A Power Held By Two

2020 Words
As soon as Nash recognized the location of the relic, he teleported Nova and the rest there. This particular kingdom, The Glass Kingdom, seemed like a normal place, the sort that could actually exist back in Nova’s world.  “There is so much light in here,” Faith complained, placing a hand above her eyes to shield her face from the oncoming rays of light caused by the fact that everything was built out of glass or crystal.  All of them nodded, annoyed by the extra, unneeded light. The streets buzzed with people, some walked on the ground and others floating in the air. Nova’s eyes widened, perhaps this place wasn’t so normal after all.  “I guess what people said about this kingdom being technologically advanced was right. They even managed to keep their glass houses opaque,” Nash said in amusement.  “Those people are dumb. Who builds structures out of a breakable material such as glass,” Faith grumbled. “I don’t think this is normal glass, so it probably won’t break if you throw anything at it,” Esther informed her.  Nash nodded, his eyes still fixated on the floating people and the other things that he had never seen before.  Nova, for one, was glad this place wasn’t dangerous or deserted, since she had had enough of that already. She got out the map, which was pointing them toward a section of the kingdom that had more houses and very few stores.  “Why do I have the feeling this relic isn’t going to give us trouble as the rest,” Autumn mussed. Nova hoped that she was correct, for she was done with all the dangers that seemed to follow them everywhere. Once they reached the location where the book’s map had pointed, they stood dumbfounded.  “A house? This is ridiculous! The map has to be wrong. What would a relic be going in here,” Faith shouted in frustration.  “Maybe someone already bonded with it,” Nash offered.  “We won’t know unless we knock and ask,” Arlo said from behind. Seeing that he was right, Nova reached for the door and knocked a few times then stepped back. After several moments, a boy opened the door.  “Visitors? What do you want,” he asked, in a language that she could understand. Nova was ready to jump all around and shout, but deciding this would weird the boy out, she didn’t.  Her friends however, didn’t seem to think of that, because they gawked at him.  “Is there anything wrong,” he asked, his Blue Star eyes staring at them from head to toe.  Autumn quickly shook her head and stopped staring, realizing how weird it was.  He c****d his head, studying them for a moment. Great! Now they totally gave him the wrong impression.  “We came here to ask you for something,” Nova said, smiling.  Her attempt was to lift some of the tension between them, but clearly she should’ve tried more than that.  “That thing is? Are you playing a trick on me? Very funny,” he said, voice rising in anger.  “No no no. We came to ask you for a gem. It is black with splotches of color all over it. Do you happen to have it,” Esther said quickly, clarifying the situation.  “Why would I tell six complete strangers about that,” he questioned.  Nova sighed exasperatedly. This boy was clearly far too stubborn to just tell them straightforwardly. She needed to come with some type of trick, which would help them get him on their side. It wasn’t the best approach, but maybe it was their best option right now.  “We’ve been searching for some valuable jewels around the world. We have reasons to believe that you might have one of them,” Nova said, expertly lying.  “A group of children are searching for valuable items, which is just normal,” the boy said sarcastically. A smile played on Faith’s lips as she stepped forward.  “Okay Mr. I am all alert, our parents went to search for another gem and sent us to get this one. Now please tell us where it is so that we can go inside and examine it,” she said, stepping up and towing over the boy. Faith went with the lie smoothly, like it was the exact reason they were here.  “I am not letting you in or telling you if I have it or not because clearly you are just drauds,” he said defensively, standing up to her.  Nova tried to calm Faith down, but the girl intended on getting inside or forcing the boy to tell her he has the relic. “Step aside or you are going to get into trouble,” Faith sneered. What was wrong with her? She was blowing their chances of ever convincing him to let them have the relic, much less go with them since he was for sure the one to be bonded with it.  The boy shook his head violently and extended his arms to stop her from going any farther. Faith didn’t seem to back down as she continued ducking around, trying to get into the black house. Although Nova knew she had to do something, she didn’t. The boy clearly won’t let them in unless he is forced to do so.  Faith kept trying to get in, and the boy kept stopping her. This went on for a little while, each side emitting low grunts and growls.  