Time apart

2220 Words

Logan's POV I sit there looking at Jennifer. I do not know what to believe anymore, I have seen the scars and heard her side of the story, but I know Hollywood stars and Rock stars can sometimes lie to get sympathy. Is she using me and trying to get my sympathy to further her career? I don't think so as I had to beg her to take the role in the movie I am planning. She does not show her scars to the world. Is it because she does not want her family to find her, or is it self-inflicted? Some teens and even young children hurt themselves, but how did she get the scars on her back? She is sitting there, not showing any emotions. She has withdrawn again from me, I can feel it, and I know I will not get one more answer from her. Lionel Morgan was a friend of my mom, and I was always friends wit

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