Chapter 16: First Princess.

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Lavi and Rin is currently on the Arena. Rin is with Byakuya. The Lovers of Rin and the Wives of Lavi is somewhere. They are leaving the boys behind. Of course, The Boys didn't know why. Anyway, With Byakuya grow into a full sized Tiger. It now can fight. For some reason, Rin also wants to fight hand to hand. So, Lavi agreed to his rules of fighting. "You Ready Rin?" "Yes!" Rin said. Byakuya roar as well. Both Rin and Byakuya jumped to Lavi. Giving Lavi a pincher move. Lavi step back a bit just to dodge Byakuya claws. Lavi Vision of everything is so slow. Yet his body moves so fast. It give him an edge over the competition. Rin saw Lavi is stepping back one step. So, He immediately swing his right leg as soon as his left leg was planted. He spin around to give it more momentum and Lavi dodge to the Right. Byakuya immediately jumped toward Lavi. Trying to bite his shoulder. Lavi knee stopped moving. And he put all of his strength on his foot. Keeping him planted there. He lean back and he was perfectly still on his 90 Degree lean. With Full Torso strength and Feet planted. Lavi put his palm up. He puffed his cheeks and swing it up in an insane speed. Slapping the bottom side of Byakuya. "Graum!" Byakuya flip over and started to feel scared to Lavi. Rin was looking at him awkwardly. "Sorry Byakuya... My Brother is strong right?" 'M-Master... I-I'm Scared.... I'm just a normal cat in front of him.' Byakuya said with telepathy. Rin laughed. "Well, I'm too. Just a normal boy in front of him."  Byakuya growl. Lavi look at Byakuya coldly. "Is this my Little Brother partner? Don't disappoint me. Byakko." Lavi call Byakuya with the real name of Byakko. Byakuya immediately get hostile. Rin and Byakuya leaped toward Lavi. Byakuya take Lavi front and Rin take Lavi back. Lavi sighed. "I can't believe you guys thought that I will fall with that simple tactic..." Lavi muttered. Rin was ready to hit Lavi back. So does Byakuya who ready to scratch Lavi with her claws. Lavi use his Zero Range second technique. Lavi take a deep breath and he slowly take his stance. He put his left hand on the front while his right hand on top. He open his palm. While Rin and Byakuya come closer. Lavi slam his palm together. Letting out an insane sound. It's so loud that it stopped them both from moving. And then, He put his hand on the side and slam it again. Letting another big slapping noises. "Zero Range. Sound of Misery." Lavi muttered. Rin and Byakuya eardrums was busted as soon as Lavi did that. Lavi slip away from their range. He open his palm once again. "Zero Range. Twister." Lavi use his Twister on nothing. He just let it between Byakuya and Rin. And the Pressure of Lavi Twister is enough to Push them back. "Zero Range. Reverse." Lavi twist his arm again and he pull it as fast as he could. Byakuya and Rin was rocking back and forth. When Lavi pull them toward him. They're in the perfect range for Lavi Technique. "Zero Range. Sound of Misery." Lavi slap both Byakuya and Rin with his hand and just let an insane sound toward their Brain. Both Rin and Byakuya fall down unconscious. But for Lavi surprise. Rin wake up slightly after that. He then muttered. "Byakuya... Merge." Suddenly, Byakuya float to the Sky. Rin also float to the Sky. Both of them start to get covered by this Weird Light. They vanished together and then. Rin comes out. He was completely on his Byakuya Form. His Eyes look like Byakuya eyes. His Hair is now White. His Fang is shown. His hand is now covered by Really sharp and long Claws. And he have Byakuya Tail and Legs. "Wow... You're a Furry now?" Lavi asked. Rin blurted out. "Come on! Why do you have to say that! We're fighting here!" "Oh! Your hearing's back?" "Well. Byakuya Regeneration Ability is strong." "I see... Well then. If you say so~"  Lavi smiled. He have learn the hard way to fight Claw with another claw. Meaning, Don't use sword in Claw Fight. Especially against Gux. He can just evade your sword and sneak behind you. "Semi-Sword. Absolute Sharpness." Lavi muttered. His Fingers started to glow white. Lavi look at Rin and grinned. Rin get this certain chills that Lavi will kill him. He take a step back and launched himself toward Lavi with an insane speed. "Slow."  