Finally frustrated, Faith gathered up her strength and pushed the boy with all her might. It didn’t take all that effort to get him out of the way, since he was small for his age. They heard a low thud as the boy hit the floor. This seemed to snap everyone out of their trances, and they all stared at Faith in shock. What did she just do? Nova thought Faith would eventually give up and try another method, she just didn’t think it would be that. The inside of the house was pitch black, which didn’t seem possible given all this light, so they couldn’t see if he had gotten up or not. Not daring to walk into the house, they stood still and waited for him to come back to the light. A few minutes passed, and they heard deep, low growls and whispers coming from inside the house. Just as they were about to enter, the boy came out. His Dark Golden Brown hair was ruffled and his clothes were disheveled, like he had just come out of a fight. Deciding they had already caused him much trouble, Nova didn’t ask about any of the weird things that just happened. Instead, she stared at her feet and didn’t utter a word.  “Yes I do have a gem similar to the one you are describing,” he said and suddenly a small round object rested in his palms.  At this exact moment, the bright sun vanished, replaced by dark, thick clouds. Rain poured, thunder rumbled, and lightning flashed. “What is happening,” Esther asked as the ground started to shake.  The book glowed more intensely than ever as Nova dug it from her satchel. The pages flipped quickly, landing on a page about The Destruction Relic.  “Once bonded, the relic can cause much destruction to everything around it, including its owner. Other relic bearers won’t suffer as such but much act quickly before it destroys everything. In order to contain its power, another person must be found. This person must be pure of heart or else it won’t work,” it read. Not giving Nova a chance to read the rest, the book flipped itself and landed on the page with the map. There was a new location pin-pointed now, one that wasn’t far away from their current place.  “I think I know how to stop this. Follow me,” Nova said as she turned around to follow the directions.  She turned around and glanced at the boy. His eyes were glazed over as he gasped for breath, swaying around. In a second, he was on the floor...motionless.  “What happened to him,” Arlo asked worryingly.  “He will be fine once we find what we’re looking for,” Nova assured him.  Walking in the rain, they finally reached their destination. It was another house, this one looking much more lively than the boy’s. She banged on the door urgently, hoping whomever lived there would open quickly. The door swung open a few seconds later, revealing a tall girl with Chuck Hazel eyes, Reddish Blond hair, and tan skin.  “Can I help you,” she asked in a silky voice.  Not having time to explain, Nova grabbed her wrist and rushed her over to the other house.  “Where are you taking me,” she screamed in alarm and looked around at the others, her hair quickly sticking to her forehead with the rain.  Finally, they reached the house. Nova got the book out and quickly glanced at the page, which wasn’t soaking wet despite the downpour. Understanding what she had to do, Nova closed the book and talked to the girl, “Can you please touch the gem in his hands.” “What is all of this about? Why is Axel lying unconscious on the ground and who are you,” the girl asked fearfully. “Trust me. Just touch the gem. We will explain if you do,” Nova told her, glancing at her friends for support.  The girl seemed to think for a moment, then leaned next to the boy and touched the gem. A streak of light shot from the gem and a soft aura surrounded both of the two strangers. The rain became a drizzle and soon stopped as the clouds retreated back, letting the sun shine bright and high in the sky.  “What just happened,” the boy groaned as rolled over and got up.  The girl shrugged and pointed at Nova and the rest. As they explained the whole thing from the very beginning, the boy and girl stared and nodded in understanding. Once done, they asked both to join them.  “I will do it,” the boy immediately agreed. He stared over at the girl as she closed her eyes, clearly wanting to think this through. “Come on Harmony. You know you won’t benefit in any way if you stay here,” the boy urged her.  She sighed but then nodded, “You’re right. I will go with you too.” The only people who needed to introduce themselves this time was her group since they already knew that the boy and girl were named Axel and Harmony.  Now with only one relic left to find, Nova felt rejuvenated. They would finally be able to finish this thing and go home once again!                                 ゚・:,。゚・:,。★゚・:,。゚・:,。☆゚・:,。゚・:,。★゚・:,。゚・:,。☆゚・:,。゚・:,。★゚・:,。 The creature shrieked. How could those children survive her attack? This wasn't possible! It was infuriating! She summoned more of her shadows and merged them together to form one large, threatening beast. The beast gave a loud roar and bounded to where the nauseous children were. It knew what it had to do, for its task was simple, kill everyone. 

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