18. The Bond

2008 Words
"Everyone's free to go. We are doing the bonding ceremony now. ENTER." The magicians come in and work on the cups at the conference table. I give Mary a hug. "I'm so happy for you." She cries and hugs me. Kane is trying not to cry. I give him a hug too. "Be nice to Mary. I will not hesitate to stab you." "Oh I know." We all laugh a little bit. Dipak shakes Kane's hand. Kane is trying so hard to keep it together and Mary is barely able to stand. He is holding her as best as he can. The magicians put all the stuff in 1 cup. "We need blood from both of you." Kane and Mary each hold out their hands, and they are sliced open. The blood goes in the cup. Then they do some chants and add some herbs. "Now you both take a drink from the cup." As soon as they do, their eyes go dark. Kane grabs her so fast. "MINE." I raise my eyebrows. "Mine too." Then he kisses her. Dipak pushes them towards the door. "NOT IN MY OFFICE. GO HOME KANE." Kane picks her up and carries her out. "I guess that worked? That's what the bond is?" Ylle smiles at me. "Yes, that is what it's like when someone finds their soulmate. That bond is very strong. Once found. All they will want to do is seal it. And my guess is, those 2 are going to seal it right now." "How do you seal it?" "It's sealed with s*x sweetie." "Can I be having s*x the second I come of age, and seal it immediately?" "I don't suggest that. Not even sure if that's possible. That might actually mess something up. Go hide somewhere and make him find you. At least give it 15 minutes. Your body will have to reset, and you'll send out a scent. He will follow that scent to find you. If that scent doesn't get released, I'm not sure what would happen. Honestly, don't play with that. I would hate to see that bond break when you were that close." "I'll be somewhere in the world sir. You get no hints and the prize for winning the challenge is me." "You better be hiding in my damn bed woman." "I'm going to make you search harder than that." We thank the magicians and Ylle leaves with them. "It's dinner time sweetheart." "I was looking forward to being on your desk though." He wraps his arm around me and gives me a deep kiss. "I'm still putting you over something tonight." He winks at me as we leave. We don't get halfway to the dining room, and he's got me held up to a wall kissing me. I wrap my legs around his waist, and he thrusts against me. "f**k I want you woman." I pull his hair and kiss his marking spot. He gives me another deep kiss. "I want you my king." "You are going to get me my queen. Not in the hallway in front of that guard though." I laugh, and he puts me on my feet. We go the rest of the way to the dining room, and I tease him the entire time. We get outside it and I kiss his marking spot again. "Woman, you are going to kill me." He picks me back up and puts me back against the wall. He gives me a rough kiss. I pull his hair and suck on his marking spot. He shoves his d**k against me. "f**k it, I'm taking you to bed." I smile at him, and he gives me another kiss. "AAAAAHHHHHHH!" I'm staring up at momma again. Gunner smirks. "You already checked that door." Dipak nods. "Yea forgot. This one needs fixed." He sits on his knees and stares at the floor for a second. Then he helps me up. Tre has the seat at the end, so Dipak sits beside me. I hook my foot on Tre, and he winks at me. Dipak rubs my leg and pushes my skirt up. I move his hand halfway down my thigh and give him a dirty look. "Asa, these children can not figure out doors." "Let them fall a few more times. They'll get it eventually." Everyone laughs. After about 10 minutes, they bring the food. I lean over and kiss Dipak's marking spot. He rubs his eyes. "Woman eat." I run my nails up his thigh and over his d**k. His eyes are dark. "Food." I shake my head. "Yes." I sit right on the chair and pout. Tre points at my plate. "Eat." I throw my arms around Dipak. I whisper in his ear, "I want something else in my mouth." "You are killing me woman. Eat something." I sit right and rub his leg and d**k with my hand. I eat with the other hand. He seems good with this. His eyes keep getting dark, but then he fixes them. When he's done eating, he puts his hand on my thigh and rubs again. He gets to my underwear and rubs around on them. My eyes must be black, he smirks and stops when he sees them. I give him a dirty look. Then I push my plate back. He winks at me. I lean over to give him a kiss and my chair tips. I pop back up, and he is sitting with his elbow on the table rubbing his eyes. "Doors and chairs Aurelia." Momma nods. Gunner scratches his head. "Is that why you are always carrying around a chair?" Momma, Asa, Tye, Tre, Thora, and Dipak all bust out laughing. "I WANT MY CROWN." They all laugh even harder. "NO MY PRINCESS. I AM NOT GETTING THAT THIS LATE. YOU DON'T NEED TO SLEEP IN IT." "FINE DADDY." I