CHAPTER 4 Illan grabbed Casimir’s shoulder, holding him back before Cas could snatch the little fucker up and kick his ass into gear. “Cas, stop. This isn’t helping anyone.” Casimir tossed his clawed hand out towards Clint, snapping, “This little s**t is telling us that it’s going to be days until we can get my mate out of that f*****g tunnel of hell, Illan.” Turning to his brother, knowing his fear was evident in his eyes, but not caring if he was showing weakness to these people. His mate was trapped in a rock cell and this guy was saying he might be there for days. It was unacceptable. “They don’t have food or water, Illan. How can they survive with nothing to eat or drink, not to mention continuously breathing in all that nasty air in there? You said yourself that radiation can be an