Lavi muttered. He was already at Rin face and he punch Rin on his face. Rin quickly put his hands up and block the Attack. "Oh... Nice... You can block that... Bravo Rin... I'm proud!" Lavi said. Rin keep his guard up again. Lavi keep cutting Rin arms. Since Rin is the Host. He was the one feeling the pain while Byakuya didn't feel a thing. With his Regenerative Ability. Every cut was healed. Lavi smiled big again. He started to get faster and faster. To the point where teh Regenerative Ability can't keep up. 'Master! He's too strong! It's been 3 Seconds and we received 1200 Slashes! Fall back!' Byakuya said. Rin was in a world of pain. Getting the same feeling of a Papercut every time Lavi hit him. And at the end, Rin had enough. He roared really big and Push Lavi away. "Uh oh." Lavi flipped back. He saw Rin was bouncing toward him. His regenerative ability finally keep up and heal him completely. Lavi deactivate his Semi-Sword. Lavi saw Rin claws coming to his Chest. He let him hit it. And to Lavi surprise, It digs deep on his chest. It hits his Rib and Lavi panicked. He touch his Chest and it was bloody. Rin's back was covered by the Mark of the 4 Guardian. Smiled. He take off his Gloves and look at him intensely. He take out his Medallion of Youth and heal himself. Lavi Mark shines bright. Rin can feel that Byakuya started to get scared again. Rin calm Byakuya down. Lavi lick his lip and leaped toward Rin. "Gimme that ass boy!" Lavi said. Rin thought that it was weird that Lavi say that. So, He jumped forward. And Lavi appear right behind Rin. He grab his tail and kick Rin on his spine. Rin goes limp but, He's not fast enough. He can feel a crack. Fortunately, His Regenerative Ability caught up. Lavi jumped toward Rin with the eyes of the Beast. Byakuya forces themselves to cancel the Merge. She know. If they still merged together, Lavi will hit them with some nasty attack. So, She stopped. Lavi stopped and said. "Wise Decision Byakuya. I guess you're smart enough that I'm confidence that Rin will be safe around you." 'Thank you Master Brother...' Lavi crouched and pat Byakuya head. Byakuya feel the Gentle touch and she rub her cheeks on Lavi. Byakuya roar cutely and leaped toward Lavi. Lavi pick her up. Her 200 Kg weight. She's definitely heavier than Normal Tiger. But, For Lavi who pick a Giant Crocodile. It's nothing. Rin was still surprised to see Byakuya was carried like a normal cat. Byakuya really enjoy Lavi gentle time with her. And then. Luna come in running. "LAVI BROTHER!!!! BIANCA IS IN LABOR!!!!" Lavi immediately look at her and he instantly vanished from that. He grab Rin, Luna and Byakuya. Byakuya turn into small cub and with Lavi speed. They arrived at the hospital in a short amount of time. Lavi arrived at the Room and he put the three of them down. Lavi gently open the door and move beside Bianca. He immediately put a lot of Buff toward Bianca. Gwen muttered. "Here he is. The Overprotective Dad." Lavi was embarrassed. He look at Bianca who seems fine. It seems like even without Pain Resistor Max. Bianca can handle it. But with Magic. The Process was fast. 2 Hours of  that and The Daughter come out safely. Of course, In the end, Bianca was feeling a lot of pain. But Lavi is there and he looks so worried. So, She keep pushing and there it is. It's definitely safe with lavi around. The baby was clean and everything is cleaned. Rin is waiting outside because, He can't see Bianca part. Lavi will kill him. He was worried as much as Lavi do. "Congratulation your Majesty. The Princess is safely born. Please let us take care of all the procedure for you and we will call you again later. About 15 Minutes." The Nurse said. Lavi kiss Bianca. Gwen heal Bianca part and she was fine. No big deal. Everything was made to be simple and safe with Lavi and Gwen around. Bianca stood up no problem. "And Bianca's back! Where's Sani?" Bianca asked. The Nurse was amazed by Gwen Magic. It's a special kind of Magic that she developed to heal Them later on. The Nurse pointed at the other side and see that Bianca is on a cloths. She was awake and the Hospital is checking on her size. After they record it. Bianca get the first carry of her own Baby. Bianca look overwhelmingly happy. She cried seeing Sani and Everyone pat her back. Bianca keep hugging Sani and rubbing her head.  