Chapter 56 A Home For Two

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Chapter 56 A Home For Two *** *** Louise I snuggled into Tye's lap, feeling the warmth of his body against mine. His hand glided smoothly up and down my spine, each stroke sending shivers down my arms and legs. The sensation was new to me, but it was something that I had been longing for without realising it. I closed my eyes, cherishing the tender touch of his fingers on my skin. With every caress, a wave of warmth and love washed over me. It was as if every stroke declared his affection for me. I trembled with delight, basking in the blissful moment of his touch. It was a feeling that I never wanted to end. “Does it feel that good?” He breathed into my ear. I was thankful the adults had stepped out for a moment. I turned to him, pressing my forehead against his. “I think my body is answering that for you.” He kissed the tip of my nose. “Then I better stop. We should behave.” Tye and his family had arrived twenty minutes earlier. His two sisters, Lauren and Renee, were instantly interested in Jada. The twins were taller than me and, in turn, taller than Jada. And the second they met, the two made the same stunned expression everyone else had. “Are you two long-lost sisters?” The twins had asked in unison. “No,” I had replied. “But it feels like it.” Lauren, Renee, Jada, and Anna were in the spare bedroom talking like they had been friends for years. Occasionally, I could hear them giggling. “What do you think the adults want to tell us?” I asked, eyeing the door for their return. “I doubt it’s about the birds and the bees.” “I’m glad we don’t need that talk.” Tye chuckled. “That’s one of the good things about being a werewolf. We learn about these things once we hit our teens.” “I think it’s in our blood.” I agreed with a smirk. The front door opened. My heart fluttered with anticipation as Mum entered, followed close behind by Gamma Archie and his mate Madeline. Although Archie seemed a bit paler than before, it was not out of the ordinary. Madeline, on the other hand, was a vision of beauty. Despite her hair being tied back in a messy bun and wearing something casual, she still looked like a glowing angel. She was someone I truly admired for so many reasons. She winked at me as everyone took their seats. “We have some exciting news for you two…” She smiled, but not just with her lips, with her eyes. “I can’t wait… it’s been seventeen years in the making!” I flushed. My cheeks were beyond red. Tye had gone red, too. “See,” Madeline chuckled. “They’re meant to be…” “So,” Gamma Archie cleared his throat. All eyes were on him now. “After the ceremony, you will need a place to live.” “Oh,” I shrugged. “I didn’t think about that.” “Well, sweetheart, we did.” Mum gestured to the others. “We all did.” “What have you got planned?” Tye asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist. “Your Mum and I,” Gamma Archie took Madeline’s hand. “We’ve spoken with the Alpha and Luna and decided to take up their offer to move into the packhouse with the twins. We should have done it years ago.” “Only until the Alpha has finished the construction on the new wing set out for us when Alpha Joseph takes the reins,” Madeline explained, kissing Archie’s linked hand. Joseph… I noticeably shivered at the thought of him. It didn’t go unnoticed by Tye as he held me tighter. “What are you going to do with your house?” Tye asked, resting his chin on my shoulder. “Well,” Gamma Archie glanced at Madeline again before facing us. “That’s why we’re called this meeting. We want you two to have it.” “What?” Tye and I nearly screamed in unison. We blinked at each other in complete disbelief. “Are you two okay with that?” Mum asked softly. “Err…” I turned to them, chewing on my bottom lip. “Are you sure? I mean, that puts us closer to the packhouse.” “And to the Alpha,” Tye said. I noticed the annoyance in his tone, but I ignored it. “Which is great for when Tyrone takes over my position as the pack’s Gamma.” Gamma Archie said with a hint of pride in his tone. This time, Tye tensed. He sat back from me and rubbed his hand down his face. “Son?” Madeline leant forward, her beautiful face contorting with worry. “Is everything alright?” I could sense his concern as he shook his head and finally relaxed. It was clear why he was worried. Since Joseph had admitted he was my mate, we had considered the possibility of his decision to overlook Tyrone as Gamma. It weighed heavily on both of us. While we had both accepted the possible change, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of unease. I thought we had come to terms with everything, but now I wasn’t so sure. “I’m fine, Mama,” he reassured her, “It’s a lot to take in.” I could sense that he was struggling. He needed a change of mood and a break. With that in mind, I stood up and helped him up with me. “I don’t know about you, but I’m still shocked, and I think we need a moment.” Now, everyone stood. “So, you’ll take the house?” Mum asked with trepidation. It seemed we weren’t going to escape without an answer. I turned to Tye. “Will we? Should we?” With a wide grin, he lifted me off the ground, twirled me around, and gently placed me back on my feet. “Yes… yes, you and me…” “Wonderful,” Gamma Archie cheered. Madeline threw her arms around us and pulled us into her embrace. “Sì! This is a dream come true!” As the excitement in the room subsided, I decided it was best to remove Tye from further questions. I gently held his hands. “Would you like to take a walk and enjoy the moonlight?” A wave of gratitude washed over his face as he eagerly nodded in agreement. “Yeah, let’s do it.” “We have plans to organise anyway.” Mum winked at me. “You two go and enjoy the fresh air.” Tye pressed his hand to my lower back and led me to the door. I picked up my light coat, and together, we stepped outside. The cool night air brushed against my skin, a reminder that my healing body was still adjusting. Tye was dressed in only jeans and a tank top, seemingly unaffected by the weather. I envied that. “Where should we go?” he asked, linking his hand with mine. We could go for a stroll down the main street. Carlo’s should still be open. We can grab a hot chocolate while we’re there.” “I like the sound of that,” I responded with a smile. All I wanted was a quiet place away from our parents’ prying ears. However, his reaction to the idea of the new home left me anxious. I needed reassurance that he was still on board with our plans—and on board with me.
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