Creatures Made of Darkness

1310 Words
Nova’s head darted every way around, her eyes unable to see anything but the glowing red eyes of the creatures. She wasn’t able to detect the source of the scream, and her blood turned cold every time she thought about one of her friends getting hurt. Something cold touched her wrist, snapping her back to reality. She saw a set of red eyes right in front of hers. Immediately, she started turning her wrist left and right, an attempt to get it free from the creature’s grasp, but to no avail. Finally, having had enough, she uttered the word that was supposed to activate the power of her relic. “Forget what you came here to do.” As if guided by a mysterious force, the creature’s blood-red eyes moved around the pitch black room, like it was trying to get its bearings, and then it released its hold of Nova’s wrist and disappeared into thin air. Nova would have celebrated if it hadn’t been for the fact that there were still more of those hideous creatures. She started moving around, trying to come in direct contact with the rest of the monsters, but only managed to stub her toes several times against the table.  “Use your relics,” Nova shouted when she realized it was no use trying to go after the creatures. She had to let them come to her.  Proving that her plan has worked, several red eyes turned towards her. One grasped her leg, throwing her off balance and ending her tumbling to the ground. The other one grabbed her forearm and began yanking. Just as she was about to utter the word “forget”, an icy cold hand clamped over her mouth. Oh no, this wasn’t good. Without the ability to talk, her relic’s power was useless. Nova was out of the game, and all she could do was hope that one of her friends will be able to defeat those nasty creatures.                                 ゚・:,。゚・:,。★゚・:,。゚・:,。☆゚・:,。゚・:,。★゚・:,。゚・:,。☆゚・:,。゚・:,。★゚・:,。 Autumn was trying to reach any of her friends so that she could offer protection, especially the ones that had no relic. None of the creatures dared come her way, thanks to The Fear Relic. She had just heard Nova shouting something, but couldn’t exactly understand it since those dark beings seemed to muffle the sound noticeably. Extending her hands in front of her, she began walking straight ahead, hoping to touch any of her friends. Fortunately enough, her hands touched what she assumed was an arm. The arm started shaking and twisting, which Autumn assumed was the person trying to get rid of her hand. “Relax. It is me, Autumn. As long as we keep in touch, they won’t be able to get to us,” she said quietly, not quite sure whom she was talking to.  When there was no answer, Autumn feared the worst. But since that person had just moved his arm, she relaxed a bit. She squeezed her mind, trying to think of a way that they could beat those horrid things. She could push them away, but they will still be there, mainly because she had no idea where the door was. Nova could use her Forgetting Relic, but of course she would have thought of that by now. The fact that she still didn’t make any move, made Autumn's stomach sink. Esther could stay safe on her own, basically because she had The Healing Relic, and would be able to cure herself if anything happened. Nash could at least teleport away from the danger, if any of them were to try and catch him. The people who really made her worried were Faith and the other boy, namely because they didn’t have any powers. Hoping that she was holding one of the two, she tightened her grip around the arm.                                      ゚・:,。゚・:,。★゚・:,。゚・:,。☆゚・:,。゚・:,。★゚・:,。゚・:,。☆゚・:,。゚・:,。★゚・:,。 Esther kept backing away until her back touched one one of the walls, bringing her to a stop. She had no idea where those creatures came from or what they were capable of, but she was certain that they could and would hurt them. Unsure what to do, she took a few steps toward what she imagined was the door, only to stumble over a body. She tumbled to the ground, face-first while waving her arms and trying to slow down her fall. Once she hit the ground, she took a few minutes to catch her breath. When she was capable of moving, she moved her hands in the direction of the body. They rested on a leg, and Esther immediately drew them away. Someone was there, lying on the floor, motionless. Her heart beat so fast she thought it might burst. The red eyes were all around her now. One of them grasped her leg strongly, sending pain traveling from her foot to her hip. She kicked and flailed, trying desperately to make the creature release her, but it was no use. She tried to think of any way she could use her powers, since there was no clear way in the book. Did it just happen naturally? Or did she have to say a word like Nova? Before she could even decide, two more grabbed her body. The pain shot all around her and she fell into the darkness.                                 ゚・:,。゚・:,。★゚・:,。゚・:,。☆゚・:,。゚・:,。★゚・:,。゚・:,。☆゚・:,。゚・:,。★゚・:,。 Nash wasn’t sure what to do. Those dark creatures came out of nowhere and none of them were prepared to face something like that at all. He began walking carefully, occasionally facing one of the beings but teleporting to another area that didn’t have glowing red eyes. Time after time, the teleportation trick became exhausting. Since none of the options he thought of seemed to work in this situation, he decided to try one last resort. He closed his eyes and imagined the area outside the small shack. Instantaneously, he found himself there. One glance at the shack made his heart sink. The whole thing was enveloped in darkness, like there was some sort of barrier around it. His mind raced through all the solutions that he could carry on now that he was away from the shack. Those creatures were made of darkness, and the only way to beat darkness is light. Nash started remembering the lesson he had about Reflection Town. According to his mentor, there was a lighthouse that the king used to light the whole place during the night and winter. If he could focus that much light on only the shack, it might cause the creatures to back away. With a new plan in mind, Nash headed for the spot where he supposed the lighthouse would be. 
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