Chapter 4: Shockwave

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*Felix* The coven meeting had been normal. Progress reports on ongoing projects, plans for upcoming events, all routine. The business portion of the meeting was wrapped up quickly enough, and I went back to the bar with Jessica. That was part of the evening that I had really been looking forward to. Jessica always had interesting ideas, and that was one of my favorite things about her. The idea she pitched to me was not one of those. A love spell. Of all the stupid, childish, immature … okay, Felix, calm down. Just calm down. It's fine. This is just Jessica being herself. This is just another idea she's got in her head. Jessica was smiling at me from across the table. A bright, radiant smile. I felt my face getting warm as I gazed back at her, but when I noticed the way her smile reached her eyes, I knew this wasn't going to be an idea that Jessica would let go of easily. “So, what do you think, Felix?" she asked me eagerly. What did I think? What did I think!? I think this kind of behavior would be immature for horny teenagers. I think you're rushing into something stupid based on a schoolyard crush. Not to mention she wanted something impossible. Love spells weren't meant to last as long as what Jessica wanted. You pick your target, have a quick f***, and then it wears off after a few hours. It wasn't something you could build a relationship on. But I couldn't say any of this. Not just because it would be rude, but because I know Jessica. Once she had an idea like this in her head, nothing was going to get it out until the idea was made reality. Even if I did say it, Jessica would twist it into something she wanted to hear. “I don't think it's a good idea, Jessica," I said as calmly as I could. “There are a lot of problems with the kind of spell you're proposing. Problems that you know about," I added pointedly. Plus, maybe a few you haven't considered. Like the implications of turning a person into a mindless s** slave. Or how shallow you're making yourself seem by doing this to a person you don't know. Jessica's smile brightened, and I could start to feel my heart beating. “I've thought of everything," she replied. Her beautiful smile faded slightly. “Well, maybe not everything," she admitted. “That's where you come in, Felix." Right. You bring the innate talent, Jessica. And I brought the book smarts. Together there'd be no stopping us from turning a poor, random guy into a mindless puppet. Yay us! “It's just … this is a lot, Jessica," I told her. “You're sure you're not rushing into this?" Jessica shook her head. “I've been watching Robin for the last three years, Felix," she admitted. “I've seen him, dreamt about him." She looked me in the eye. “Wanted him. And he doesn't know I exist. But we can change that." I recoiled a little in my seat. “Do you realize how creepy that sounds?" I asked her. “It's only creepy if you make it creepy, Felix." “No, I'm pretty sure it's creepy either way," I countered. And ready to commit yourself to a guy you've known about, not known, only known about for three years just doesn't sound right at all. Even worse if he doesn't know you exist. 'I've spent the last nineteen years falling in love with you, Jessica,' is what I wanted to tell her. But I couldn't. Not that she would have listened to me if I did. Robin was her target now, and nothing was going to distract her from him. I took a deep breath as I considered the situation, really considered it. Jessica was right, I could help her create a love spell that would keep Robin captivated with her. It would hurt to see Jessica with someone else, but this was something she wanted, and I wasn't going to stand in her way even if it would be painful to me. I'd tried to show Jessica how I really felt about her, but she hadn't noticed. And now she was pursuing someone else who she thought would make her happy. I didn't like it, but I would prefer to see Jessica happy. Even if that meant seeing her with someone else. On the other hand, Jessica was going to do this anyway. If I helped her, it would give her a greater chance of success, and if it failed, I would be close at hand to help with the fall out. I gazed back at Jessica, seeing the smile of her beautiful face, the light in her eyes, feeling the optimism radiating off her almost like a spell itself, and I nodded. “I'll help you, Jessica," I promised her, trying to keep the reluctance out of my voice. “What do you need from me?" Jessica's smile grew. “Let's start with your lab," she suggested happily. I stared at her, using every ounce of strength I had to keep from scowling. Not only was I going to be helping her get with another man, but we would be using my private workspace to do it. I hadn't even agreed to help her for five seconds and I was already regretting this.
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