Chapter 3 One Of A Kind

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Chapter 3 One of A Kind *** *** Louise Mum and I drove in an uncomfortable silence. Neither of us could find any words to help with my current situation. What could we say? What should we say? I’m sick. I’m scheduled to have my insides removed! And the chances of finding my fated mate were fading away. No words can fix that! Each time I left Doc Aderson’s clinic, I vividly remember the fear that haunted me when I first became ill at my fourteenth birthday party in front of my friends Lorraine and Joanne, whom I affectionately nicknamed Raine and Jo, and a few family friends. It was a dreadful experience that led to me being rushed to the hospital. For days, I couldn’t walk or eat, and life was miserable. Even breathing deeply caused my stomach to cramp. That time would stay with me forever. Cancer… What a horrible disease! No one in the recorded history of wolfkind has been diagnosed with cancer, not even the flu or a simple cold. Even before we turned eighteen and our wolves came of age, we had healthy metabolisms and strong bodies. But once our wolves are awake, our supernatural healing ability is unlocked. That was all werewolves – except for me. Unlike the others in my pack – I felt the cold, was injured quickly, and sickness was never far away. The cancer has spread! Stage three… The information rolled through my mind on a loop. Either give up my womanhood or my life… And at this rate, I only had an eighty per cent chance of survival. Am I doing the right thing? If the surgery prolonged my life, the day I turned eighteen, I would meet my wolf, and she would heal me. But she would never be able to restore what they were needed to remove. A wave of nausea bubbled through me. Oh Goddess, what if my wolf rejects me too? The other cure that Doc Anderson didn’t mention but was ingrained in my very being would be for me to meet my fated mate before the surgery and hope he would accept me and mark me. By marking me, he would awaken my wolf. My wolf would heal me, and life would be normal. But luck was not on my side. Time was not on my side, and neither was my age. It would be sheer dumb luck to find him before I turned eighteen. And I was already an anomaly with cancer. Tears were falling faster as the realisation hit me. I’ll never be a complete wolf…! We arrived at the school gates and found a park at the entrance to the front office. Students and teachers were buzzing around like crazy ants. Cars were leaving, and the last bus left the curb. Our Lady of Souls Private School was part of the Mist clan’s territory but was filled with Mist pack members, humans, and members from nearby packs with whom we had formed treaties. All wolves knew the rule—we were forbidden from revealing ourselves to humans unless mated to one. And that was rare. A few people high in the human government knew about us and kept our secret. A thousand years ago, our kind signed a treaty in which we promised to protect humans in return for our anonymity. Two familiar teachers hurried across the walkway in front of us. Angeline Mayfair – another Omega, and the school’s librarian smiled her dazzling smile at Mr Gibson - a human and high school counsellor. As far as I knew, they weren’t mated but went everywhere together. “Are you sure you want to go?” Mum asked as she switched the car into park, allowing it to idle, and pulled me back from my thoughts. “You were given some serious news. I prefer to take you home. We can spend some time together before I go to work.” “I’m not sure,” exhaling a skipped breath, I pulled down the mirror from the window shade and studied my tear-swollen face. Should I go? I look like hell, but who cares? I was going to look a lot worse soon enough. Maybe I would lose my hair again and return to wearing a wig. It’s taken me months to get it this long after the last treatment! Should I go … or not? “Sweetheart, let’s go home,” Mum whispered softly, caressing my cheek. “I can make pancakes, and we can talk. Even some light training would help keep your mind busy.” Her gaze landed on the dried blood on my school blazer. A shadow of guilt darkened her eyes. “Did Jewel hurt you…?” “Don’t worry about that,” I said, rubbing at the dull ache. “It doesn’t hurt too bad. I’ve had worse.” I had lied about the pain, but it was true that I had felt worse. Our family, the Carpenters, was renowned for our exceptional toughness, agility, and unwavering focus despite our status as Omegas, one of the lowest ranks in the clan. My dad, Kelvin Carpenter, passed away when I was just a baby. He had grown up with Gamma Archie, Beta White, and Alpha George. Together, they trained and fought side by side. Even now, Mum and I had a close relationship with Gamma Archie, his mate Madeleine and their three children, Tyrone, Renee and Lauren. Gamma Archie had taken me under his wing. And as tiny as I was, he had trained me to fight and protect myself. I was fast and agile. They lived in a cottage by the Alpha’s packhouse, and the training ground was behind them. With Gamma Archie’s help, I trained alongside some of the most brutal Delta warriors. “I don’t know if I feel like training today.” I sniffled. “I enjoy training, but I’m not in the right mind or body today. They’d sense my weakness ... Besides, it’s been a month since I last trained.” “Weakness?” Mum snorted a laugh. I glared at her. “I don’t see what’s so fun–” “No, sweetheart,” she interrupted. “I’m laughing because you are far from weak. Even in your current state, you just challenged the soon-to-be Alpha Joseph… And that is not something a weak Omega would do.” She reached over and combed her fingers through my unruly hair. “You may be sick and one of a kind, but you’re never weak. Even your late father would agree. Rest his soul.” “Thank you,” I nodded at her, then peered at the school entrance. Our Lady of Souls wasn’t a bad school. They had strict uniforms and behaviour standards, but that was it. My friends were there. It also helped that humans didn’t know we were werewolves or supernatural beings existed. That was except for our Principal, Mr Richard, and the Home Economics teacher, Rachel Dillan. Also, Mr Gibson might have known, especially since he was close to a werewolf, but that was unclear. Without thinking, I fetched my schoolbag from the backseat. My feet led the way as I tossed open the door and climbed out of the car. “Looks like I’m going to school.” I half smiled at Mum. “Alright,” heavy-eyed, she leaned across the seat and grabbed my hand. She held it softly. “Make sure you mind-link me if you need me… for any reason.” “I know, Mum.” I nodded at her. “I love you...” “I love you too, sweetheart.” She released my hand, and I closed the door. As she began to drive away, I exhaled a long breath. I can do this …
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