Chapter 4

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A week later was my 18th birthday and, for the first time in a long time, I decided to celebrate. Finally, I was legally an adult and fully independent. The thought was both thrilling and a tad disconcerting. I pushed my loneliness aside and focused on how best to celebrate. I decided on a night club. My heart raced as I got ready. I’d never actually been out like this before, or at all actually. Occasionally, I’d read at the local coffee shop on my own. But that was it. No dates. No parties. Certainly, no night clubs. Having no social life, I focused on school and graduated early. It was lonely but it was an achievement I was proud of. Of course, I often felt like a 40-year-old virgin librarian trapped in an 18-year-old’s body. This birthday was both my first hurrah ever and my last before I officially started college for real. The first real step in my new life. I’d been taking online classes for four years but still heading to a traditional campus was definitely an experience I was both apprehensive and excited about. I’d likely be the youngest student at graduate school. Tonight, I was determined to push myself out of my comfort zone. Grabbing my just purchased makeup bag, I blew out a breath and sat down in front of the hotel mirror. I’d spent the last week watching makeup, hair, and fashion tutorials online to create what I considered a decent look for my one-person birthday party tonight. So much so that by the time I was done I barely recognized the girl staring back at me in the cheap hotel mirror. It’s not that I had anything against makeup or the people who wear it, it’s just that I never had time, the inclination, or the invitations to get dressed up before. This was all weirdly new to me. I wish I had a friend to teach me these things though. Instead, I’m delving into the insane realm of social media influencers to seek my answers. Who knew choosing between smokey eyes and cat eyes would be a thing? I mentally added ‘make a genuine friend’ to my college to-do list. I stood and twirled, taking a minute to appreciate my own handiwork. A sales assistant helped me choose a simple little black dress. The internet consensus was that every girl should have one and, unsurprisingly, the sales assistant agreed. Damn, I actually looked pretty. You look f*****g hot! My wolf, Maya said. My previously uncertain smile turned to a full Cheshire grin. Since I first heard her voice in my head that morning, I’d loved her to pieces. I do, don’t I, I answered Maya with new-found confidence. I don’t need validation from anyone. This effort was for me. But I really did appreciate my wolf’s confidence kick. Though that faded when I actually reached the club. The club was loud, dark, moody, and swirling with abundant energy. I wasn’t expecting the intensity of the stench either. It was a ripe mixture of sweat, body odor, various perfumes, smoke, s*x, and goddess knows what else. It definitely pushed that comfort barrier of mine. I had to remind myself I wanted that push. I wanted to see the world beyond my pack. I wanted to see what normal people my age did for fun. Apparently, this is one of the few truly mixed bars in this city. Various supernaturals frequented this place, as did humans. Some humans that were privy to the supernatural world and others that weren’t. There were supernatural only bars too. But this one was a mix of both worlds, so my best friend, the internet, told me. I’m leaving my supernatural world, the only one I’ve known my whole life, for the human world of graduate school. For my first bar, this seemed like a great starting place. I easily picked out a few shifters as I entered. I spotted a couple of vampires earlier. I bumped into a man I couldn’t figure out earlier too. He wasn’t a vamp or a shifter but his eyes glowed red when our eyes met, so he was definitely something. I wanted to know what, but I knew asking “What are you?” would be rude. Besides, his dark aura was damn strong. He slipped away, leaving me to shake off the unsettled feeling. I ordered a virgin fruity cocktail and silently watched for a while. People watching was something I was accustomed to. I was used to being unnoticed by the person on the outside looking in. Usually, at home, I was ignored or, if spotted by peers, snarled at disdainfully. People looking at me like I was some kind of prize, that was new. Initially, when I noticed people leering at me, I felt uncomfortable. Werewolves were typically an attractive species. Plus, I’d actually made an effort to look nice tonight. Fucking hot, Maya interrupted my thought