Chapter 5

2277 Words
His touch felt truly magical. I’d heard that before of course, but I’d thought the descriptions were exaggerated. His soft, warm touch was both electric and addictive. This feeling was something on a level akin to heaven. Something I never thought I’d personally experience. Without realizing it, I hummed happily and leaned my head back against his hard, broad chest. It felt perfect. A sense of safety flooded my being, it felt like home. He felt like home. Goddess, it felt unbelievable. No wonder people lose their minds when the mate bond kicks in. How was I ever going to fight this feeling? How would I know which of my feelings were due to the mate bond and which weren’t? Maybe I should give this mate thing a chance? I rolled in his arms, unable to escape his hold, not that I tried too hard. I was hooked. In a split second, his eyes closed, and he smashed his lips into mine. What the! Maya, growled in my head. She had been less on board with the idea of rejecting our mate since I first mentioned it this morning. She’d lectured me about Goddess given blessings, but right now I could feel her resentment too. The way this guy attacked my lips - without permission or adequate foreplay - was jarring. Weren’t we supposed to stare lovingly at each other first, declare our undying love for each other, or some such nonsense? I mean, at least buy a girl a drink first. Or ask my damn name. This was my first kiss for Goddess sake! I’d hoped for tenderness. I was too stunned to speak when he broke the kiss, or face mauling, whatever. I watched as his eyes fluctuated from soft to hard, and back and forth again. “I can’t believe I touched a rogue,” he muttered, shoving me away from him, like I’d burned him. And just like that the spell was broken. Finally regaining my senses, I bit my lip - hard. He stood in front of me, physically shaking his head as if struggling to clear himself from the pull of the mate bond. Oh, great. I wasn’t expecting Prince Charming or anything, but I didn’t expect him to be a total asshole. Who are you kidding? Of course we did. Maya huffed. He was handsome, I’ll give him that. Dark brown hair, rich stormy-gray eyes, built like a superhero. He looked like a male model, sexy as sin and delectably appealing on the outside. But looks weren’t what I was interested in. I’d know his exact type before- good looking, spoiled, complete a$$hat. Sure, I was being a judgy b***h right now. I just knew that this jerk was rotten on the inside. We’re not a rogue, why would he say that? Maya continued. We kind of are, I suppose. I rejected my pack. Maybe the loophole I thought I found wasn’t valid. We’re not rogues. Maya insisted. She was actually handling this better than I expected so far. The mate bond is said to be irresistible, especially for your wolf half. Yet even Maya wasn’t thrilled that this was who the Moon Goddesses matched us with. I felt her disappointment. She felt the Goddess had made a mistake. We deserved a decent person. Not a pretty jerk. His eyes flickered from black to gray as he struggled to control and contain his wolf. Finally, he settled on a hard, hostile glare as he focused on me. He made no attempt to hide the disgust on his face. That alone told me a lot about who he was. “What’s your name rogue?” He growled. Yep, called it. Pretty jerk. I almost laughed at the intensity of hatred in his glare. Hatred for a person he just forcibly kissed, has never met before, and knows absolutely nothing about. That made no sense. “First, I’m not a rogue, I’m a lone wolf. I’m temporarily without a pack while I pursue my education. Second, you came to me, not the other way around.” You tell him, sis, my wolf snickered in agreement. He stared, clearly shocked, while his tiny brain processed my words. After everything I’d heard about the mate bond I was surprised, and incredibly thankful, I wasn’t throwing myself at him in tears, begging for a chance. That’s how everyone says you would feel if your mate tried to reject you. Instead, I felt rather annoyed. Perhaps perturbed that he’d made this decision without a good reason. I mean, this asshole hadn’t even been poisoned by my brother. Overall, though, I was more hurt over what the mate bond is supposed to be rather than this actual individual. Not that it mattered, I wasn’t keen on a mate anyway and this guy was clearly a judgy tool. “You are planning on rejecting me.” It wasn’t a question. I knew it. He knew it. We might as well get it over with. He burst into laughter, the kind of obnoxious laughter that is designed to gather an audience. I watched the malicious grin grow on his face. His possy gathered around him while he prepared to make a show of rejecting me in the most humiliating manner imaginable. This would be my first mate rejection, but I’d experienced this kind of behavior before. Classic bullying. Jerk. When I realized I was subconsciously, twisting my ring out of nervousness. I halted the actions and adopted a deliberately haughty look. I would not let him garner the reaction he wanted from me. He wanted to make a show of enjoying cruelly rejecting me. Two can play at this game. Having grown up with my brother and his pig friends I was well-versed in the games bullies played. This is the part where the king d**k, or b***h, gathers his, or her, crew of loyal followers and harasses the innocent nerd, me, just for existing in their space. For daring to walk the same halls as them or breathe the same air as them… Been there, dealt with that. I knew what would come next. The king a$$hat publicly humiliates the nerd to his friends’ great satisfaction. Usually, I adopted the be the bigger person attitude and just tried to get through the pending emotional torment by looking as disinterested and unaffected as possible. Not wanting to cause any issues in my pack or stroke the fires of my brother’s wrath. Now though, I felt a little extra fire spark within me at this ignorant fool’s presumptuousness. Or perhaps that was Maya’s wrath. Damn right, she snarled. How dare he just decide I’m