rest of my life laughing with, but in his eyes, I am just someone he woke up the next day and has already forgotten me. “Eighty million, then. Enough to pay all your debts, feed you and your family for years and pamper yourself. This money should be enough to make you stay away, but only if you can be Nichole’s donor,” Even when I show my indifference, he still persists to throw money at me like I am some cheap skank. “Marry me!” I raise my voice a little too loud. He gets on his feet, and I know I just made this tall white man with black hair angry with my stubbornness. He walks around and abruptly grabs my arm, aggressively pulls me up, and drags me out of the restaurant not caring about everyone in the room. They wouldn’t do anything anyway because they all know who he is; Mr. Alexander Walker. A twenty-nine-year-old handsome billionaire CEO, a panty dropper, and no one would want to dare mess with him. His grip on my arm is painful and I am trying so hard to resist it, but he is not budging. He pushes me against the wall and stands before me, towering over me. “You said you would marry me!” I announce. “There must be a score for lying. When have I ever made a commitment to a woman like you?” When he said this, he deadly looked into my eyes, meaning every word. The more he talks is like my strength instantly leaves me. My smile is gone, and my heart is heavy. I can no longer be as strong as I was five minutes ago. He is unleashing the mean girl that I never wanted him to see. He is intentionally hurting me, and although I feel like crying, the firmness in my eyes has not diminished. “I guess in this case, there is nothing more I can do or say, and sadly for you, you should have accepted my offer, yet you were too stubborn. I do not believe that you are the only match in the whole of New York. I will find someone else,” Before I could say anything, his phone rang. He quickly takes it out of the pocket in his pants. I get a glimpse of the caller ID and I notice it is from the hospital. He answers the phone in a heartbeat and sets it on speaker. “Talk to me!” He ordered, impatiently. “Sir, I am not calling bearing good news. I am afraid Ms. Davis is in critical condition. If we do not find a donor as soon as possible, we might lose her,” The nurse announces in a panic. Alexander frustratedly hurls the phone against the ground and charges towards me with so much rage. He grabs me by my neck and roars, “I ask again, Olivia. What do you want? It is not too late to change your mind now,” I grit my teeth and look at him nostalgically. He spoke a lot and demands too much. This is my moment, so he must listen to me and what I have to say. “You already know what I want. Let’s go and get married in court today, get the marriage certificate, and only then we can go and save Ms. Nichole Davis. Don’t leave her hopeless; we don’t want that now, do we?”
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