Chapter 4 Stalker Alpha

1913 Words
Chapter 4 Stalker Alpha *** *** Louise The school bell chimed, and the first lesson was due to start in five minutes. Wiping tear stains from my puffy cheeks, I hurried up the cement footpath, ducking around the other students. I reached the large glass doors and pushed them open. The overpowering scent of an ocean breeze hit my senses again. Why can I smell him? I stepped forward and smacked head-first into a solid object. I skittled backwards, collapsing on my butt with a solid whack. “Oww,” I winced, rubbing at my aching shoulder. “Woah…!” A familiar voice chuckled. I glanced up to see the Alpha-to-be Joseph standing before me. “Not you again!” I hissed between clenched teeth as I clambered to my feet. Catching my breath, I gathered up my school bag and swiftly straightened and dusted off my dress. “When did–” “Fancy seeing you here...” He interrupted, adjusting his bandage. That infuriating smirk returned to his face. “Are you stalking me?” “Stalking you?” I glared at him, my heart thumping against my chest. “Why are you here?” I almost spat the words. “I’ve never seen you here before!” His nostrils flared as I held his grimacing glance. I would have found him handsome and enjoyed the way his strong jawline clenched and unclenched if he wasn’t so irritating and rude. He circled me, coming to a stop in front of me. “I transferred here this morning. And you?” “Me what?” I asked, glaring at him. Why does it feel like he’s challenging me? And why would I, as an Omega, feel the urge to fight back? “How long have you been attending Our Lady of Souls…?” He raised a curious eyebrow. I crossed my arms over my bag and held it against my chest. “Since… forever. But what does that matter to you?” His face was inches away now, his breath warm against my skin. “You like my attention more than you would like to admit?” “I doubt it!” My scowl tightened, creasing my eyebrows, fighting off the flutter growing in my chest. “You insulted me! I can’t forgive that!” Smirking, he stood back, and that flutter spread into my stomach. “Maybe not now, but you will.” Swallowing nervously, I clutched tightly to my bag. Something in his eyes, his very aura, was getting to me, throwing my emotions through a loop. Is it his Alpha aura? “Louise?” sang a familiar voice. “You’re here!” Thankful for the distraction, I turned to see Lorraine – Raine rushing down the hallway towards us, her brown hair flapping loosely behind her. We had grown up together in the Mist Clan with Joanne- Jo. We were the Three Inseparable Omegas. As ordinary as Raine’s hazel eyes were in the reflection of the grey walls of the school, her kindness and bubbly personality shone above it all. “I’ve been worrying about you all morning...!” With her arms open, she swooped in and snatched me up in a hug. A hint of her rose-scented shampoo invaded my sinuses. “How did it go?” “Nice to see you too,” I said, untangling my face from her wavy hair. My shoulder protested again, but I drowned it out. “We need to find Jo. We have a lot to talk about…” A growl rumbled from Alpha Joseph’s chest as he stepped beside us. His eyes flashed wolf-black, stirring something untouched and dormant inside. Alpha or not, he’s a rude jerk! I snarled under my breath, forcing the sensation away. Raine backed away. When her glance fell on him, she gasped. “Alpha Joseph...” She fumbled to straighten her school dress and then her hair. “I-I’m so sorry if I intruded…” “Seriously, Raine,” I snorted a laugh. “No need to apologise… he’s being rude!” “Louise!” She turned to me, her face paled by ten shades. “That’s our Alpha!” “He’s not Alpha yet…” I eyed Joseph and shrugged. “Besides, I’ll show respect when he does.” Joseph smiled at me, crinkling the corner of his lips. I frowned. Why was he smiling at me, and why was it so alluring? Raine tugged my arm, pulling me away from him. The horror in her eyes was intense. She lowered her voice. “What are you doing?” “He ins-” Before I could finish my sentence, a large, warm hand grabbed mine. Sparks ignited through my fingers. The intense sensation terrified me. Breathless, I turned to see Joseph grasping my hand between his. “Hey! Let go!” I demanded when my senses returned. I wrenched my hand free. “What was that for?” “Why do you smell like that?” He asked, his face contorting. His nostrils flared, and his wolf-black eyes clouded. “Smell like what?” I hissed, putting as much space between us as possible. “It’s hard to describe…” His eyes returned to their dusty silver. He closed the gap between us, pinning me against the cold grey wall. “Is there something wrong with you?” “What’s Wrong with me?” The heat of anger returned, igniting all my frayed