Chapter 33 Gamma Blood Confession

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Chapter 33 Gamma Blood Confession *** *** Louise “Louise, oh my Goddess, are you okay, sweetheart?” Mum ran into the room. She tossed her bag aside and hurried to my bedside. It landed with a rattle on the floor beside the bed and flew open. All her makeup and other personal items spilled out over the floor. “Does it hurt?” She brushed my hair back and then checked for any signs of injury. “Doctor Anderson told me he had to fix your stitches.” “Mum, I’m okay now…” I admitted, glancing at Tyrone for support. “Louise is fine,” Tyrone soothed, standing from the bed. “Thankfully, it wasn’t bad.” “You pushed yourself too hard…” Mum fussed over me, checking every inch of me before she was satisfied. “But it looks like he stitched you up nicely.” “It was quick,” Tyrone turned to us, sliding his hands into his pockets. “And she didn’t go through it alone. I was there for her.” “You’ve always been good, Tyrone,” she patted his shoulder before returning to me. “So, what exactly happened?” Her eyes widened. “Why were you in the wheelchair by yourself?” “I decided to visit the park…” I said, not meeting her eyes. Why bring up Joseph and worry her anymore then she already was. Besides, even thinking his name brought fury to the surface. “I-I thought I was well enough to start on my own. Raine and Jo were going to meet me there, but they never showed up. I got worried and wheeled myself back to the floor. Tye found me at the elevator, saw that I was bleeding, mind-linked the doctor and then brought me to the room.” “Tye…” Tyrone grinned sideways at me, and that chest-tingling sensation returned. “I like it when you call me that.” My cheeks flushed red, but I couldn’t look away from him. “I passed the Mr Lee’s van on the way here,” Mum said, tapping her hand against the opposite arm, oblivious to the growing connection between me and Tye. “They were heading home.” “What?” I shook my head, pulling my attention away from Tye, the connection lingering. “Why would they leave without telling me?” “That’s odd behaviour, even for those two.” Tyrone - Tye agreed, scratching his head. “Weird…” I hugged myself. “Well, I could swear that was the plan.” “You can clarify that with them on Friday when you get home,” Tye suggested as he dropped into the chair beside me. “But I’ve known them almost as long as I have known you. They wouldn’t just up and leave without warning.” “I know…” “I’m sure they had a good reason.” Mum shrugged the subject off. “Anyway, this place is a mess. I’m going to tidy it up a bit.” She turned away. Her figure was a blur as she rushed around the room. She gathered the bloody clothes and slipped them into the plastic bag she had brought for dirty washing. She placed the protective sheet in a hamper by the door and gathered the stuff from her purse. The woman moved like a cleaning wizard. I blinked as she returned from the bathroom after washing her hands. “Well, that’s done!” “Do you want to clean my room for me, Mrs C...?” Tye chuckled, leaning forward in the seat. “You wouldn’t be able to afford me, Tyrone…” With a throaty chuckle, she stopped in front of him. Her eyes narrowed in on his singlet. “Is that blood?” “Hmm?” He glanced down. “Oh, you’re right… Louise bled all over me… again. I better go home and change.” He winked at me. A powerful tug gripped at my core. I giggled nervously. “I’m sorry, but by this point, you should be used to it. How many times have I bled on you now?” “More than the fingers on one hand…” He grinned up at me. How was he so calm? And how was the calm so contagious? “Besides,” he reached over and took my hand again, “I don’t mind. I got to spend time alone with you, which never happens.” “Wait a minute…” Mum stopped mid-room. Her eyes landed on our linked hands. “Are you two…?” I caught her watching. “Mum, no… It’s not like that,” I quickly pulled away from him and pressed my back against the bedhead, trying to put distance between us. “It’s really not what you think ...” “It could be…” Tye flashed me a sideways smile. My breath hitched. I blinked back at him. “Are you being serious? Or are you kidding around…?” “Oh, thank the Goddess…” Mum’s eyes sparkled. She held her hands to her face, trying to hide her grin. “I’ve never been so serious…” he admitted. His intense green eyes, flecked with shards of gold, showed no signs of playfulness. “I think now is a perfect time.” He stood, drinking in everything about me, then edged closer. I swallowed a nervous breath. “I’m being completely open and honest with you right now. Louise, I care about you—I always have! I want us to be together!” Tye had said the entire statement so calmly that I had to take a moment to soak it in. My heart thudded against my chest, echoing in my ears. There was a tug at my core, making my thighs tremble. My breath wavered, giving away my nervousness. What was his wolf like? Was the beast kind like him? What he was offering had to come from both Tye and his wolf. Wolves only settled when they found their fated mate. And yet, Tye had admitted he wanted to be with me! But after everything