Chapter 12

1346 Words
Sanaya’s P.O.V “Sir?” I knocked on the door twice with my knuckles and entered Lancelin’s office only after getting a response from him. “Sir,” I held out the planner for him to take. “The Internal Affairs Department has submitted the result of the polls that the bars recently conducted. They have also placed in several suggestions that the employee’s had made and are now waiting for your approval.” Lancelin took the planner off my hand without even glancing away from the file he was reading and started to scroll through the pages immediately. “Tangshineun nu-guwah yakso-geul jabasseoyo?” (With whom did you make an appointment?) Lancelin asked as he was still scrolling through the planner. “Mswa hamkke. Stonewellui jinsil-ibnida.” (With Ms. Ruth from Stonewell, Sir.) Was my immediate response. Wait. A. Minute. “Jowayo.” (Good) He said as he handed the planner back to me, still averting my gaze. “Tell Martin to prepare the car. I’ll leave in twenty minutes. And also, call Amber from the florist shop and tell her to keep one of the usual bouquets ready.” “Sir,” I spoke through gritted teeth. “Are you spying on me?” Finally, the full intensity of his amber gaze landed on me and it felt like an instant punch to the gut. How did he do that? How could just one gaze from him leave me breathless and flustered? Especially when I’ve seen several immortals already and none of them had such an impact on me. “Ms. Johnson,” Lancelin’s voice was low but there was no mistaking the authority in them. “You should be careful with these accusations. I’d tolerated them yesterday and I’ll let it pass today as well since you’ve worked for Acelin for five year. But that’s the limit of my generosity; a third time won’t be a charm for you. So be careful of what you’re saying next.” Shit! Did I misread the situation this badly? How else could he have known that I was fluent in Korean otherwise? My resume, of course! God, Sanaya! You’re turning into a moron! “I’m extremely sorry, Sir.” I bowed low, feeling ashamed for the first time. “I misread the situation. It will never happen again.” “It better not.” “Jwoesonghamnida.”(Sorry) I bowed my head and turned to leave. “Did you submit your review?” I stopped in my tracks and turned to pace him. “Pardon?” “Did you submit your review on The Vixen?” Lancelin asked, his eyes once again on the planner. “But…I’m not a part of the Internal Affairs Department.” I told him, my head tilted to the side in confusion. “That’s not relevant.” Lancelin put aside the tablet and motioned for me to come forward. “I let you off early yesterday so you could check out the club yourself, get more accustomed to the way my company works. I would like to know about your opinion.” “You knew I went to The Vixen yesterday?” “Of course,” Lancelin looked at me like I had grown two heads. “I authorized the visit. Sophia must have told you about the department’s quarterly visits to all of our business ventures?” “Yes, Sir.” “Good.” Lancelin continued. “Then I’d like for you to personally submit a review for me.” “Thank you, Sir.” I moved forward but didn’t take a seat. “Please tell me what do you specifically want my opinion on and I will try my best to answer as honestly as possible.” “Let’s start with the ambiance, shall we?” Lancelin sat forward in his chair, placing his elbows on his table and interlocking his fingers, placed his chin on them. “I like the ambience.” I told him honestly. “I also like the fact that the sound system is situated directly above the dance floor so the sound doesn’t resonate all over the place. The lounge area is nice and relaxing too.” Lancelin had a satisfied smirk on his face as I finished. “And the food? The bar?” “The bar has a wide array of drinks. Tanya asked for an off-the-menu drink last night and they immediately delivered.” I informed. “However…I think…the snacks array could be better with a bit more variety.” “Snacks?” Lancelin raised a perfectly groomed eyebrow. “It’s just my personal opinion.” I waved my hands in front of me, becoming a bit nervous as his gaze turned to me. “I’m sure others will think differently.” “Actually,” he picked up the planner and showed me the last page he was viewing. “The department had the same thoughts as yours.” In the report submitted by the Internal Affairs Department, it was written clearly that The Vixen, lacked a better array of snacks. It was also a popular customer complaint, although most had submitted 4.5 to 5 star ratings. The bar was perfect otherwise but the free snacks buffet, which was available only to people whose drinks summed to more than $70 dollars and VIP clients, lacked variety. “Oh…” I murmured. It was possible that either Martin or Tanya or even Sophia must have informed him about the events of the club yesterday. And Martin was his chauffer and the most probable contender in case of spilling information. “Well then, let’s get going.” Lancelin sighed and got up from his chair. He was wearing a white shirt today with a pair of dark blue trousers and a similar coloured jacket slung around the back of his giant revolving chair. I walked over to him as soon as he took the jacket in his hands and went to help him put it on. But as soon as I touched the jacket, Lancelin jerked away. “What are you doing?” His voice was a bit rough, but his tone wasn’t that of anger. I couldn’t quite place the emotion behind the voice. “I’m extremely sorry, Sir.” I moved back immediately and bowed my head in embarrassment. “I am…was used to helping out your- Mr. Billard sometimes. Forgive me for overstepping my boundaries.” “It’s alright.” Lancelin said after a long silence as I held my breath. “You surprised me, that’s all.” “Oh!” I blinked in surprise at what felt like somewhat of an apology from the future King of Incubi. “Alright,” Lancelin tugged on his jacket and did up the front buttons. “Let’s go.” “Have a good day, Sir.” I gave him a smile and a slight bow. “Sanaya,” Lancelin gave me an amused look. “You’re coming with me.” I looked up into his topaz eyes, startled. “But…it’s a private date with Ms. Ruth.” “Ah!” Lancelin looked like he had almost forgotten about his date. “Cancel the date for today.” He waved at me. “Reschedule it for next week.” “Of course, Sir.” I told him and then hesitated for a second. “Sir…if you don’t mind me asking, where am I to accompany you this afternoon?” “To the supermarket, of course.” He said it like it was the most obvious reason in the world. “The supermarket?” I swear I wasn’t usually this dumb but why on earth was Lancelin going to the supermarket and why did I need to accompany him? Was I supposed to buy him groceries now? “No, Ms. Johnson, we’re not going grocery shopping.” Lancelin said at that exact instant, as if reading my mind. “But we are going shopping.” “Shopping?” I asked, confused as hell. “For what?” “Well, snacks, of course!” Huh?
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