The Dead Princess

2675 Words

Aneela Roan looked devastated. Like he actually believed the lie and the pain written all over his face was like nothing Aneela had ever seen before. Wasn’t that what he wanted? To see her gone for good? Why did he act like this all of a sudden? By everything he’d done and said, one would think he’d rejoice at the thought of her demise. Suddenly, his dark, grieving eyes bore into her. Aneela visibly flinched, eyes wide with horror. And when the accusation was clear in Roan’s gaze, understanding hit hers. “But you knew that was going to happen, didn’t you?” He seethed. “Is that why you never said a word? You knew she was dying!” Aneela stepped back as he stood up and walked towards her. And then made another step until her back hit the wooden doors. “I don’t understand,” she shook h

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