The Strangers

2588 Words

Aneela There was something going on, Aneela knew it. It was not only the movement on the vampires’ side, it was also on her mother’s as well. What the hell was Rumiana thinking parading someone else as her only daughter? Was she even looking for Aneela? Did she even know Aneela was gone? Left alone in her cell with no word from anyone, Aneela felt the desperation slowly creeping inside her more and more with each breath she took. She had no idea what to do now and as more time passed she felt completely lost. She was about to tell him the truth - tell that Ambrose vampire who she really was, everything to avoid the fate he implied was awaiting her if she continued keeping her secrets. She had even opened her mouth to speak but then the guard burst into her cell and interrupted them. A

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