process. A little smile tugged at my lips. I could get used to having her fierce positivity in my head. I just wanted to feel good about myself for once. It was nice to be appreciated- even if it was from random drunk or desperate strangers. I’d lost count of the wolf whistles I’d heard on the way to the club. I wanted to be insulted that someone was looking at me like an object of l**t. It wasn’t that I wanted to attract anyone, and I certainly wanted to avoid harassment, but at the same time, no one had ever looked at me like I was appealing. The fact that anyone found me attractive tickled me, thrilled me. And gave my ego a much-needed boost. in the same way that the wild, lustful energy in the club boosted my self-assurance once I got used to it. Goddess, I was starved for attention. I twiddled the ring on my finger nervously as I talked myself into being brave enough to actually hit the dance floor. Darn it girl, stop stressing. You’re out. You’re gorgeous. Go dance our tail off and forget all that other nonsense! My wolf, Maya mentally scolded me. Her little pep talk pushed me forward. After dancing for a while though I had a feeling, someone was staring at me. Really staring. At home stares were usually those of disgust, some were filled with envy, some with curiosity, others with sympathy. I was the aloof alpha’s daughter. No one knew what my brother and mother had against me, but they assumed I’d done something awful. Why else would a mother and son turn against a young family member? Surely, I must be hiding some deep, dark secret. Once a girl my age actually straight up asked me that, I snapped at her that if she ever figured it out, I’d appreciate it if she filled me in. This staring felt different from that, and different again from the dirty gazes I had accrued since I left my hotel room. Earlier, when I’d arrived, I’d caught a whiff of what my wolf thought could be my mate. It was difficult to be sure though. The club was packed with people and all the smells that accompanied a crowded dancing and drinking establishment. How the heck did she honestly think she could pick out a mate’s pheromones in this melee is beyond me? So, naturally, I ignored her. It’s because I’m awesome, Maya laughed at me. That you are. I looked around again, trying to dismiss the uncomfortable itching feeling of being watched. I couldn’t see anyone. You’re reading into everything. Quit it, Maya reassured me. Finally, I let myself go and just enjoyed being free. Shutting everything out of my head but the music. I imagined letting all my negativity out, releasing all my fears and watching them float away as I just moved my body with the beat. The novelty of being attractive and wanted wore off quickly. It took a few tries for me to silence the inner part of me that insisted I ‘be nice’ to the creeps. Soon, I shut down anyone that approached me quickly and clearly. More than one a-hole had called me a b***h. Technically, I had a female wolf spirit inside me, so they were half right. The first time, one of them said that Maya seized control and used my face to shoot him a wolfish grin and snapped my teeth at him. Stop it. Now he thinks we’re flirting, great job Maya, I inwardly drawled sarcastically. The twit misinterpreted Maya’s actions. He reached out for me again with a sleazy lip lick that made my bile rise in my throat. Over emphasizing a dramatic eye roll, I stepped away and resumed dancing on my own. I wasn’t here to attract a man. I was here for me. Anyway, I was more than used to idiots calling me a b***h if they didn’t get the reactions they wanted. After some undeterminable time swaying under the neon lights and pulsing strobes over the dance floor, that feeling came back with vengeance. When I felt hands on my hips, I almost reacted with a swift elbow to the creeps' ribs, but something made me wait. Those hands quickly slid up to my waist and tugged me backward. My back crashed into a hard chest. I still wasn’t sure why I hadn’t turned to face this guy or sent a swift, sharp slap to his face. Something just felt … natural. Then it hit me. I had a horrible feeling that I’d felt eyes burning holes in the back of my head, and the hands now clinging to my waist, belonged to the one person I had no interest in meeting. My mate. One hand stayed firmly on my waist while his fingers from the other drifted to my neck, lightly trailing down to my collarbone. The tingles that accompanied a fated mate’s touch immediately sent delightful waves of goosebumps flooding across my skin in waves straight to my core. Oh, crap. Definitely my mate.
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