Seeing how Bianca reacted. The other Wives also get overwhelmingly happy. Practically, Bianca children is their children too. So, They need to keep Sani safe no matter what the cost. Lavi and Rin was called inside. Rin was hugged by Luna, Iris and Steph. Lavi immediately broke down. He look at Bianca carrying Sani. "Hey there cutie..." Lavi muttered. Bianca give Sani to Lavi and Lavi in a perfect fashion. Carry her gently. Oh, Nick and Hailey was pissed off by this.. They didn't get invited... Lavi didn't want to make Sani Cry so, He try to be as gentle as possible. "Oh man... I'm an actual Dad! Holy moly! This feeling is incredible!" Lavi muttered. Rin immediately pat Lavi back. They go back to the house. Lavi put her on her crib and she sleep. "Let's call Mom and Dad tomorrow." Lavi muttered. Bianca said. "Umm... Bianca want to call them Now..." "Okay Bianca... Lavi will call them. Rin, Can you 'Gently' Grab the Crib to the Living Room? Remember this. When Sani cry. A notification is sent directly to me. So, Be careful!" Lavi said. Rin nodded nervously. Lavi really give a heavy intonation to the Gently and it scares him. So, He put it gently on the Living Room. Of course, Human Brain stopped working under pressure. Bianca can just grab Sani gently and she wouldn't really cry. And They can grab it as fast as possible.. But, That's pressure. Lavi run to the Castle and he go to the Living Room. He slam the door open after knowing Nick and Hailey is there. While Ila is on the other room. "DAD! MOM! WANT TO MEET SANI?!" Lavi asked excitedly. Nick and Hailey choked when hearing Lavi come in and screamed. Nick and Hailey look at each other. Hailey look at Lavi weirdly. "Who is Sani? Is she your new wife?" "No! Mom! Sani Shireno Amidis! Or, Sani Stars! She's Bianca and My Daughter!" Nick fainted. Hailey coughed her tea off and leaked from her nose. "What?! DAUGHTER?! SHE WAS BORN ALREADY?! WHY AM I NOT A PART OF IT?!" Hailey was hysterical. Lavi apologize and said. "I'm sorry! I just find out that as well. I want to grab you guys but... I don't have time to grab you guys.. So, I just bolted down to the Hospital." Hailey run outside and grab Ila gently. Nick wake up and look at Lavi weirdly. "I'm sorry Son... Am I too old? Did I hear something wrong?" "No Dad... Sani is real.. You didn't hear anything wrong." "Ah... I see... I guess we're grandparents now..." He muttered. Hailey nodded. She cries and Nick cries with tears of happiness. Lavi grab Ila Gently. "Hey there my sweet Little Sister. Ready to see your Niece?" Lavi asked Ila. Of course, Ila can't talk. She just look at Lavi straight. After Hailey and Nick calm themselves. They go out together and Lavi cover Ila because, It started snowing. They arrived at Lavi house and they go straight to the Living Room. Nick and Hailey see Rin, Iris, Luna and Steph. The four of them bowed and introduce themselves. Nick and Hailey wave at them and they turn  Left. Saw Sani is sleeping. They fainted again. Lavi immediately caught both his parent with one hand while keeping Sani on his other hand. "Can somebody give me a hand? I get Ila with me." Lavi asked. Sharion instantly pick Hailey and Nick up and put them on the couch. After Nick and Hailey wake up. Lavi give them Ila again. "Sani... She's our Granddaughter..." Nick muttered. He was happy when knowing that Bianca was still healthy. It's the First day as well. So, It's pretty weird definitely. There's A lot of cute things in this room. Ila, Sani and Byakuya in her Cub form. So, Everyone get this sort of Cuteness overload from it. And after the congratulation. Lavi keep Sani a secret for a bit. He doesn't want everyone to know about her yet because, He just want to keep her cuteness for themselves for a bit. So, They go to sleep. Sani do cry in the night. Which is something that Lavi always take care. He and Bianca take care of her. Sometime it's food. Sometime it's poopoo. 