unworthy in two seconds flat! I expected it from my pack members. Kiren’s had them all prepped for years. But this guy knew absolutely nothing about me. “I’m an Alpha. I need a strong…” he started. “Oh, save your BS about needing a strong, smart, worthy, Luna. Blah, blah, blah.” I cut him off, a fact he seemed completely pissed off and shocked about. Score one for me. I doubt he’s ever been cut off mid-sentence before. Except maybe by his mommy. Now it was my turn to laugh at him. “You wouldn’t recognize one of those if they were standing right in front of you - obviously,” I added with a derisive snort, c*****g my hip and feigning confidence as I gestured to my amazing self. “But you are right, you need a strong Luna. At least one half of the Alpha pair should be strong, smart, worthy, and all that.” “Are you f*****g laughing at me?” He sounded incredulous. Which actually did make me laugh. “Well, you’re pretty damn funny, all full of yourself. And a bit slow too. Keep up lover boy we have a rejection to get through sometime tonight. I mean, you’re the one that walked up out of nowhere, sexually assaulted me, and wants to reject me. Who says I even wanted you in the first place? You are obviously a douchebag play acting as an Alpha and the last thing I want is an immature, ignorant, judgmental jerk like you as a mate. So, what’s your name pup?” I demanded, thankful that I sounded surer than I felt. Beneath my tough disposition I was hiding my years of insecurities. My insides felt like jelly, my knees were wobbly, my throat dry. I wasn’t sure how long I could keep this tough facade up. Secretly, I loved the idea of mates - your perfect soul mate. It made finding love easier. Who wouldn’t want that? What was so wrong with me anyway? But I’d long ago given up fantasizing that a mate would ride into my life like Sir Lancelot and sweep me off my paws. No, I don’t want, or need, a mate. At least not right now. “Pup!” He roared and lunged at me. I expected that move. Alphas are typically volatile creatures. If you kick a feral dog, it’s likely to bite. Having grown up with an Alpha brat just like this one I’d long ago learned to recognize the signs of a pending tantrum. I expected it, but that didn’t mean I’d accept it. I dodged, and weaved with the speed and grace of the Alpha wolf I am. It’s a fact that werewolves burn off alcohol faster than humans, this alpha-hole wasn’t sloshed by any means, but his reactions were a little dulled, a little slower than I imagined they would be when he was at his best. Perfect. I, however, hadn’t had a sip of alcohol yet. I’d wanted to get my bearings in this odd new social world before I f****d with my senses. I was also well trained, so I was easily a match for this sloppy, overly emotional, i***t alpha-hole. In an instant of movie worthy skills, I had him flipped on the ground and pinned face down on the floor beneath me. Shame the hot ones are morons, Maya hummed. Several people nearby cheered. Some guy yelled, “Live p**n!” A few of my mate’s friends, I assumed that’s who they were, quickly stepped closer to me. One of them held out both of his arms to stop them from touching me. Which was good because while I could fight, I didn’t like my chances against these odds. “Are you challenging him for his pack?” The one that stepped forward asked, his shock evident. Honestly, a challenge hadn’t ever crossed my mind though I was happy to know that I could have won if it did. “Goddess, no. Though I feel for your pack members having to be led by this piece of….hhmmm …perhaps I should… for the packs benefit of course...” I paused for affect and the jerk beneath me struggled and hissed. I twisted his arm higher up his back, threatening to break it. He stilled but loosed a strangled, pained growl full of menacing promise. “Nothing to worry about here boys. Just a quick rejection. Then you can have him back and I’ll be on my way,” I raised one hand up in a show of surrender. I knew If I’d let go of his arm, he’d have me flipped in an instant and I had no intention all falling victim to his retaliation. “Behave and I’ll get up,” I whispered close in his ear. I felt him shiver beneath me and I didn’t think it was from fear. f*****g man was somehow both furious and turned on. I did not understand it. Finally, he growled in frustration but nodded in agreement. Instantly, I hopped up and backed up a couple of paces before asking my soon-to-be rejected mate again, “Let’s get this over with. What is your name?” I left the pup bit off this time so as to hurry this confrontation along. “Wait? Are you serious right now? Are you really going to reject an Alpha?” I looked at the guy that had spoken. I raked my eyes slowly up and down his body, mostly because I knew it would piss my mate off. His jealous, irritated growl let me know I’d hit my mark. My mate’s friend was big and good looking, most wolves are. Judging by the way this guy jumped to his friend’s aid I’d guess he’s the Beta or soon-to-be Beta. I can sense power from this one too. “Yep. I don’t date jerks,” I replied casually. Actually, I’d never dated anyone, but they didn’t need to know that. By now the curious circle of onlookers encompassed damn near the entire club. Crap. Even the music had been turned down so that people could better hear the free show this mutt and I were providing. “Date? He’s your mate! Are you seriously going to reject your Goddess given fated mate? An Alpha? Just like that?” This probable best friend, the Beta guy, whispered at me. He seemed incredulous that anyone would want to reject an Alpha or their fated mate. These wolf boys tend to grow up idolizing the Alpha heir. Deluded idiots. but Beta guy hadn’t seen the sneer or heard the disgust in his voice a few minutes ago. Or maybe he had. It didn’t matter either way. “I have a pretty good idea,” I mumbled. I wanted to get away from this whole situation. Sure, fated mates weren’t a guarantee. Lots of people never met theirs. Rejections we’re rarer still. Yet here we were.
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