The fight

2179 Words

Jennifer's POV At last, it is the end of my tour, and I can go home. I miss my dogs and my privacy since Logan would not leave me alone, and I had to stay with him in his penthouses in each city where I performed. He is very protective of me, and I think he wants to make sure I am okay and with not be hurt anymore by his family, but is know now that we are back in Houston, that will not stay the same as his family is here and they will give me all the hell they can. So as we land in Houston, I want to go home. To my house where I can avoid the world and the people of the world again. We do not start filming until the next month, so it will give me a lot of time to study. I know the whole script by now, but Logan has not decided on the male lead yet, and I wonder who he will choose to play

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