Chapter 34 The Pain of Her Kiss

2154 Words
Chapter 34 The Pain of Her Kiss *** *** Joseph What’s wrong with me? My heart raced–each violent thud sliced through my chest, stealing my breath. I collapsed onto the packhouse stairs and held my chest. Ice rippled through my veins, chilling me to the core, crippling my ability to move. The unrelenting pain started over an hour ago and was still as potent as the moment I had walked through the packhouse front door. “Joseph!” The doors flew open, and Kingston ran inside. His eyes were shimmering with fear as he slid beside me. “What’s happening? What’s wrong?” I stared at him, clutching my chest, expecting my heart to break in two. “I don’t fucken know… It’s my heart… I think it’s Louise.” “What, is she hurt?” “I don’t know!” I braced myself against Kingston’s shoulder, trying to settle the pain. “s**t, I think I’ve done the wrong thing!” “Did you reject her?” Kingston asked, eyeing me cautiously. He sat back from me, letting me fall back against the staircase. “Is that why I hear your parents acting so crazy over Maddison?” His eyes narrowed into angry slits. “Did you reject Louise so you could claim Maddison?” “It’s not that cut and dry!” I glared at my Beta, making him recoil slightly. “Zodiac was right! Mum admitted that a sick mate would end the pack.” I exhaled a sharp, painful breath. “And Maddison somehow convinced Mum she was my mate before I could stop her... Now they’re planning a mate bonding ceremony…” My words began to waver with an underlying sob. “On Louise’s birthday of all days! What am I going to do?” “That’s disgusting!” Kingston stood. His eyes were livid and strange. “I could never–would never do that to my mate… No matter what!” Another wave of sharp pain shot through my chest. Zodiac whimpered in my mind. We both knew this was from our mate, which was a bad sign. If this is what rejection feels like, I can’t do it … “Did you reject Louise?” Kingston paced before me, running both hands through his white hair. “That would be the cause of all this…” “I didn’t reject her, but we’re going to… for the pack!” “Whose idea was that...? He snarled in my head–The angered growl of Dynamite overlapped his voice. “Not yours, I hope.” “Both of ours–me and Zodiac… and …” The pain was slowly subsiding like a cramp letting go. I exhaled and allowed myself to relax slightly. “But I didn’t plan the ceremony. I just got dragged along…” Kingston crouched before me, Dynamite snarling from his lips, “You’re the only one who can stop this! Be an Alpha. Claim your real mate!” I eyed him suspiciously. “Why are you so invested in my love life?” “Because you are the future leader of the Mist clan, and as your best friend, you need to trust me,” he grabbed my shoulder, “I know... having Maddison as a chosen mate is a bad idea. She’s not right for the pack.” “And a sick Omega would be?” I shoved my disrespectful Beta back. “You weren’t there… Mum was adamant about how bad it would look for the pack.” I leaned forward on my knees and growled aloud. “As Alpha, the pack is my main concern!” “Your pack needs an honest Alpha!” Snorting, Kingston turned on his heels and headed towards the door. “I won’t stand by and watch you lose what could be the greatest chance in your life…” “Wait,” I shouted as I leapt from the stairs and hurried to stop him. I grabbed his shoulder sharply. We locked gazes, and he froze. “I want you to check Louise...” “You may be my future Alpha, Joseph,” he grabbed my hand and removed it from his shoulder, lowering his voice. But if you go through with this, I will not be present. Accepting your true mate is worth the pack.” He stepped back. “I have places to be.” He left without another word. This isn’t happening … With my hand against my chest, I collapsed back against the stairs. Kingston would have thrown in his chance at the Beta position if I had been the current Alpha. But he was not just the future Beta. He was my oldest and wisest friend. What does he know that I don’t? “He knows that love between mates is a powerful…” I peered up to see Josie-Anne standing at the top of the staircase, glaring down at me. The look was terrifying. “Snowflake, this conversation was not meant for you–” She cut me off. “You’re making a mistake!” She spat, digging her fingers into the banister. “I would rather be back with the elders than here when you mark Maddison!” “Not you, too.” Sighing, I stood and faced her. “Come on, Josie-Anne! You know what I do is for the–” “Pack?” Her strides towards me were meaningful. She stopped on a step that made her eye level with me. “You changed the future today... And now I hope Louise can do what she needs to do without you.” “What are you talking about? I don’t–” “Understand? Now, you never will.” She tilted her head to one side. “You might be too late... Unless...” She stood up straight, and a smile spread across her face. “Someone else does it...” My heart sank. “Helps Louise?” Ignoring me, Josie-Anne spun around and skipped back up the stairs. “Maybe there’s just enough time...” “Josie-Anne!” I shouted up to her. What did she mean? Who else had their eye on Louise? “Joseph,” Mum called from the living room. “Maddison and I need your help with this...” This was all too much. First Louise… Then Kingston… And now I was falling into a hole I had dug myself. “I’m going out...” Without another word, I sprinted off