'Oh gosh! I'm going to get this problem for a long time!' Lavi thought. Once again, Maybe having kids every 2 months is not easy... He's going to be the one who wake up a lot trying to figure what's the problem with the baby. In the next 2 months. Gwen is going to feel like this. And then, Nazuna, Althea, Elli, Aoi, Mari, Lavtura and Sharion. It's going to be a hectic Years for Lavi. But he can't really complain about it because... He loves them so much. For the rest of the night. Lavi never sleep. He let Bianca sleep. He stay on the bed but... He use his Divine eyes to keep Sani safe all night long. After everyone wake up at 5 AM as usual. They take bath together. Of course, Touka take care of Sani for them for a bit. Because, She's a mother of two. Lavi and Aoi, Didn't hesitate at all. After they take a bath, They decided to f**k their brains out for a 2 hours. Because Aoi is right in her cycle... And just from the first shot. Aoi egg was pierced by Lavi Seed.... It's crazy to think that Aoi can get pregnant in a matter of hours The Spirits was cooking breakfast. While Zora, Mio, Yuuki and Hana is cleaning the house. They scoop out the snow. Lit the Fire Place, Brush all dust off and everything. Lavi look so dead now. He go to work and he was sleeping on his meeting table. Everyone didn't know what's happening with Lavi. But they know one thing. If Lavi is tired. It must've been pretty serious. So, They let him sleep for 15 minutes before Lavi wake up and apologize. "Sorry... Where are we again?" "Y-Your Majesty... W-We're talking about the Situation in Menez... It seems like their Economy started to stabilize and Asuma want us to make our own Port City rather than going through Hollis to transfer our item. There's no safety issue there since it's His Majesty Leon Country. But, The cost of transfer is too high because they need to use courier. And Courier from Hollis to Shireno is really expensive." Angelo said. Lavi nodded. He started to get energize again after he put his Medallion of Health on. Maybe that's the answer to it.  "Got it. Angelo, Make Mark the Area where I should make the Port City." "Yes your Majesty." Everyone look at the map and Angelo pick the really end of the South East Area of Shireno. There's a Small opening there. And that can be used as Shireno Port city. Since in that Area. There's not really that much ice, if any at all. That's one area is called the Sphere of Life. It's an area in Shireno where's the Temperature is not that cold. But it's still Shireno. So. The Dark area is still there. Not only that. It's one of the Safest Area in Shireno. So, It's a perfect place for Shireno Port City. It's different from Shireno Fishing Village where everyone have to risk their lives... Well... Not really since Lavi already take an anti measure and also give them radar to catch Fishes! Which is improving the catch rate in Shireno. Anyway, Everyone agrees on the Shireno Port City to be located there. Angelo, As the Prime Minister will be the one giving everyone the speech. "Your Majesty. If you're tired. Please just sleep and stay home. Let us take care of this... We can't pressure you with more work." Angelo said. The other nodded as well. Lavi smiled awkwardly and said. "Well, Let me just say this Angelo. The First Princess of Shireno is Sani Shireno Amidis. She has born to this world safely yesterday... So, Don't need to worry here... I'm not tired at all! I'm enjoying all the stuff she do right now..." Lavi said with dead eyes. Everyone nodded awkwardly. But then. They look at Lavi surprised. "W-Wait... Y-Your Majesty Daughter?!" Angelo asked. Lavi nodded. Everyone kneeled and said. "Congratulation your Majesty! I will definitely prepare the speech for that later too." "Thank you... Just give the speech a week from now on. Along with the Shireno Port City. Send letter to Menez that everything is under construction." Lavi said. Angelo nodded. Everyone hug Lavi as a congratulation and they now really understand what's been happening with Lavi. So, They let him go back to his House to spend time with his sweet newborn baby. Lavi work is cut down really short. They only let Lavi work for about 6 Hours a day. First hour is meeting and the rest of it working physically. They give Lavi 18 Hours to spend with his family. 8 Hours to hopefully sleep and 10 Hours to take care of stuff. And now, Lavi have about 5 Hours and 30 Minutes before he finish his work. He's not going home yet because, He's a dutiful husband. And also, With that many people in the house, Bianca should be fine. He will talk with her with Telepathy when he work too. So, Everything is fine. He hear about every little stuff that Sani do from his notification and tell Bianca about it if she's somehow doing other stuff. Anyway, Lavi look at the map and he look where he was supposed to go. He take direction and head straight South East.
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