Immortal 2 #21

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Azura's PoV It's evening, and the dining area is prepared. There was a lot of food for my birthday celebration; I noticed the four beasts were all well-dressed. I'm waiting for Zero because he said he would change his clothes, and I'm wearing a red dress because the four beasts told me to wear it.   "Sit down, my lady. Zero will be here shortly," Gab said, and I sat down, right in the middle.   I saw Zero come down, and he has dressed appropriately, just like Jeff and Zach. He looked at himself as he descended, as if he wasn't at ease.   "Does it look good on me?" Zero asked as to when he could get closer to the table.   "You look good!" I told Zero and smiled at him; he also smiled at me.   Zero was dressed in a black prince suit that fit him perfectly; he sat next to me and was still staring at his clothes.   "What's the point of looking at your clothes?" I asked Zero.   "I'm not used to wearing it, but for your birthday, I'll do anything just to make you happy," Zero said, and I laughed because he was so lovely to me.   I noticed that our maid delivered the cake; how did they make it? Only the mortal world has it, as far as I know.   "Can you tell me how you made the cake?" Gab smiled as I asked him.   "I went to the mortal world to buy that because I know there's nothing like that here in the demon world," Gab explained to me. Good thing I know he's a weird person.   "Well, no one noticed you were strange?" I asked Gab.   "Before I went to the mortal world, I wore what they wore, and I have money that they use instead of gold," Gab explained, and I smiled.   I'm not sure if I should celebrate my birthday because Mom died on this day to protect me when she gave birth to me. They brought the cake to me and lit a candle on it.   "Perhaps you have a wish," Gab suggested as I stared at the cake.   "First, summon those elves outside. I'd like them to join me in my celebration." Skyler came out to call the elves after I said that.   "Will you continue to wait for them before making your wish?" Zero asked me.   "Perhaps not because they don't know anything about it; it's only in the mortal world that you have this wish and cake," I said to Zero, closing my eyes to wish.   I'm not sure if it will come true, but I hope it will come true one day.   I wish to see Mom and Dad, even if they only speak once, and I can hug them.   I opened my eyes and blew out the candle's flame, smiling at them, knowing they hadn't read my wish.   The elves have arrived, and they are surprised because they are unaware that it is my birthday today.   "Miss Azura! We apologize. We don't know it was your birthday today!" Jae told me.   "That's fine! Let's have some food here! It's more entertaining when I see a large group of people eating at the same time!" I said, smiling at them.   "You remind me of your mother," Zach said, and I frowned.   "Can you see the past?" I asked Zach.   "We have seen your life since we had a blood contract, my lady, how you were formed and while you were still in Queen Scarlet's womb. She also invites others to join them at the dinner table, but only the two of them, King Caex, because nothing is well known." I smiled as Zach told me.   "I had no idea Mom and I were the same," I said to Zach, I suddenly felt sad, but I couldn't show them how unhappy I was because today is my birthday, but today is just a celebration night, and my birthday is tomorrow.   Maybe I'll go to where Mom and Dad are buried. We started eating and talking about a funny topic while we were eating. When we finished eating, the elves gave me a gift, which made me even happier.   "This is all we can give you, Miss Azura," Teya said as she handed me the jewelry.   "Thank you very much for the gift! I'll keep it so it doesn't go missing!" I told them, and the four beasts were the next to give me a gift.   "What exactly is this?" I asked the four Beasts, and it was still in a box; they said nothing, so I opened the box.   It's an Egyptian dress, and it's gold. Do I look like I'm wearing this? Maybe I'll wear it when I have to attend a party.   "Thank you for the gift," I said as I placed the jewelry there to be put together before teleporting it to Zero and my room.   "You're fantastic, Miss Azura!" Teya informed me, and following our celebration, the elves returned to their home while I went to my room.   Zero followed me in, and when we got inside, he immediately took off his clothes and took a deep breath, as if choking on what he was wearing, which made me laugh.   "What are you laughing about?" Zero asked me.   "Because you don't like what you're wearing, what you always wear is fine with me because I'm used to it," I nicely said to Zero.   "But it's your party, so I have to look good! Plus, Gab and Zach said to me I should wear them for you," Zero said to me.   "They're royal blood, so that's what they're wearing," I said to Zero as I removed my dress. Zero unexpectedly hugged me.   "I have another gift for you," Zero said, which surprised me because he hugged me as I removed my dress.   "Whatever you're thinking, don't go on," I told Zero as he let go of my hug.   "You don't want to have s*x with me?" When Zero asked, my cheeks began to flush.   My heart was racing so fast that he moved closer to me and took my hand in his. I clung to his hair as he kissed my neck.   "Zero, I'm embarrassed," I said to Zero softly.   "Why are you embarrassed? I'm your boyfriend, and one day I'll be your husband," Zero said as he threw me on the bed.   "I'm just not ready to have a child," I said to Zero softly.   "I'm aware of that; I'm not going to —" I covered Zero's mouth because I was aware of this.   How did I find out? I read a book about making out and having babies, so I took a deep breath and looked at Zero.   "All right, I'm ready," I said, and he kissed me; it's late, and when we're done, I'll go to bed.   Zach's PoV   "I think it's Azura and Zero," Jeff said, looking up because I knew Zero and Azura were upstairs.   "Stop there! you maniac!" I said, and I couldn't take my ears off what I was hearing.   "They're doing something!" Skyler laughed as he said this.   "Let them be," I said, and we were all taken aback when Azura moaned loudly, and we all stood up at the same time.   "Perhaps we should leave first, so we don't hear anything?" Said Gabriel. Even if we moved away, we could still hear what Azura was saying,   We could hear what she was saying while training with the elves and witches, so we were always ready if she summoned the four of us.   "We also can't leave because Sander might charge at Azura tomorrow because it's her birthday," I explained to Gabriel.   "Let's be patient, and there's nothing wrong with what they're doing. Azura can't get pregnant when they do something," I said as I sat on the sofa and played with the blue ball I'd made.   "Perhaps this is one of Zero's gifts?" Skyler said it, and it was clear he was a maniac that he was going to get hurt, so I just laughed.   "Zero is a gentleman! He will not hurt Azura if something bad happens; he will be dead if he hurts and makes my lady cry!" Jeff said. And then the noise went away,   I think they are done, and I saw Zero come down while scratching his head; he didn't have any clothes on but could stand on his own.   Zero looked at us while drinking water and carrying food, then went up again, and the door slammed. We four exchanged smiles as we looked at each other.   Azura's PoV   I awoke suddenly because I could smell my food, and when I looked over at the person next to me, Zero, he was eating. Why is he still eating at night? Was he hungry as a result of what we had done before?   Zero is now eating raw pork meat, which is normal for wolves like him, but I do as well. I approached him and examined the pork meat he was chewing.   "Do you want some?" Zero asked, and I immediately nodded; he handed me one, and I ate.   I was eating with a smile on my face when I felt Zero-touch my legs and turned to look at him.   "I recall something," Zero said to me.   "What did you recall?" I ask him.   "You used to be happy when you ate meat as you do now," Zero said, and I remembered him saying that.   "Yes, I remember," I said, and after finishing my meal, I needed water or wine to drink; blood could also be used.   "I know you're thinking about drinking now," Zero said as he drew something from the glass, the flesh of which was pig blood.   "Is it pig's blood?" I asked Zero, and he nodded; I drank it right away, then wiped my lips.   "I'm stuffed!" I said this and sat back down on the bed, and Zero got up to come out.   While I was lying down, I waited for Zero to return to the room. When I got up, I heard the door open and was surprised when it opened for me.   "Can you tell me who you are!?" I yelled and quickly generated electricity in my hand to throw at him.   "Azura, are you all right?" When I heard Zero's voice, the man's shadow vanished. I don't know who he was, but he was a shadow with red eyes.   "I'm fine," I said to Zero, taking a deep breath.   "Why are you yelling? Is something going on?" Zero asked, and I shook my head so he wouldn't be too concerned.   "I just want to shout that's just happened," when I lied to Zero, and he didn't seem to believe.   "We don't believe you, my lady," four beasts said as they appeared in front of my room.   I'm sure the four Beasts felt and saw it as well.   "You should tell the truth, Azura, because I'm your protector," Zero said, and I laughed.   "I should be the one to save you always, Zero. You do realize I'm immortal, don't you?" I said to Zero.   "Yes, you are immortal, but your father said to keep an eye on you and not let you down!" Zero said to me, and he breathes deeply.   "She's right, my lady," Zach said, and Zero seemed to scold me because he had treated me like a family for so long that I had treated him like a family as well.   But now that I love Zero and something has happened to us, I want to be fair to the two; if he saves me, I will save him.   "I'm sorry," I said before going back to bed.   I wrapped a blanket around myself, didn't say anything, and closed my eyes to sleep.   When I awoke early the following day, I noticed Zero sleeping next to me. It's a good thing my private part does not hurt. I quickly got out of my bed and went outside.   When I went downstairs and saw the maid preparing my meal, I sat down and ate without saying anything. I was surprised to see Zero come down so quickly, and it was clear from his mannerisms that he was concerned.   "Why do you look like that, Zero?" When I asked Zero, he came right away.   "Are you all right? You got out of bed without waking me up." Zero said to me.   "It's OK, I'm going to the mortal world now, and then I'm going back to the witch's palace tonight," I explained to Zero.   "Would you like me to accompany you to the mortal realm?" I shook my head when Zero asked.   "It's fine. I'll go there alone," I told Zero, and he didn't say anything.   I drank the blood prepared here that I drink all the time in a single drink. When I stood up, I turned around, and my clothes changed in an instant.   "Wait," Zero said and then kissed my lips.   "I'm sorry if I yelled at you last night," Zero apologized as if he thought I was upset with him. I smiled.   "I'm not mad at you," I said as we exchanged glances.   "Are you sure you want to come along?" When I asked Zero, he was speechless, so I stroked his cheek.   "OK, you can come along," I said to Zero, and he suddenly smiled at me.   I changed Zero's clothes and fixed his entire body; we went out, and when he finished eating, I took his hand in mine, and we teleported to the mortal world.   When we arrived in the mortal world, I went straight to Dad and Mom's mansion; when I came, Zero and I went inside, and there was Mom and Dad's burial.   I knelt, formed a flower in my hand, placed it there, and smiled.   "Mom, I celebrated my birthday yesterday. I know today is also your death anniversary," I said, holding my breath.   My eyes dripped as I cried softly here because I miss them so much.   **  
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