Chapter 5: Problem Solving

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*Jessica* Felix's laboratory was, in a word, breathtaking. I'd been in magical labs before, but it was a rare privilege to set foot in one that was so well equipped. Felix had everything: a complete chemist's set for potions brewing and an assortment of exotic ingredients, an alchemist set up, live specimens of magical creatures, at least those small enough to fit in terrariums. Not to mention a library containing all the spells anyone could reasonably want to learn. And all these resources were at my disposal to help me get the man of my dreams. “How's it coming, Felix?" I called. “It'd be coming faster if you were helping," Felix called back from the library. “But I think this is the last of them." Felix emerged back into his lab carrying a stack of eight books in his arms and set them on the desk in front of me, along with the six stack already sitting there. Each book had numerous colored sticky notes poking out from between the pages, each one marking a spell that had to do with attraction, captivation, infatuation, and love. I couldn't stop myself from smiling at this treasure trove. Somewhere in there was the secret of making Robin mine. “Well, let's get started," Felix said as he grabbed a book from the first stack he had brought out. There was a kind of edge in his voice, but I figured he was just tired from lugging all the books out. “What are you thinking about specifically, Jessica?" he continued, opening his book to one of the marked pages. “A love potion?" “That was my first thought," I admitted. Which was true. Love potions were easy enough to brew, and Felix had most of the ingredients on hand. It was also possible to adjust their strength to increase the length of their duration. A spiked drink, and I would have Robin to myself for weeks. That was where the problems began. The love potions would always wear off, meaning the potion would need to be readministered on a regular basis. The real problem was that like any chemical entering the human body, that person would develop a tolerance over time. The potion would need to be administered in greater doses in quicker succession until it stopped working entirely. I looked across the desk at Felix. Another problem was that he would have known all about the limitations of love potions. So why would his first suggestion be one that he knew would be doomed to fail? “There are too many problems long term," I said instead. “Are you okay, Felix?" He looked at me over the top of his book. He seemed surprised, but I couldn't see why he would be. “I'm fine," he assured me. “Why do you ask?" I shrugged. “Your heart doesn't seem to be in it," I admitted. “If there's something else you need to be doing, I can handle this myself and lock up when I'm done." Felix gave a small sigh and shook his head. “I promised to help you, Jessica," he reminded me. “That's what I'm going to do. I'm sorry, I'll focus." I smiled at him and reached across the desk to grab a book for myself. “It's just that …" Felix began before he trailed off. “It's just that what?" I asked. Felix had an idea, and I wasn't going to let him leave me hanging. “Love potions don't do anything to impair the recipient's mind or memory," Felix explained thoughtfully. “If we dose Robin with one, he will still remember everything the two of you do together, and he will remember how he felt about you, Jessica. By the time the potion wears off, Robin might not need it anymore. He could be loving you on his own." I smiled at that. It was sweet of Felix to suggest that, but it wouldn't work. “It's a nice thought, Felix," I told him. “But it wouldn't work. That wayward heart of Robin's isn't going to be caught by anything short term." I felt my face getting warm as I finished. 'Wayward heart.' I'd have to remember that one. “So, love potions are out," Felix said. He put his book back on the stack and pushed it to the far side of the desk. He then pushed two more stacks away. “What else were you thinking of?" “So many options," I replied as I kept looking through the book I'd chosen. These spells were about provoking infatuation and desire. That was a start. Felix grabbed another book from the stack I'd taken from and began looking through its set of spells. I smiled to myself as I watched Felix slip into his research mode, enjoying the focused look in his eyes and the stern look on his face. So adorable. Hey! Focus Jessica! Robin's the one you're after. This one's out of your league. I shifted my attention from Felix back to my own book and got to work. And for the next hour, that's what we did. I would pose an idea, and Felix would tear it apart, point out its flaws, but also isolated its strengths. And I could take those strengths and make them work. It would only be a matter of time. A matter of time before Robin was mine. Ooh, another line to hold onto.
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