Chapter 11

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Sanaya’s P.O.V “Yes, she knows, Soph…TinTin.” Martin spoke from the bar. “She’s the Sire’s Scribt.” Everyone seemed to visibly relax and breathe a sigh of relief. “What the others meant by the Supernatural club was that we all know that our CEO is the future Incubus King and we are a part of the supernatural world as well.” Martin explained to me as he came to stand beside me and placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. “Well…they are at least. You and I are the only humans.” “Technically, you’re not really human.” Tanya tilted her whiskey glass at Martin before taking a sip. “Technically, you just scared Sanaya to death.” Martin said in a mocking voice, imitating the way Tanya had spoken. Tanya just stuck her tongue out at him. “So…what’s exactly going on in here?” I tilted my head in confusion, waiting for someone to give me a proper explanation. “Sophia and I are both Incubi, though a lot less powerful and way less cooler than the Sire.” Zach finally explained. “Reefwood, BlueStar and La Donna mostly have incubi as their staff and we are just commoner Incubi. And Tanya here is a mage.” “You know about mages right?” Tanya asked as she patted the seat beside her, inviting me to join her. “Magic users who draw power from the earth.” I told her what I’d learned from Acelin as I took the seat next to her and Martin sat next to Zach on the opposite couch. “I just know the basics, nothing complicated.” “Well, that’s a pretty good start.” Tanya nodded in approval before she pointed towards Martin. “He’s got mage blood in his veins but not our powers, unfortunately.” “How’s that possible?” I asked in confusion as I looked between Tanya and Martin. A mage without magic? Was that really possible? “Unfortunately, Martin’s a product of ‘diluted bloodline’.” Tanya air-quoted the words with a grimace. “That’s what our Chrone, the ruler of our coven, likes to tell everyone.” Tanya rolled her eyes, clearly not in agreement with her leader. “My grandmother and mother both married humans, so here I am, fully human myself with no power and no position in the coven.” Martin said with a rueful smile before he tipped back his glass and emptied its contents. “Slow down there tiger,” Tanya warned him. “We still need a ride home and you have work tomorrow.” “I’m good.” Martin waved his hand and placed the glass on the table. “This is the only glass I’m having.” “So, Sanaya,” Zach placed his glass on the table and turned to me. “Do you have any questions?” “Well…” I hesitated a bit as I took a sip from my glass, letting the alcohol burn its way down my throat. “I’d though that the less I know, the safer it’ll be for me, but I guess that’s not all that true.” “Of course it isn’t.” Sophia shook her head sadly. “There is no more or less in our world. Once you’re in, you’re in for good and the more information you have at your fingertips, the better your chances of survival.” Everyone nodded in agreement as Tanya spoke. “So, we’ll tell you a bit of what we can do, one by one and it’ll help you know who to come to if you ever need help of our specific abilities. Sophia, you want to go first?” “Okay!” Sophia said with an adorable grin and sat forward in her seat to explain. “So, being a really lower level Incubus, I’m not all that powerful, but I can still erase memories of some people and I can put thoughts in people’s heads. It’s not as cool as it sounds, trust me. Manipulation takes a lot of power and I can only do very basic tactics and sometimes they fail miserably. So, over to Zach.” Zach gave her a grin and a wink before starting. “I’m pretty much the same as Sophia, only thing is, my powers only work on women while Sophia can sometimes manipulate both sexes.” I absorbed all the details as they spoke. Mind manipulation. It was a scary topic and something that Acelin had already warned me about. It was a good thing that I seemed to be mostly immune to manipulation of any kind. Acelin had tested it on me and made sure that it applied to most ‘normal’ Incubi. But I’d passed the test with flying colours and even Acelin hadn’t been able to manipulate me. But my immunity was a kind of secret and Acelin had warned me not to tell anyone about it. So, I wasn’t going back on my promise now. It was a good thing to already know that the manipulation they were talking about was usually involved with feeding and erasing memories of the people they have slept with. Incubi consider mind manipulation as a kind of mental r**e, so no one was allowed to use their powers outside of feeding, unless they had a constant feeding circle or a permanent client. “As I said before, I’m a mage,” Tanya chimed in next. “I can draw power from the earth to grow things, plants usually. And I do have very slight levitation powers.” For demonstration, Tanya uncurled her fingers from around the glass she was holding and as I watched, the glass slowly lifted from her hand. I gasped as the glass rose in the air like it was floating. One inch, two, and then three. It stayed in the air for about a few seconds before falling back onto her hand and Tanya curled her fingers around the glass once more. “That’s as long as I can keep it there.” Tanya shrugged and took a sip of her whisky. “Kinda lame but at least I can get a cup of coffee without lifting a finger.” “At least you can get a cup of coffee,” Martin sighed and Tanya’s eyes widened in guilt. “Sorry, I didn’t mean it like that…” Tanya held her ears in apology which made Martin laugh out loud. “I’m used to it, TinTin.” Martin winked at her before turning to me. “I got kicked out of our coven when I turned eighteen. Thankfully, the Sire found me soon after and I’ve been working for him ever since. I used to be his secretary in the beginning before he realized I was good for nothing in that job and sent me off to learn driving. So, I made sure I became the best chauffer he has ever had. Turns out, I’m actually pretty good at driving.” “Now, tell us!” Sophia turned to me with an adorable smile as she rubbed her hands in excitement. “What’s your super power?” “Me?” I asked in surprise. “I don’t have any super powers.” “That is so not true!” Zach shook his head. “Every person has something they are good at. We shared ours, now it’s your turn. You can’t back out now.” “Ok…umm…” Superpower? Now what exactly can be considered my superpower? Oh! “I can speak five languages.” “Oh! A multilingual!” Tanya clapped her hands in excitement. “And that too with five languages! What languages do you speak?” “Well, English is my main language.” I ticked off all the languages I know on my fingertips. “Hindi because I’m half Indian. And I also know a bit of Korean, Japanese and Latin.” Everyone in the room gasped as soon as I mentioned Latin. “What?” I looked around at everyone’s astonished faces in confusion. What did I say now? “You know Latin?” “How did you learn?” “That is so awesome!” “Teach me too!” Everyone gushed all at once, making it almost impossible for me to understand who was saying what. “I learned Latin from Mr. Billard while I was working in BlueStar. Why?” I asked no one in particular. “Is it a bad thing?” “Hell no!” Zach protested immediately. “It’s an amazing thing! Really cool!” “Yeah!” Sophia spoke even before Zach had ended. “Only the Royals and aristocrats are allowed to speak in that language! None of us know Latin!” “I guess, now you’re officially the coolest member of our group.” Tanya held out her glass. “Let’s cheers to that!” “CHEERS!” And that was how I spent most of that night. Making new friends and feeling like I belonged somewhere special.
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