Immortal 2 #20

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Zero's PoV   I considered leaving and going to the store here in the demon world. I also said this about going to the store to the four beasts, and they placed me back under protection to track me down.   I'm wearing a black shirt and a black cape, and I'm looking at the ones for sale here to see what I can give to Azura, who has no idea her birthday is approaching. I came to a halt when I noticed an exquisite ring and scrutinized it.   "Good morning, sir; is the ring is beautiful?" The man who sells rings approached me, and he bartered with me.   "Yes, it's very nice. I was thinking about what I'm going to give my girlfriend," I replied to him, and he took a ring from the other side.   "Take a look at this. She will like this ring!" The man said, holding up the ring with the diamond in the center.   "It's stunning," I said as I asked about the price of the ring.   "How much does it cost?" I asked the man.   "That's a gold about this big gold," The man said, indicating how much it will cost me.   I had it with me, so I took it out of my pocket and paid for the fact that he would have left me if he hadn't stopped me.   "Don't you want to have that gift wrap??" The man asked. I didn't know that these things need to be wrapped.   "Do you still wrap things like this?" I asked the man.   "Without a doubt! Because if you give it to your girlfriend, I'll make it beautiful by wrapping it." I agreed because the man said so.   While I waited for him to wrap the ring I had purchased, I looked around to see what else I could get to Azura. I was looking when I noticed wolf demons passing by, so I went to the ring store.   The wolf demons are terrifying; they are stronger than I am; I am only a werewolf in Sander's world, and nothing will change.   "I've finished wrapping everything up! Thank you very much!" I pressed my face even more firmly against my hood as the man spoke to me.   As I was walking, I didn't realize I had bumped into something because I thought those wolf demons might smell me when I look at that man who looks terrible at me.   "Look where you're going!" He said to me, and he struck me that I almost fell to my knees.   I'm frustrated, but I can't fight him because he's a demon, so I decided to go home. And I don't want to get into a fight, and Azura will scold me. I returned to the palace and was surprised to see Azura when I entered the palace.   "Azura?" When I called her, she turned to face me.   "Zero! I've been waiting for you for quite some time. You left, according to the four beasts?" Azura told me and four months had passed and that she return.   "I just bought something; it's a good thing I thought of going home because I still intend to wander around the market I went to," I explained, and Azura hugged me.   "And now I'm back because I miss you!" Azura said to me, and I hugged her back.   "I miss you too," I said, and she let go of my hand when Azura hugged me, and I was surprised when she looked at my body.   "Why?" I asked Azura, and she abruptly took the ring I bought earlier, leaving me speechless.   "How much did you pay for it?" Azura asked me, and when she opened it, she was taken aback by what she saw.   "Ring? Who will you give it to? To you or me?" Azura asked me. Is that even a question?   "Why are you asking? You're my girlfriend, and I adore you? That's for you," When I said that, she burst out laughing.   "Thank you so much! It's wonderful!" Azura said, and she wore it on her left hand in her ring finger while I held her right hand as she looked at it.   "So I bought that because it's your birthday tomorrow," I said to Azura, and she was taken aback.   "My birthday? I honestly don't remember, possibly because I'm too preoccupied with my training! Thank you so much for your generosity!" Azura smiled as she said this to me.   "I came here to try something, too," Azura said, frowning at the four beasts.   "What exactly is that, my lady?" Skyler asked Azura, and Azura smiled.   "Lend me your power, and you all will enter to my body so that I can use your powers," Azura said, and it was only now that I realized it was possible.   "Isn't that risky?" I asked Azura.   "It's not dangerous; do you want to give it a shot right now?" Azura asked the four beasts.   "All right, my lady, let's give it a shot!" Jeff said as we exited the palace.   "You have to injure yourself all at once, and I will do the same," Azura said, and I backed up a little because I knew the impact would be decisive.   The four beasts obeyed Azura's command, they wounded themselves simultaneously, and Azura did it as well. Suddenly, there was a light, and the four vanished, and their color is now the basis of their beast status.   It entered Azura, and I noticed that Azura's eyes had changed to a golden color. Azura looked at me with scales on her face.   "I finished it!" As I approached Azura, I noticed that her hand, too, had scales.   "You look even better," I told Azura, and she smiled back.   "It appears that I am now the god of the beast," Azura said.   God of beasts now has a more assertive aura in Azura. When she kissed me, I was surprised, so I touched her waist as she kissed me.   Azura let go, and four beasts burst forth from her.   "My lady! Why did you kiss Zero? We're still inside you! It's almost as if we kissed Zero as well," I overheard Jeff saying.   Azura laughed aloud, and she meant to get the four beasts away from her. I laughed as well because the four's appearance could not be painted.   "It is permissible for you to combine! I'll be even more powerful if you lend me your power as well as your beast forms," Azura said, and the four beasts cannot forget the kiss that Azura and I shared. They are wiping their lips.   "Also, stop wiping your mouth with your fingers. Are you serious with Zero and me? Am I that disgusting?" Azura inquired, and they were taken aback.   "Not really, my lady! I'm sorry!" Zach said as the four beasts knelt.   "All right, I almost got pissed," Azura said, and when Azura and I turned around, I heard the four of them blaming each other, so I laughed.   "Oh, why were you laughing there?" Azura asked me.   "Nothing, do you want to go for a walk? Let's go on a tour of the demon world and then return to the palace, "I told Azura, and she pondered it.   "Will I make use of teleportation?" I shook my head when Azura asked.   "Perhaps you want us to roam in the mortal world without using the teleportation spell," I suggested to Azura, and she laughed.   "No, because someone might notice that we're both weird and wearing different clothes," Azura explained to me, and she was correct; we were wearing different clothes.   "Let's just wander around the demon world and buy things as we see it," I suggested to Azura, and she nodded.   We'll walk hand in hand now that we're in the market. Azura abruptly left me because she approached a store selling necklaces and bracelets.   "Who are you going to buy that for?" I asked her as she examined the single bracelet set with blue diamonds.   "I'll give it to Jaja because she's a witch, and I just want to give her something before I leave," Azura said, and I nodded.   Azura bought it, and we continued walking until we came to a clothing store, where she also looked. On the other hand, I wondered if a wolf demon or a demon was passing through here.   But I don't feel anything because there aren't many people in this market, and there aren't many people today.   Azura's PoV   Earlier, my heart was racing because I thought Zero was with me and holding my hand. After all, he also gave me a ring as a token of his affection for me.   We passed by those who sell plants, so I let go of Zero's hand to go to the plant's store.   "Good day, lady!" the little girl said. Is she the one who is selling?   "Are you the one doing the selling here?" I asked the little girl, and she nodded.   "Don't you have an elderly gentleman with you? You appear to have a salesperson?" When I asked the little girl, she shook her head.   "Young lady, I'm the only one who sells here! Choose your favorite flower, and I'll give you an extra one." I smiled as the little girl told me.   "I'd like to have this lily flower. Wrap five for me," I told the little girl, and she nodded, and she took ten.   When I bought it, that's what she meant by "extra," and I waited for her while she wrapped it. I sensed what kind of demon she was and was surprised when she turned out to be a rabbit demon.   Rabbit demons are weak, and they are sometimes what immortal demons eat, so I crafted a dagger out of my hand and placed it on her table.   "I'm finished!! Thank you very much!" The little girl told me, and I paid her, and when she saw the dagger, she frowned.   "Is this yours?" The little girl asked, holding the dagger.   "I'm giving it to you, that dagger because you need it," I said to the little girl, and she hid it by her side.   "Thank you very much! Please come back again!" The little girl said to me, and as I looked at the lily I had purchased, I could still smell it.   "I should have paid for that because it's your birthday later at midnight," Zero said to me.   "Buy this flower for me now. Do you want it?" I asked Zero, and he suddenly smiled.   "Okay, I'll give you this all my gold. As long as I buy it, I'm happy," Zero told me as we walked, and I laughed.   "What are you laughing about?" Zero asked me while I was laughing.   "Because you're so sweet, I don't know why, but when I'm with you, I feel safe, and when I'm not with you, I always think of you," I said to Zero, and he came to a halt.   "What's the wrong Zero?" I asked, and I looked ahead of us and at who was ahead of us.   A wolf demon was staring at Zero as if he wanted to kill him.   "What do you want?" I asked the wolf demon a question, and he gave me a look.   "I don't know about an elf demon like you," The wolf demon said, and all he saw in me was an elf sense.   "You must have made a mistake," I said to the wolf demon, glaring at him and extinguishing a fire in my hand, which was unexpected for me.   "Please forgive me! I'm not going to do it again!" The wolf demon said, begging, and I snatched the fire from my grasp.   "Zero, don't be afraid," I said, surprised when Zero vanished next to me.   Zero, where is he?! I'll have to summon the four beasts to find him as well. Why is he suddenly afraid now? I can save him, but why did he run away?   "Gabriel, I need your help! Look for Zero. He's gone missing. He suddenly vanished because a wolf demon appeared to us, so he left," I said to Gabriel.   "We'll search for him, my lady!" Gabriel and I teleported to different locations.   If I can't find him, where will he go? I closed my eyes and searched for his aura, and I eventually found him! He was close to the waterfalls.   I teleported there right away, and when I arrived, Zero was in werewolf form, so I approached him and sat beside him.   "Why did you leave? Are you afraid?" I asked Zero.   "I'm not sure why I feel that way when I see the wolf demon because they're stronger than me," Zero explained.   "I'm here, Zero. Don't be afraid. He was scared before he knew I was immortal," I told Zero, and he looked at me.   "I'm sorry if I left without telling you. I want to get away," Zero said to me as he returns to his human form, and I hugged him right away, and he hugged me back.   Suddenly, the four beasts appeared in front of us.   "You found him, my lady," Gab said to me as they sat down beside us.   "It's my lady's birthday, so let's get ready at the palace later. It will be fun tonight," Jeff said to me.   "Yes, my lady, Zero isn't sad anymore," Zach also said to me.   "I wasn't sad. I was just scared," Zero said to us.   "I'm sorry, I thought you were sad," Zach said to Zero.   "Let's go home. We don't have to think about that wolf demon; we need to have fun," I suggested to them.   "Hold on, Zero, let's teleport," I said, and Zero took my hand in his, and we teleported.   We returned to the palace, and I remembered that I still had the lily flower I had purchased earlier; I went to the garden first and placed the lily flower there.   "Azura, I'm sorry for earlier," Zero said as he hugged me from behind.   I smiled as I took Zero's hand in mine because it was so soft, and he was still warm.   "Don't think about that, Zero," I replied to him.   **
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