chapter 14: Darkness

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Bryan’s pov I sat in my office looking at the report that Dylan and Zac wrote about the people we found along with Sabrina. I kept hoping that maybe someone said something that would lead us to the culprit but so far we have nothing. Someone knocked on the door and from his scent I could tell that it was Mel’s father, I looked at my watch and realised that he should be in a meeting with Sabrina. “Come in.” I said, and he opened the door and came in before shutting it again and sitting on a chair. I noticed that his shoulders were slumped, and he also had this look on his face, he seemed pale, and I saw fear in his eyes. “Shouldn’t you be with Sabrina?” I asked him and he nodded his head and took a deep breath and I noticed that he was avoiding making eye contact. “We did actually but it was shorter than I thought, firstly she knows that she is not okay, but she doesn’t care. I don’t think I can help her Bryan.” he said, and I looked at him confused. I mean I knew that she would likely break the man but in just a few minutes he has given up so early. I mean Mr Finn is one of the best, he has helped me so many times before and has helped many of our warriors to get through PTSD. So, I don’t understand why he would say this, he seemed so confident when I spoke to him yesterday and now this. “Why?” I finally asked him when I couldn’t find the answer myself, why the sudden change? “Because I saw something in her eyes, something I haven’t even seen in my life. You didn’t have it and no other person that I have helped has had it, she doesn’t need my kind of help.” he said and got up. I just stared at him as he bowed his head, “Please Alpha Prince, I need you to understand, I can't help her.” he said. I noticed that his voice was slightly quivering, like he was trying to be brave and strong, but it was not working as well as he had hoped. “You look pale Mr Finn, what happened? What exactly did you see in her eyes that got you so shaken up?” I asked him and he smiled and then took his hands out of his pockets. I didn’t notice until now that he had them in his pockets all this time, they were shaking like he was scared for his life and his heartbeat picked up to. As warriors we are trained to be able to hide our heartbeat no matter how scared you are, this is so the enemy doesn’t easily locate you. Mr Finn is now my father’s beta and before Sabrina’s parents died he was the gamma, so he is a powerful man. So, what would have a strong man like him so scared that he cant even hide his heartbeat? I looked at him waiting for an answer and the smile on his face changed, “darkness, I saw darkness in her eyes. Like it has completely consumed her.” he said. The more he spoke about it the more his heart beat started beating like crazy, like just thinking about it got him scared to the core. “Darkness, what do you mean darkness?” I asked him and he sighed before responding. “I don’t know how to describe it, I just know that when she looked into my eyes that’s what I saw.” was his response. He then started walking towards the door but then stopped in the middle and looked at me. “But I also saw anger, and anger also comes from pain. Try to find the source of her pain, as her mate I think that you are the only one who can do this.” he said and left. I just sat there processing what he said, what did Sabrina do that got Mr Finn so shaken up? The way he sounded it was like he never wanted to see her ever again. And darkness? What kind of darkness was he was talking about? I looked at my watch and realised that its time for training and also Sabrina’s match. I chose one of our best female warriors because I don’t want her to win this, I trained those men so that they could protect her. I told Maddie to go easy on her, she should be too aggressive like she usually is in other fights. Deep down I feel bad for doing this, of course I want my mate to win but I also want to protect her even if it means I have to watch her lose. This is for her protection and to protect her I would do anything even if it kills me. I went to my room and found Sabrina also dressed in leggings and sport bra, I looked at her and she looked perfect. As if she felt my gaze she turned around and looked at me, she didn’t say anything as usual and left the room. I followed behind her and I couldn’t help but smile as I thought about it, Sabrina was the talkative one and now the roles have been reversed. She hardly says anything while sometimes I feel like I wrote a book with how many words I say to her a day. We went to the training grounds, and I looked around and realised that a lot of pack members were here today. I guess they want to see their future Queen Luna fight, but I didn’t like that she will be humiliated in front of everyone. I noticed that my mom and father were also there too, Mel came to her side and smiled. “Good luck, remember to beat her up. You are the beta’s daughter, and she is no one. You can do this.” Mel said with a bright smile. I saw how Sabrina rolled her eyes at this, to think that these two were once inseparable and now the other one is like a stranger. I can see the pain in Mel and Dylan’s eyes, they lost their best friend whom they have known ever since they were kids. They shared and spoke about everything and now she hardly even says a word to them. Dylan has also been trying to talk to her in the past two weeks, but she just ignores him the way she does everyone. “I was so happy when I heard that you were back Sabrina, it's so nice to see you alive and well.” Maddie said as she bowed her head to us. “Can we get this over and done with?” Sabrina asked as she started walking in the middle of the circle that the people have made. I saw Maddie frown at this, “still as cocky as you were huh, sorry to tell you this but I am not the same weak Maddie that you walked all over in high school.” she said with a smirk. Sabrina just stood there looking at her nails, she seemed bored and unfazed by what Maddie just said to her. I Have never seen her react to something, she has never shown any anger or happiness, but she does show sadness which is always fake. She does that to blackmail me emotionally and when I give her what she wants she then smirks in victory. I went to the circle, and everyone quietened down, you could hear a needle drop at how quiet it was. “Okay, here are the rules, actually there is only one rule. Don’t kill each other.” I said and looked at Sabrina whose attention was now on a tree. Maddie was the first one to charge at Sabrina who didn’t move, everyone gasped when they realised that she didn’t punch her. Maddie is fast and at the speed that she was going Sabrina shouldn’t have been able to dodge the punch, but she did and that too she was still looking at the tree. Hell, I didn’t even see her move, Maddie also seemed shocked and looked at Sabrina who was still looking at a tree. “b***h, you still think I am below you.” she said and started throwing punches at Sabrina who just kept dodging them like it was nothing. Maddie stopped throwing punches to take a breath and Sabrina looked at me and raised an eyebrow. “I thought you said that she is the best female warrior?” she said, and she sounded almost disappointed that Maddie isn’t that strong. I looked at the other female and I watched as her eyes turned yellow and she started changing into her wolf in a fit of rage. She transformed fast because that is her speciality (speed) and started launching towards Sabrina who didn’t even move. She looked at Maddie’s wolf as it ran towards her and frowned. “I don’t have the time for this.” she said and then raised her hand. Maddie’s wolf suddenly stopped moving, I could see that she was trying to fight the spell, but all she could move was her head and nothing else. Sabrina walked towards Maddie, “you are below me, and I am not the same Sabrina who entertained your bullshit.” Sabrina said to Maddie with a smirk. She then raised her finger and slightly touched her forehead, and when I say slightly I mean exactly that, but it sent Maddie flying and hitting a tree. Everyone gasped and Sabrina looked at me with a smirk, “is that all mate? I am a little disappointed though. Give me more, who here can actually give me a fight I can enjoy?” she asked her smirk still intact. That’s when I saw it, the thing that Mr Finn was talking about, the darkness.
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