grab Dipak by the arm and drag him out. Tre yells, "GOOD LUCK!" While he's still laughing. "We are going to the house." I already have rope there. And I have my plan. We get in and I kiss him. I lift his shirt over his head and make his pants fall. He is naked and hard so fast. I lead him to a overhead rafter, and tie his hands to it. So he is standing in the center of the room with his arms tied above his head. I smile him then step back and take off my clothes. I watch his d**k throb when I do it. I love that. I dance with my hips, and he is ready to start begging. "You are such a f*****g sexy woman." "You like watching me sir?" I run my fingers up my stomach and onto my boobs. I pinch my n*****s lightly. His eyes go 2 shades darker and his d**k throbs so hard. "Oh you do like that." I run my fingertips over my n*****s in circles. "Maybe I'll keep doing this until you beg." "Why don't you play with that p***y for me?" I give him a weird look, and he smirks. I turn around and move my hair. I back all the way against him and dance with my hips again. "f**k woman." I turn and kiss his marking spot for a full minute. I get it as wet and sloppy as I can get it. "Fuck." I move around to the back of him and drag my nails all over him. From as high up on his arms as I can reach. I put my nails against his skin and drag them all the way down to the back of his thighs. His head drops back, but he doesn't make any noise. I move to the front of him and do the same thing. Then I suck on one of his n*****s and I bite it lightly. His eyes are so dark. I run my nails over the marking spots on his neck and down his chest. Past his stomach and over his d**k. He wiggles a little bit. I kiss his stomach, and then drop to my knees. I trail kisses to his d**k, then I kiss the sides of it. I lick it. I rub his balls for a minute. Then I roll my tongue over the end of it in circles. His head drops back, and he stares at the ceiling. He watches me with black eyes as I take it in my mouth. I take as much as I can over and over. I do that until he tries to back up with his hips. I know he's close. I let it fall out of my mouth. "I wasn't done with that." "Sorry baby, I need a minute." I move the coffee table in front of him. I lay down on it and spread my legs. He stares at my naked body so hard. "You like seeing me like this?" "Yes my queen." I smile and rub my n*****s again. I leave my legs spread, so he can see that too. He tries messing with the ropes. "No. None of that." "Baby I need you." "You'll get me in time. Let's move you to a chair." I walk up to him and put my boobs against his chest. I sway my hips and let my n*****s rub on his chest. "To the chair." I untie the rope. He grabs me so fast and kisses my marking spot. "My king... Chair." I point to it. "No cheating sir." He smirks at me and sits in the chair. I tie his arms again, then sit on his lap. I rub my p***y on his d**k. His head drops back again. "f**k woman. I can't take much more." "You want inside me. You like inside me." I pull his head over by his hair and kiss his marking spot. "Baby please." "Not yet." I move his head and kiss his other marking spot. Then I take his d**k with one hand and sit down on it. His head falls back. "OH GOD YES." I feel him throb so hard in me. I grab his hair again and pull it back. Then I kiss his marking spot while I grind on him. I grab him by the throat and look in his eyes. "Mine." "All yours babygirl." He can barely talk anymore. I stand up and let it fall out. "I do what I want with it." I get on my knees. He watches me run my tongue in a circle on the end. He throws his head back and grabs the arms of the chair. "f**k WOMAN." I stand up and smirk. "I don't think I'm done yet sir." He raises his eyebrows and shakes his head. I straddle him and put it back inside me. Then I move up and down on it. He's got a death grip on both arms of the chair. I grab him by his throat and give him a deep kiss. Then I ride him faster. "f**k YES BABY." "OH YES." I can feel the pressure building now. He starts thrusting up inside of me. "DIPAK." He pushes up into me harder and faster. I bite down on his shoulder. "f**k YES BABYGIRL." All I can hear is our bodies slamming together. "DIPAK YES." The pressure explodes for me. "OH YES." He keeps pushing into me over and over. "DIPAK." He pushes in as far as he can go and starts throbbing. His ass is all the way off the chair. He is really shoving into me. "f**k MY QUEEN YES." I can feel his muscles pulsing. I shove back against him. I take all of his c*m. "GOD YES." His ass lands on the chair again and I untie the ropes. We hold each other for about 5 minutes without even saying anything. We hug. Then he stands up and carries me to bed. He lays me on top of him. "I love you babygirl." "I love you too my king." We both go right to sleep.
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