chapter 8: The old Brina

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Bryan’s pov “She is here, get ready.” I mind linked all the men I bought with me. Zac looked at me and I saw the hope and happiness in his eyes, but he was also a little skeptical and so was I. There was a time when we caught her scent but its turns out that they had just put something that belonged to her in a random car. We spend days looking for that car only to find that the owner is an unsuspecting human who has no idea what is going on. My men stood in the middle of the road and as the cars were about to turn around the others stood behind it. My eyes were focused on the black truck that was in the middle, I could feel her presence in that truck. But she wasn’t alone, and they were others with her, some werewolves and some witches. What are they doing with them? Large men got out of the car and looked at my men, the fighting started, and I took the opportunity and go and look at the truck. Zac was right in front of me beating up anyone who even dared to come our way, the men were large but not as strong as my men. These werewolves have gone through intense training, I wanted an army that would survive and would be able to protect my mate when we found her. I got to the truck and stopped, behind her was the girl I had been looking for four years, my mate and the love of my life. I ripped off the door open, I stood there as I watched inside to find women and kids chained. They were all sleeping as if they were drugged. “Mate!” my wolf said, and I got inside to look for her, but I couldn’t find her. “Mate!” my wolf said again. “Hey, I get it, she is here somewhere, and I am looking for her aren’t I?” I snapped at Ryder. I couldn’t see her because most of them had their faces facing the floor, I then realized why I couldn’t see her. Because I was looking for the old chubby Sabrina with long hair, as I looked again my eyes landed on a girl with black hair. Her hair was short, and that’s when I knew that it was her, I couldn’t see her face, but I knew that she was my Sabrina. As I got closer to her I could feel my heart racing, I went down on one knee and slowly put my hand under her chin. I didn’t need to see her face anymore because the sparks I felt the moment I touched her told me everything I wanted to know. I made her look at me and there she was, my Sabrina, I looked at Zac who smiled the moment he looked at me. “It is her, it's Brina.” I said, but it came out as a whimper, and I didn’t even realize that I was crying. She still looked at the same, well her face was a little thinner and she was a lot thinner, and she looked more mature now. I looked at the chains that were hurting my mate and even though I wanted to rip them off her skin, I knew that I might hurt her. So, I broke the chains as slowly as gently as I could, and my men started unchaining the other people who were in the truck. When I was done, she fell in my arms because the chains were the only thing holding her up. Zac came to my side and touched his little sister, and he couldn’t stop crying. I could tell that they were tears of joy because I am pretty sure I had them too. I picked her up and got out of the truck. Zac was right next to me, he was holding her hand as we walked to where I parked the car. As I was walking with her in my arms I got to her in the light, how can someone be so beautiful? She was clean unlike the rest that we found who was covered in blood. She was fitter now, and her body was like that of an athlete, it felt weird seeing her like this, but I was happy either way. I looked around and that’s when I spotted some scars on her hands. “I saw them too.” Zac said. I looked at him and his eyes were darkening wondering what the hell had happened to his little sister. Whoever did this to her will regret the day they crossed paths with my mate, we got to the car, and I slowly put her in the back seat. Zac came and sat with us too, Sabrina was in the middle, and we could all just look at her and hold her. It still felt like a dream, I couldn’t believe that we had found her, we had found my mate, and she was alive and well. When we got closer to home and were able to mind link everyone home I did exactly that. “Mom, we found her. We found Sabrina.” I said through the mind link, and I could feel my mother’s excitement. “It's really her? OMG, you found Brina.” she said, and I found myself smiling. Sabrina’s disappearance has affected a lot of people, including my mother who felt sorry for me because I lost my mate. But she also felt sad because Sabrina was also the daughter of her best friend and also the best friend of her youngest son. My father felt terrible, he doubted himself and doubted if he was fit to be the Alpha King, what kind of King was he who couldn’t even protect his own beta and his beta’s family? And now that she is back it will be okay again. I looked at her and wondered if she knew the hole she had left in our lives. Does she even know how we spent years looking for her, how we spent years feeling guilty, sad, angry and hopeless? I held her hand and kissed it. My Sabrina is back, I have so many things planned for us. There are places I want to take her, food I want her to eat and movies I want her to watch. There are also so many songs that she needs to listen to, she sure has a lot of catching up to do. “Do you think that she is the same Brina that we knew?” Zac asked the question that had been burdening me ever since she went missing. I was taken too at a young age, I was about 9 years old when I was kidnapped. When I came back I was never the same, I couldn’t smile, and it was hard for me to open up to my family. But then she made me open up to her, the one person who made me smile even back then was 5 year old Sabrina. She was just a kid back then, but her cute smile was something that even I couldn’t ignore. I looked at her and noticed that she had a frown on her forehead as she was sleeping, I reached out and tried to soothe the frown lines. There was just something about her, it was the way she would automatically move away from both of us when our bodies touched hers. I could tell that Zac noticed it too because even though he was holding her hand, he kept his body far from hers. It was like it was making her uncomfortable that even in her sleep she couldn’t even tolerate it, or maybe she was just having a nightmare. “It's Sabrina, she can't be broken. Yes, she will probably be traumatized and have some PTSD, but with us around she will be back to her old self in no time.” I said, and Zac nodded. I just prayed and hoped that I was right, I just hoped that they didn’t break her, 4 years is a long time to break a person. We got to the pack territory and every werewolf was out welcoming their future Queen Luna. I smiled when I saw this, the car stopped at the pack mansion and Zac got out. I got out as well and held her in my arms again, my mom came to my side the moment we got out of the car. She looked at the girl In my arms and gasped. “look at her, what did they do to my poor Sabrina? Don’t worry sweetie I will make you my pancakes and you will be back to your old self in no time.” Dylan also came to my side and looked at her, I could tell that he felt guilty that he didn’t come with us. When I got to my room I slowly put her on the bed, she just lay there peacefully, and we all just looked at her. It just felt like a dream. “You found her son, you found your mate.” my father said with a proud smile. “Brina, she looks even more beautiful than I remember.” Mel said crying and Dylan held his mate and tried to comfort her. We all sat there for hours waiting for her to wake up, as for me I didn’t even want to leave her side. After a few hours when everyone was dozing off, I saw her slightly open her eyes. “She is waking up.” said Zac who was wide awake as me. She completely opened her eyes and looked around the room, we just stood there frozen and wondering if she remembered us. Her eyes landed on me, and I froze in my spot, she didn’t say anything. “Brina are you okay? Do you want some water?” my mother asked her. She just looked at her and didn’t say anything, she then closed her eyes again. Was she maybe having a nightmare or was she dreaming?? I looked around and everyone was just as confused.
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