All the wrong reasons

2055 Words

Roan The feast was supposed to make him feel better but as he stared at the people in the large hall, all of them in different stages of getting naked, Roan felt more desolate than anything. Vampires of all ranks and statuses were present tonight and took every inch of the exquisite space with their lust and insatiable hunger. F*ucking, sucking blood, all of them on display for the entire world to see - just like Roan had commanded long ago, proclaiming his kingdom free of the moral restraints and fake prudeness the rest of the world was so fond of. Sinful debauchery, the humans called it, outrageous and immoral the werewolves screamed, lawless. The rest of the world just watched in silent awe, too scared to be just as free or too consumed in their own petty fights. For Roan having to cr

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