Chapter 29

1346 Words

Alex   He spent weeks going through every album his parents had. He started back at 1970 and worked his way backward. By 1960, he was losing his mind. He enjoyed the music, but none of it was ringing any bells. He wasn’t finding the song.   Alex’s mother walked into the library, her brows shot up her forehead. “What are you doing?”   Alex was frustrated, and couldn’t hold it back anymore. There were pieces missing and he didn’t really know who he could trust. He felt trapped in a science fiction novel. “Just looking for a song that’s been stuck in my head.”   She frowned and set her iced tea down. She rarely spent time outdoors anymore. Her garden was flourishing, but she wasn’t tending to it. “What song is it?”   “I don’t know, but I get bits and pieces of the melody and then it

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