Immortal 2 #49

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Igor's PoV   "Would you like to see my former master's tomb?" I questioned as to when Jeff had finished praying at Laine's grave.   "Am I allowed?" Jeff asked me.   "Yes, you can, let me show you," I told Jeff, and he stood upon his knees.   We walked to Lilith's grave, and when we arrived, we stopped walking because Lilith's sword was there; Jeff carefully examined it and read the name engraved on it.   "Is she as lovely as Laine?" Jeff asked, and I laughed before sitting down and placing flowers on Lilith's grave.   "Yes, she's even more beautiful than Laine; she's a princess and a demon," I said, as Jeff was taken aback.   "Azura is a princess also?" Jeff inquired to me.   "Yes, she's a princess, but I doubt she'll act like one; I'm sure you'll be close to your master," I told Jeff, and he smiled.   "Remember that when you enter into a blood contract, you cannot leave or flee because you are the only one who will be punished, and you are the only one who can give your master happiness. It's as if you're sacrificing your life to ensure the fight's success," I told Jeff, and he nodded.   We returned to the three who had been waiting for us; I was surprised because they were the ones who had left when we ate; I was pleased that they acted willingly to assist me.   "Would you like to accompany me to get food for tomorrow?" I asked the four of them, and they quickly nodded.   "Take your bow. We're going to catch a crow," I said, and four nodded.   When they finished getting ready, I finished getting keen and placed the bow I was carrying on my body. They imitated me by putting the bow on my body. I invited them to come out, and I built a portal to take us to the forest, where I said there were many crows.   Crows eat people when they are dead, but they also kill people when they want to trip. I noticed five crows huddled together, and I reached out to Gabriel.   "Are you capable of killing a crow?" I told Gabriel, and he prepared himself to kill a crow.   The four released the arrow, and it hit the four crows simultaneously, and the other one flew to get out.   "Great! You've completed! Well done, you four." When I told them, they took the crow they had killed and placed it in front of me.   "You should come with us to kill the crow. Hopefully, five of us can kill five crows in just one shot of an arrow," Zach suggested to me, to which I agreed.   "All right, next time, I'll go with you," I said as I placed the four crows they had killed in my bag.   "Let's take another crow!" I told them, and we resumed our walk.   Jeff came to a halt when he noticed a black pig; he strolled, and when he shot an arrow, it hit the pig's heart, and it fell. Jeff knows where is the weak point of the black pig.   "I got a big one!" Jeff expressed his eagerness to the pig he had killed.   "Don't you want to go kill some creatures? So we can eat more tomorrow?" When I asked the four, they became severe.   "We're going to look something big too!" They said, and I laughed because they got energetic from Jeff.   "How can you lift that?" I asked Jeff, who thought about it as well.   "Of course, how can I lift him? This black pig is still heavy," Jeff said, laughing.   "We need to go back to my place so that you won't bring this heavy black pig," I told him.   "What about the three?" Jeff inquired.   "Come on, and we'll be right back." Jeff took the black pig after I created a portal. We entered the portal and placed it in a hidden location in my place so that no one could get or eat a crow bird there.   We returned to the forest and saw only three crows they had caught; they approached me and gave it to me.   "At least you tried," I told four, and they looked surprised.   "Where is the black pig that Jeff killed?" Gabriel asked me.   "We took it to my place so he wouldn't have to lift too much," I explained, and he nodded. Thank god he understood immediately.   The two didn't care about the black pig, and we resumed our walk after I finished putting the crows they killed in my bag. When we spent looking for food, I considered returning to my house.   "Let's go back to my place," I said to the four of them, and they came to a halt.   "We've caught enough for tomorrow," I said as I built the portal back to my location.   They agreed and entered the portal, as did I, and when we arrived at my location. Exhausted, they collapsed on the floor, and I took care of the crows we had captured.   "You can take a break, and I'll handle the cooking tonight," I told them, and they promptly went to bed and fell asleep.   I smiled and began cooking the leftovers earlier; it took us until late at night to catch up on when we could eat. I started grilling the leftover pork, and when I was done, I roused the four of them.   "We're going to eat something. It would help if you were full so that you can be strong again tomorrow," I told them, and they began eating. I also eat.   No one spoke to them while we were eating because they were tired; their next training was to kill a creature, and I would be with them because Laine was no longer guarding them.   "Pork tastes delicious," Jeff said as he ate.   "Everything is delicious when it comes to food, so try it," I told Jeff, who nodded.   When we finished eating, I was about to put the sticks away when Gabriel grabbed them from me.   "You always prepare our food, so we clean up after we've finished eating," Gabriel explained.   "I'll agree, but maybe next time, but not now because it's clear you're still tired despite eating tonight," I told Gabriel.   "Okay," Gabriel said, handing me the sticks he was holding, which I used to skewer the pork.   When I finished putting away my cooking utensils, I threw those sticks away and lit a fire in the middle to keep them warm.   "You can go to bed early," I said to the four.   "Won't you tell us what training we will have tomorrow? Master Igor?" Zach inquired.   "I'm going to tell you that your training tomorrow, you will kill a creature," I said to Zach and the three, and they were startled.   "Why are you afraid? It's your first time to kill a creature." When I told them, Zach became sad.   "We've already killed a creature we didn't just say, and that's also why Laine died," Skyler shocked me.   "I can't believe it, but you still have to kill the creature," I told them.   "We're still going to kill so we can kill the creature, just like we killed the monster octopus," Gabriel explained to me.   "Yes, that's how you should think when you're sad press forward and always be strong, Zach," I told him as I patted his shoulder.   "All right, Jeff, are you ready to sleep?" I inquired of Jeff, but he was already asleep, so I put the three of them to bed.   "Jeff is sleeping; you three go to sleep as well," I said to the three.   I left their spot and went to the other side when they were finished lying down. Every night I couldn't sleep because I worried about the safety of these four, so I sat down and took the book that was by my side.   Flashback   "I just met you, Igor, and I hope I can trust you to teach the four beasts," Caex said.   "Are you the only person who knows my name and knows everything about me?" I inquired Caex.   "Yes, I only know you; My girlfriend does not know you, and even Sander didn't know you either, so don't be concerned," Caex said, and I smiled again.   "Don't worry, when I go to Azura's four beasts, I'll make sure the four beasts are safe, and I'll take care of them, especially while I'm teaching them," I assured Caex.   "Yes, and my gratitude to you is that I rebuilt the sword that your master owns," Caex surprised me.   "It was a little difficult at first, but I also secretly formed the sword of your master," Caex said as I held Lilith's sword.   I smiled.   "Thank you, Caex," I said, and he patted my shoulder.   "I have a feeling that Azura will fight two opponents one day, and when you have time, you should go to her and help her," Caex said to me, and I laughed.   "Azura no longer requires my assistance because the four beasts will be strong after I teach them," I told Caex.   "Okay, it's fine if you don't go; I'm leaving," Caex said as he teleported away.   I took a look at the sword and went to Lilith's grave, where I buried her sword and smiled.   I buried it in Lilith's grave and left it there.   End of Flashback   The following day, I prepared the armor for the four beasts, and when they awoke, they looked at me because I was standing next to the armor they were going to wear.   "What is the purpose of the armor? Should we put it on?" Gabriel questioned me while examining the armor.   "Yes, and we will go to the immortal world," I assured the four.   "When you get back, the next thing I'm going to teach you is how to teleport to the immortal world, vampire world, and demon world," I said to the four.   "I'd like to learn that!" I smiled as Zach said this.   "You will learn everything from me, and I will not forget to teach you when I am gone. You will cherish my teaching, use them for good and improve what I have taught you," I said as they wore the armor I had prepared for them.   When they were done wearing it, I changed my clothes, and they were taken aback.   "You're a fantastic master! Can you also change your clothes using only power?" Zach asked me.   "Don't worry, I'll teach you this as well," I told the four, and then I constructed a portal to the immortal world.   "Why do you always build portals when you can teleport?" Jeff inquired to me.   "Because I'm going to have a hard time, my powers are not that precise like before, I'm just making a portal; next time when you learn about teleportation, you can follow me without me making a portal," I explained. They took their swords one by one as they entered the portal.   When we arrive at the immortal world, the four of them are amazed by this world, which is the first time they are here. We started walking, and as we were walking, we heard different creatures in this forest, and we were here in the Kane Forest.   "The forest is beautiful. What kind of forest is this? What is the name?" Gabriel inquired.   "We're here in Kane Forest. It's far from the evil immortals, don't worry," I assured the four.   "I hear a lot of different kinds of creatures; what if two rush at us?" Skyler approached me and inquired about me.   "That won't happen because there's only one creature here because they're big," I told Skyler, who nodded.   "Enough chit-chat; let's go!" I told the four, and as we walked, it suddenly became dark and foggy.   We are shocked because a Dark Undead Knight passes by. The four of them got surprised also because of the creature they just saw. When the Dark Undead Knight looks at us, it has a blindfold, and his sword is big.   "Be prepared for this creature. It can teleport quickly; it also knows how to fight beasts like us," I warned the four, and they became severe.   When the four attacked, they formed as beasts, and I was late so that I could help them, but they were thrown away with a powerful force, I pulled out my sword, and the Dark Undead Knight suddenly vanished, leaving us puzzled.   "What's going on?" Gabriel inquired, and Zach abruptly yelled.   "s**t!" I sighed as I noticed him lifting Zach and suddenly splitting his body, which surprised us.   But then I remembered Zach had regenerated power so that he wouldn't die right away. I heard Zach laugh, and he gradually developed, so I smiled.   "Keep fighting!" I yelled, and the four of them nodded.   I used my wind power, and it sprang away, colliding with the giant tree.   "Use your power!" I said to the four beasts, and they obeyed and used their power.   Skyler tried to use his power to turn the creature into stone, but he couldn't because that power doesn't appear to work on immortal creatures.   "Try one of your powers, Skyler," I said, and he nodded.   It erupted a blue flame, injuring the creature we were fighting.   "Skyler, keep doing what you're doing! Gabriel and Jeff, you, too, use your power!" I told them, and they did as I said, and I formed my eagle beasts.   I used both of my legs to lift him and carry him to the top; all three were taken aback by what I did.   "Master!" They even yelled at me.   If we continue to kill and torture this creature, only the four beasts will be destroyed, so I will be the one to finish it.   **
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