Joseph had done, everything he had said and claimed, I couldn’t just move on. Could I? If I was Joseph’s mate and still too young to feel it… when I came of age, would I feel it? And would everything change? No, it won’t! Joseph has a mate! It had all been a lie! “Louise,” Tye kissed my hand, invading my thoughts of him and only him. “Will you be my girlfriend and my mate?” “Oh, the Moon Goddess shines down on us today…” Mum squealed. She crossed her fingers. “Madeline and I have prayed for this day since you were both babies!” “Tye, I like you… I really do. We were good friends when we were kids.” shaking my head, I removed my hand from his, pushing the feels away. “But I’m not ready for any relationship. I want to get healthy and back on my feet. And I don’t want to be in the way of you finding your fated mate.” “What if you are?” he asked with a hopeful twinkle in his eyes. “You never know. Maybe that’s why I am attracted to you—why my wolf, Maitea, likes you! We both want you!” “We won’t know if there’s a connection until my wolf comes of age.” I shook my head again, fighting off budding tears. I tilted my head to face him. “What if you and Maitea are wrong about me? And what if you found your fated mate while we were dating?” “I would choose you as a mate!” he admitted, sounding more vivid and determined. Now, he was kneeling on the bed, inches from my face, his breath laboured. His wolf hovered below the surface, staring back at me with deep black eyes accented by green. “I would mark, claim, and keep you, and I would do it right now!” “Tye…” I inhaled, my voice lodged in my throat. His eyes were now brilliant gold, his breathing turning into a low growl. “Louise, I mean it… We want you!” “Oh, my Goddess,” Mum exclaimed. “Madeline is going to faint with excitement!” I managed to swallow my startled breath, but my words still refused to work. Could he do that? Would he do that? Would he and his wolf regret it? If Joseph was my real mate, would taking a chosen mate break that bond? My head was starting to spin. “I will give you my word,” he purred, a smile spreading across his handsome face, calming the gold in his eyes. “I will never break our bond… I will be completely and utterly yours.” I tensed, blood rushing to my head. This was another breakable promise! I tried to back away from him, but there was nowhere to go. “When you’re seventeen, we’ll have an official ceremony.” Tye breathed, brushing his hand down my arm. I couldn’t form any words in my head. His face was fierce, determined and intense. “I will claim you on your birthday and awaken your wolf early!” “You will do what!” Mum and I nearly screamed in unison. “I will be the mate you deserve... Your protector …” he purred lowly, making my heart race. “Your lover…” “N-no!” I stuttered, making him recoil slightly, but his eyes never left mine. He knew about my cancer and surgery, but did he know that taking me on as a mate ruined his future?! “Why?” “I will never be able to give you an heir!” Tears sprung up as if revealing that niggling pain from deep within my heart. “Tye, I’m a very sick Omega who can’t produce a pup. Even after the surgery, there is not a one hundred per cent chance that the cancer is completely gone. I’m not worthy of being a chosen mate, especially to someone of Gamma blood like you!” “Oh, sweetheart,” Mum cried from across the room. She could finally feel my internal pain. “You are worth the world!” “Louise, I don’t care about that crap,” with golden eyes, he leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine. Warmth spread through my entire body. He ran his hand through my hair, sending chills of delight through my thighs. His lips caressed mine softly yet with unadulterated passion, and I was suddenly in a room with just Tye. “Stop,” I breathed, separating our kiss. My reality returned. I was panting now, unsure what to do. Tye stood back off the bed, grinning like someone claiming a prize. His wolf was calm again, relaxing behind its human form. “It’s been on my mind for years, but I’m patient. I’ll give you time to think it over… As much time as you need.” He reached over and pecked my cheek. I gasped, my hand going straight to the warmth on my skin. “I’ll be there for you when you get home... And I’ll be waiting for your decision every day...” My mouth dropped open as he spun on his heels and headed to the door. He stopped in the doorway and then peered back over his shoulder. “I will make you happy, Louise. Maitea and I will be everything you will ever need.” I continued to watch him until he was gone. Did that just happen? Did Tyrone kiss me? Did Tyrone offer his future to me? Did Tyrone’s wolf Maitea offer his love? “Louise,” Mum dropped robotically into the seat. Her eyes were wide. Her face was glowing. She turned to me. “I think you have a mate...” “A mate? No, I’m not old enough.” Biting my bottom lip, I glanced away from her. I could still feel his warm lips on mine, and I wanted more of it. What just happened? “Well, he’s offering you the world…” “He is,” I nodded. “But does he realise what comes with all of me?”
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