chapter 13: Therapy

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Sabrina’s pov I could feel him staring at me even with my eyes closed, I really need my own room but since we are mates we have to share a room. I also thought that sharing a room with him would make it easy for me to find out the truth. When he is sleeping I do a spell that I learned about a year ago, it's where you look into a person’s deep darkest secret. I haven’t been able to do it freely because it releases a large amount of magic, and everyone would be alerted. I actually thought that I could handle staying in one room with him, but I can’t anymore. I find him staring at me like he is trying to read my mind, not to mention the fact that he wakes up every 30 minutes just to double check that I am still by his side. “I know you are awake.” he said, and I opened my eyes and looked at the celling. “You need to see a therapist from today on, I spoke to Mel’s father, and he said so get ready. He is going to be here in an hour.” my dear naïve mate said. I didn’t move or say anything but just laid there. “Did you hear me, Sabrina? I said get ready he will be here in an hour.” he said with a firm tone. “No.” I said, and I could feel the atmosphere in the room change as he looked at me angry. “Enough okay? That’s enough… how are you going to get better if you don’t try, you need to talk to someone Sabrina and you will whether you like it or not.” he said. I got up and looked at him and an idea came to mind so I nodded, “okay I will do it.” I said, and he looked at me shocked. It's like he was prepared for me to put up a fight and say no so me saying yes took him by surprise. “Really? Just like that?” he whispered like he couldn’t believe it, like he expected me to ask for something in return. “Yes, just like that.” I said and went to the bathroom to get ready to see the therapist and then go and battle the warriors. I am so looking forward to the latter, it's been a long time since I have fought, and it would be refreshing to fight their best warrior. As for Mel’s father I only agreed to seeing him because he is one of them, one of the people my parents trusted with this secret. You see the world is not safe for people like me, hybrids are rare, so everyone wants a piece of them. Some to use them as weapons and other to use them for experiments hence when my parents found out they kept this a secret. I looked myself in the mirror and looking back at me were the same blue eyes I got from my mother, but mine were slightly darker. I looked at myself in and staring back at me was a girl I hate, a soulless monster and a ghost, an empty shell. I am so filled with hatred that I can't even love myself, how could I? I have done a lot of terrible things in the past few years. I looked at myself one last time and then punched the mirror and the pieces scattered all around the bathroom. I heard footsteps coming towards the bathroom and Bryan opened the door and looked at me worried. “Are you okay?” he asked me and then looked and my bleeding hand, he quickly came to my side and tried to hold my hand to see the wound, but I stopped him. “I can take care of it.” I said, and he looked around the bathroom and the floor where all those scattered pieces of the mirror were laying there. “What happened?” he asked me, I looked at him and wondered why he wasn’t like everyone else in this house. Everyone else walks like they are walking on eggshells, some even avoid me which I don’t mind, but he doesn’t. He talks to me even when I don’t answer he just keeps talking. “I will have them replace it, so don’t worry.” he said. “Don’t bother, I broke it on purpose… I don’t like the person who stares back at me every time I look in the mirror.” I said and went back to the bedroom. “You are beautiful, Sabrina, you were always beautiful.” he said and I smiled because I knew that he didn’t understand what I meant. I don’t hate what is on the outside, the person I hate and see when I look in the mirror I see her in my own eyes. We went downstairs to have dinner with the rest of the family and so far they all seemed happy to have me back home. “Are you ready for today? You can still change your mind Brina, the offer of giving you a few weeks still stands.” queen Luna said with a gentle smile. “It’s okay, I think I can handle it.” I said, and she smiled before nodding. “I heard that you will fighting that b***h Maddie since she is the best female warrior, you got this Brina. We always beat the crap out of her in high school, so this will be nothing.” Mel said with a wink. I looked at her, my best friend, a girl I once called my ride or die, she was now just someone I used to know. I know it’s not her, I know that she didn’t betray me nor did Dylan because we were just kids when I was taken so it can't be them. But I also know that even if I wanted to there is no way we would ever be friends again, we are now just too different. I am pretty sure that her future plan is to get married to Dylan since she is his mate, and they will have babies and live happily ever after. Well, my future plans is to kill over 500 people and avenge my parents, so how can such people be friends?? “You two always got into trouble because of her, you could never really hold your anger when it came to her.” Dylan said with a chuckle. I didn’t say anything but continued eating, the truth is I totally forgot about people like Maddie in the past 4 years. She never once crossed my mind and even now I honestly don’t care that I am fighting her. I just know that I need to show that I can protect myself, when my eyes changed colour and I got stronger I learned how to control my anger. It was around the same time I learned how not to show any emotion, I got so good at acting and not showing emotions that eventually I stopped acting. It became who I am, I guess the more you live something and tell yourself that then it eventually becomes true. Like how some people tell themselves that they are in love, and It eventually happens and they fall in love. After breakfast I sat down with Mel’s father in a private room at the packhouse. “Hello, Sabrina.” Mr Finn said. Mel’s parents were always the best, she had the father who was always willing to listen and help her solve all her problems. And a mother who was also always willing to punish her when she did something wrong, the bad and good cop. But we all knew that they all love her to death. “How are you, Sabrina?” he asked me, and I smiled. I told him an answer I have been telling everyone who asked me this question, “I am not fine.” I responded. He looked at me clearly surprised, maybe he thought that I was going to say that I am fine when it clear I am not. “Thank you for being honest, now tell me. Why is it that you are not fine?” he asked me, and I sat back and thought about it for a minute. He wants me to say it out loud. “My parents are dead, and I have been through hell and back.” I said and he wrote it done. “Now Bryan told me that you are so angry, cold and distant.” he said, and I nodded and got up from my seat. I kneeled in front of him and looked him dead in the eyes, I could smell the fear from him as I did this. he was looking at my human eyes and yet he was scared. “Do you know that you can hear a person’s soul as it leaves their body?” I asked. “No, no- o, no I didn’t know.” he stuttered making me smile, he looked so confused because even he couldn’t understand what was going on. “Well, I know, you can hear, and I have heard many of them. The truth is if you knew what I knew then you would be angry too.” I said and got up and sat back on the couch. “Are we done here??” I asked him and he nodded this frozen in place. You see werewolves can sense when someone is more powerful than them, which is why he was frozen with fear. It’s because his wolf felt the power from mine. “What are you?” he whispered still frozen in place. “You just have to wait and find out with everyone… good session, see you next week.” I said and left the room. Honestly, I don’t know what I am too, because I am not completely human, does that mean that I am a monster?
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