nerves. I shoved Joseph back, narrowly avoiding another student onlooker who scurried away. “What’s it to you?” I gestured a narrow finger at him. “I’m sick, okay … Is that what you want to know?” “You’re what?” His face darkened. “I’m sick!” I spat as the bubble of frustration rose from my chest. A few onlookers hovered nearby, unable to look away. I gestured to the room. “Now the entire school knows… Are you happy?” “I didn’t realise…” He ran a skittish hand through his thick hair. “Well, now, you and everyone else!” I glared back at him. “I-I’m–” “A jerk!” I interrupted. My hands were trembling now. Wide-eyed, he stood aside. “Louise…” “Just leave me alone!” I grabbed a stunned Raine and towed her out of the room. “Louise, did you… an Omega stand up to our future Alpha?” Raine half-laughed as she followed me into the empty locker room. “He gave you hell, but you just gave it right back.” Her voice trembled, dropping a tone. “Wait, did you just call our Alpha a jerk?” “He started it,” I sighed, rubbing my forehead. “But he’s an Alpha.” She repeated. “He deserved it!” “I’m completely shocked…” “I honestly don’t know what’s up with him,” I shrugged, my heart pounding. “He’s been on my case since we crossed paths this morning.” “He likes you…” She teased with a wink. “He was flirting with you!” “Yeah, right!” I half snorted as I opened my locker, but my heart fluttered. “He said I smelt weird! How is that flirting?” “Really?” She sniffed me, then shrugged. “You smell the same as ever ... kind of like toffee sweets ... A little sweet and a little tough…” “Thanks, I think.” I threw my bag inside the locker and stood there momentarily, allowing my heart to settle. “Besides, he’s an Alpha. I’m not… I’m sick and well…” Raine gasped. “Maybe he’s your fated mate! Can you imagine what that would be like… mated to an Alpha?” “Now you’re being crazy...” I snorted. Once I got what I needed, I shut my locker and turned to her. The adrenaline was beginning to fade, to be replaced by shivers. “Raine, after what happened, my condition might get back to the Alpha’s family… and we’ve worked so hard to keep it from them…” “Oh, I hope not…” She threw her arms around me. “All the nosey parkers were human, so unless Alpha Joseph says something, you should be fine.” “He might…” I sniffled, burying my face into her neck. “No matter what happens, I will never let you go through this alone. I’ll stand by your side. It’s going to be okay.” She held me at arm’s length. “What did the doctor say?” “I’m going in for surgery in two weeks,” I whispered shakily. “It’s going to change everything… I have a low per cent chance of survival... But if I don’t do it… Well, you know…” “Oh, Louise,” Raine hugged me again, pulling me tight against her. “You will get through this. I know you will…” “But,” I sniffled back a lump in my throat and slid out of her hold. “What’s the use in living a life without...” I gestured to my lower stomach, “These...?” She took my hands. “I can’t even imagine how you feel, but I will be with you every step of the way… And so will Jo.” “I thought my ears were burning…” We both spun around to see Jo’s dark almond eyes staring back at us. Her eyes had to be one of the most attractive features on her delicate face. They had a way of making you spill your darkest secrets. It was a shame she wore her long black hair in a way that masked her beauty. “Who died?” She asked as she slid her bag to the ground. “Joanne!” Raine gasped, covering her mouth. “What did I say?” Jo’s eyes darkened. She glanced between us. “Did someone die?” “No,” I wiped tears away with the back of my hand. “I got my results back today…” Her face dropped. “I’m such an i***t…! I’m so sorry, Louise…” She ran over and hugged me, encasing me in her navy school coat. “That was so rude of me …” “Louise is going in for surgery soon,” Raine stated softly. “Really?” Jo stood back. “What are they going to do?” “A full hysterectomy,” I replied with a short sniff. “Oh s**t!” She covered her mouth, muffling her voice. “That’s a full-on surgery. And that means...” “The end of my womanhood.” I wept, burying my face in my hands. “Don’t be so insensitive, Jo…” Raine hissed as she hung her arm over my shoulder. “I’m not!” Jo argued with a sincere shrug. “My mum is a nurse! She’s always leaving medical books on the coffee table. Sometimes I browse through them.” “It’s okay,” I sniffled as I took both their hands in mine. “Now’s not the best time to talk about it.” “I understand…” both girls echoed. “Besides,” Raine’s eyes twinkled. “You missed our Louise having a heated argument with Alpha Joseph…” “What?” Jo grinned mischievously. “Tell me everything…”
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