CHAPTER 52: Caught in a Lie

1328 Words
Luciel was sitting on Romina’s bed as the latter was cocooned in her blanket. He could see how puffy her eyes were and she even ignored Luciel when he tried to treat her wound since she didn’t like it when he uses magic to do so. After Maria Leonora kicked them out like that, Romina was a crying mess as soon as they got home. He knew that Romina's mother was already inside the house so he ended up flying Romina to her room just to avoid her from seeing Romina crying and ask her why she was crying. Talk about so many lies that I did today. Not that I'm guilty though. I'm a demon, after all. It's not really a big deal. Well, for me, at least. I told you, even if we’ll tell her the truth or not, she’s not going to accept that easy. Luciel thought. He gently caressed her cheek and wiped her tears away when it was about to fall from her cheek. “I’ll get you something to eat.” “I don’t want to eat…” she muttered. Her voice cracked when she said it. “You need to. We’ve been working the whole day and you’ve been crying for almost two hours. Humans are fragile so as a human being, you need to eat to give your body energy to move on,” he patted her head once again and stood up. “I’ll get you something to eat.” When he didn’t get a response, he walked towards the door and went out of her room. “Oh, Luciel. Right on time. I was about to call you for dinner. I know it’s already late but it’s not really good to sleep with an empty stomach. My lola said that if you go to sleep with an empty stomach, your soul will go out of your body to search for food, and if your soul will go inside the pot, it gets trapped in there,” Romina’s mother said with a slight giggle. Luciel slightly frowned the moment he heard those words from her mom. I didn’t know humans believed in rubbish things like that. “Oh, thank you for telling me that, auntie. I will not gonna skip meals from now on.” Not that I’ll eat human food either. Human food is just tasteless. “That’s good to hear that from you, Luciel!” she said then she slightly peeked on Luciel’s back. “Where’s Romina? She didn’t go down with you? Can you call her?” “Uh, she’s not really feeling well, auntie that’s why I’m here because I was about to get her something to eat…” he told her. “Oh, it’s that so? That’s a bit weird because you just looked so happy, she just looked so happy when she told me you’re going to work on a group project. Did you over-exhaust yourselves? I told you not to do that.” “No… that’s not it…” Luciel trailed off. “I think, I made her upset because… because I lied to her.” Damn, why am I explaining to a human? That made Romina’s mother stop and looked at him. “You lied to her? Why?” “I just… I just don’t want to make herself hurt. That’s all.” He slightly frowned when he remembered their conversation earlier. “Hmm… I understand that,” she said and set a portion of food on an empty plate which Luciel could tell that she was setting a portion of food for Romina. “I know it’s bad to lie. Lying is really, really bad. It’s a sin. But sometimes, we lie because that’s our only resort not to hurt our loved ones. We lie that everything’s alright even though it’s not to comfort ourselves. We lie to protect someone because we don’t want to hurt them. We lie to make someone happy when they’re sad. We lie and yet we reflect on that,” she smiled at him and patted his arm. “I know Romina knows about that and I know she knows how sincere your intentions are. Just give her some time to recover. Pasasaan pa`t magkakaayos din kayo. You’ll gonna reconcile soon. I know Romina cherished you a lot like one of her best friends next to Marivic.” Luciel nodded. “Okay… I will.” Mom turned her head when she heard someone ringing their doorbell. “Oh. Do we have a visitor? I didn’t expect anyone to visit.” Luciel’s brows frowned while looking at the front door. “Uh, I’ll go face that visitor, auntie.” “Is it okay, Luciel?” she asked. “Yeah. I think it’s Marivic,” Luciel responded. “Oh, let her in. Let her in.” He nodded and immediately walked towards the front door. He turned his head to see if Romina’s mom was looking at him but she didn’t because she was busy preparing for the table so that made him teleport outside the house and immediately pulled a sword and point it at Simeon who’s now raising his both hands up as if he was surrendering. “What in the f**k’s name are you doing here?!” Luciel asked him. “I know you hate me that much, Luciel but can you put your sword down? I can’t really speak well since you’re pointing in just in front of my mouth. Please?” Simeon asked him with an awkward smile on his face. Luciel rolled his eyes and begrudgingly put the sword down. “Now, speak. What are you doing here?” “Did you go to that abandoned house where an apparition was haunting that place?” the angel immediately asked. “Wow, the news really flew that fast, huh? So, you knew already. Yeah, what about it?” Luciel asked as he looked at Simeon in judging eyes. “And no, that apparition is not haunting that place. She was actually waiting for this certain kid to come and she badly wanted to meet this kid and we—no, Romina. Romina wanted to help her to meet this kid so we searched for this kid’s whereabouts only to find out that the kid died ten years ago because of acute leukemia. She knew we were lying about her meeting that kid so she kicked us out of the house and immediately set a curse that whosoever steps in that house will receive bad luck in ten days.” “Oh. She’s not a harmful apparition after all.” “She’s just moody. Kind of having anger issues or something,” Luciel shrugged. “Wait, why am I talking to you about her when you can just check her out yourself?” “I was actually on the way to convince her to leave the place since it’s time for her to go to the afterlife,” Simeon responded. “Hah. Good luck with that. That apparition is actually a hard-head. You can’t tell her what to do nor tell her to get out of that house. “If that’s the case then I am afraid but to exorcise her.” That made Luciel pause and look at Simeon in disbelief. “What? Exorcise the apparition?” "What was... that?" Romina felt a cold wind swirling around her. She knew for sure that it was not Luciel nor the window breeze since Luciel usually closes her window since she easily catches a cold. She noticed how the cold breeze just stayed. She finds it weird because, somehow, she finds the breeze comforting. She slowly opened her eyes and sat up on her bed. As soon as she finally adjusted her gaze, she was taken aback when she saw who was in front of her. “You-You are…?” The shadow spoke to her. “I need your help, dear Romina…”
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