after my big-hearted Beta. “Joseph!” Mum’s Luna voice followed me as I hurried to her car and clambered in. I cut the connection quickly and raced out of the driveway. I needed to find Kingston… I needed him to check on Louise! “Louise…” Zodiac howled through my brain. “This is partly your fault!” I snapped back at him. He snarled at me and then turned away. I followed Kingston’s scent through the town’s quiet main street to a tiny square cake shop decorated with a pink fake frosting décor. Queens Cuisine was written across the large glass window. I parked against the curb and climbed out. Kingston was in the large rectangle window with Tyrone. In all the years we had known each other, he had never hung with Tyrone before. What were they doing? I drew closer and watched them as they pointed between four cakes lined up at the front counter—a chocolate cake, vanilla cream cake, black velvet cake, and strawberry cream cake with vanilla icing. That’s the cake for Louise. I watched as the two finally decided on the exact strawberry cake I knew Louise would pick. I knew it! Once they were happy, they notified the lady in the pink apron behind the counter. The lady handed Tyrone a note, and he nodded a thank you. The two left the shop. As they stepped outside, I appeared before them. “Kingston, Tyrone...” “Alpha, Joseph,” Tyrone greeted me without an ounce of surprise. “What brings you here?” I glared at my Beta. “I’m about to ask Kingston the same thing.” Kingston grinned in his usual way. “Louise is coming home Friday, and I offered to help throw her a welcome home party.” He crossed his arms. “I originally planned to invite you along, but you made it pretty clear you were...” he waved a hand about, “busy...” “Congratulations, by the way, Alpha,” Tyrone said calmly. His coolness was beginning to irritate me. “I hear you’re claiming a chosen mate in a few days.” “Thanks,” I snarled at him. There was an underlying tone I couldn’t figure out. He knew Louise was my fated mate, so why was he saying that? “Well, it’s been fun,” Tyrone continued. “but we better get moving... A pleasure as always, Alpha Joseph.” As he walked away, I grabbed Kingston’s arm and pulled him aside. “Look, I need you to keep an eye on Louise... as a friend...” I squeezed his shoulder. “Please?” “Are you serious, Joseph?” He snorted a laugh and lowered his voice. You’re starting to sound possessive of that poor girl. Even after everything you said, you still care for her.” “It’s not that…. I mean–” I mumbled under my breath. Was it? Well, it was. I did care about her, but... “Liar…” Kingston mocked in a ruff tone. “You could always be there and stalk the girl in person...” “I can’t…” I released him and then straightened my shirt. “Just do it!” The heat from his eyes burned the back of my head as I turned away. “The party is Friday night at nine...” He called after me. Anger had Zodiac on edge the entire drive home. He paced faster with each step towards the packhouse, contemplating many different ways to torture his Beta. “It’s not entirely Kingston’s fault.” I reminded him. “He’s still Beta!” Zodiac grumbled. “He needs to obey…” then he sighed. “Dynamite ... bighearted dummy!” I had to agree. As angry as we got at Kingston and Dynamite, we cared for them. Inside the packhouse, Maddison met me at the staircase landing. Zodiac grew silent. “Are you okay, Joseph?” She cooed as she caressed my neck. “You seem distracted…” She pressed her lips to my neck, then ran a path up to my chin. “Maybe I can help with that… we have the house to ourselves…” Zodiac snarled as he took over and pushed Maddison back against the wall. Her face flushed in delight. That scent of arousal hit me. I quickly regained control, pressing my lips to hers. “Joseph…” She growled beneath me, pulling our bodies together. “Take me now…!” I kissed a path down her neck, making her squirm hungrily beneath me. “Mark me,” she whispered into my ear. “Make love to me ... I will show you that Beta love is more passionate than that little Omega could ever give.” “What?” Zodiac and I roared as I shoved myself off the wall and away from her. I turned to her and felt the growing hate bubbling from my stomach. “Don’t you ever say that about her!” “But, I can make you feel good...” she stalked towards me, her breasts squeezing out from the top of her dress. “You know you want me…” Any other man would have found it desirable, but suddenly, I was disgusted. Snarling between my teeth, I pointed at the door. “You should leave, Maddison...” She caressed my arm. “But…” My entire body grew ridged. Holding Zodiac back suddenly became difficult. “Leave!” he growled in his Alpha tone. “Sorry, Joseph... Alpha …” Her arousal suddenly nullified. She backed away and then peered up at me with her hallmark puppy dog eyes. “I want to be the perfect mate... Please, Joseph …” Her attempts left a sour taste in my mouth. I pointed towards the front doors. “Leave! Now!” “I’m sorry, Alpha... I’ll leave.” She backed away. I glared at her as she peered up at me once more. The look in my eyes made her scamper out of the packhouse. “What am I doing?” I exhaled a skipped breath and then sprinted up the stairs to my room. “Zodiac, please tell me what we’re going to do!” There was no reply. “Arh!” I roared, making the room shake. “Help me, Moon Goddess!”
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