The Teleporting Relic

861 Words
The girls were walking in the long, wide corridor, following the boy. They have been offered rooms in the palace until his highness can decide what he should do with them. Nova has been really nervous ever since she heard that. What if the king decides to imprison them? Nova pushed the dark thoughts out of her head. Now wasn’t the best time to think of such things. It is true she didn’t know anything about the boy, but he did help them.  “Where are we going,” Faith asked. She has been asking those questions nonstop ever since they started walking. The boy still didn’t answer her. He hasn’t said a word from when they left the grand hall. “I am Autumn.” Nova could see how Autumn was trying to make a conversation, and she couldn’t blame her. Aside from Faith’s pointless questions, the silence has been suffocating. “I am Nova,” she chimed in, attempting to support her friend. Everyone then introduced themselves, except for the boy. He was still silent and just kept walking forward. He looked like he was thinking about something, but Nova couldn’t put her hands on it. She let the matter slip, not wanting to piss him after what he had done to them. After a few more moments, they arrived at a huge double door. It was white and had golden designs on it. The boy stepped forward and opened the door. Inside was the most spectacular room Nova has ever seen in her life. There was a large, red couch with black, glittering pillows. A vase with blue flowers was placed on a squared wooden table. There was a white piano with a small seat. The room had large windows with ocean blue drapes that let the sun in. The golden rays eliminated the whole room and made it look even more striking. Four doors were leading to something inside the back wall. Those would be their rooms, Nova guessed. Nova looked at the boy to ask him, but he wasn’t there. It was like he just disappeared into thin air. Nova didn’t really mind it, she was still struck by the room. She rushed inside and opened one of the doors. The room had a large golden bed with red comforters. There was a small storage bench at the foot of the bed. The walls were red and in contrast with the rest of the golden furniture. Nova went inside and sat on the huge bed. Her Nordic eyes glinted as she got the book out and took a look. The blue hexagon was still shining bright gold. Nova glanced at the map and to her surprise, it was a detailed map of the place. There was a red dot in a corridor, which Nova thought was where they were. Another blue spot was dotted on a far area. Nova got out of the room and told her friends everything. “We should go find it. This is the best chance we will have,” Faith suggested. “But if we get caught we will upset the king,” Esther opposed. The argument went on and on. Both girls kept pointing out flaws in each other's plans. After five minutes of argument, Nova ended it. “I am going to search for this gem. If you want to join me, you are welcome,” she said as she started walking toward the door.  “Wait! We will come,” Autumn said in defeat. Nova stopped but didn’t look back. Her friends caught up with her and they exited the room in search of the thing that could get them home. They started following the map, surprised to find no guards outside their rooms or anywhere in the area. Maybe the king was certain they wouldn’t attempt to escape. Nova had a queasy feeling about it, but she let it slide. She couldn’t worry all the time. Sometimes things worked out by themselves. After sticking to the directions in the map, they finally reached a closed door, locked with an old rusty lock. Nova played with the look a little, trying to figure out a way to unlock it.  “Stop fumbling and let me solve this,” Faith said as she removed a poppy pin from her hair. She grabbed the lock and inserted the poppy ping. She twisted it around sometimes until the lock finally opened. Autumn grabbed the lock quickly  before it hit the ground. They proceeded carefully, climbing up the stairs that were behind the door. The place seemed to be abandoned for years. The girls had a hard time walking, because there was only the light of the hallway eliminating the staircase. After a few tumbling steps, they finally reached the top. There was a short pillar, atop it was a blue gem wrapped in red velvet. They found it! They found The Teleporting Relic. They were about to celebrate when they heard some clear their throat beyond them.
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