Immortal 2 #48

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Third person's PoV   Laine spewed, and her body was covered in blood; the four were concerned because Laine had received additional wounds. She obeyed Igor's command and did not leave the four children alone.   "Laine, Are you all right? We'll take care of your wound!" Zach said, and Laine stopped him.   "I'm fine, and you have no idea about the healing power," Laine told Zach. Laine tried to heal her wound with a smile, but she couldn't.   "I'm glad you four are okay; I can see you're more important than me," Laine said, making Zach sad.   "I hope you have the ability to regenerate as I do," Zach said as Laine tapped his hand.   "We must immediately transport her to Igor to assist Laine! Let's all help her up!" Gabriel said. But they couldn't lift Laine.   "Leave me alone and continue your training; I'll be fine," Laine said, smiling at the four children.   "When we return, we'll have medicine for you. Don't stray from your spot!" Gabriel said, and the four of them walked away.   What they didn't realize was that Laine was going to die, and she couldn't hold it any longer; it didn't matter if she strengthened her power because she would eventually die as well; Laine closed her eyes with a smile on her lips, and she was utterly lifeless.   "Will Laine be all right?" As they drove away from where they had left Laine, Jeff asked thoughtfully.   "Don't worry, Jeff, she'll be fine; we still need to kill a monster because that's our training," Gabriel said, and they have to cross a bridge when they travel.   When they looked down, a sea would only be their landing, but there were fogs below. Gabriel led the way, followed by Skyler, Jeff, and Zach, and as they walked, they heard a monster octopus.   "I heard a monster octopus," Gabriel observed.   "Are you certain?" Zach questioned Gabriel, and when he looked down, they were taken aback because the monster octopus emerged.   "Use of your beast form!" Gabriel yelled, and they all jumped at once to avoid being attacked by a giant octopus.   Gabriel attempted to wrap the octopus but could not do so because it blew black when trying to get away. Gabriel spat because a black from an octopus hit his eye, but he quickly removed it.   Skyler blew the ice to harden the octopus. Still, the ice vanished immediately because the giant octopus was in the water. Zach blew fire at the octopus, but it did not burn.   "We need to think about what we should do to defeat these monsters!" Skyler said, and they approached each other.   "Can we be one? Is it like when we get together?" Zach asked.   "I'm not sure if that's possible. Master Igor hasn't taught us that yet," Gabriel replied to Zach.   The four of them tried to become strong beasts together, but they failed at first, and the octopus attacked immediately, so they all sprang up.   "All right, I'll get started!" Jeff yelled, and he erupted blue flames that were more powerful than Zach's.   The blue flame burned the bones and skin of something, and the octopus burned half the hand, startling the three.   "Let's help Jeff!" Gabriel yelled and bit the octopus, making the body poisonous.   On the other hand, Skyler discovers the location of the octopus' eye, causing it to turn to stone and eventually die, and Zach bursts into flames. When Skyler found the eye, the octopus looked at him and cried out as he turned to stone.   They crushed the octopus, and power appeared and entered the four of them; they were all relieved because they had defeated the monster octopus.   "We need to go back for Laine! She's still alive and waiting for us!" Jeff said, and they immediately went back to the place where they left Laine.   Zach and Jeff quickly picked up the plant and returned to beast form. When they arrived at the location where they had left Laine, they were taken aback because Laine's eyes had been closed, and she had died earlier.   "Laine!" Jeff cried out, returning to his human form.   "There is nothing we can do. It appears that Laine has already left us, so let us go," Gabriel said, and Jeff just kept crying.   "Where shall we bury her?" Skyler inquired of the three.   "Perhaps it's in the master's place because there are only monsters and creatures here," Gabriel replied.   "I'll lift Laine," Skyler said, going to his dragon form.   They returned to where they had started walking, and Igor's portal that he had created was still there. They entered, and Igor was surprised because Laine was no longer alive. Skyler reformed, and he put down Laine.   "I'm very grateful to Laine. May her soul rest in peace," Igor said, surprising the four.   "What exactly do you mean, master?" Gabriel inquired.   "Because I told Laine that no matter what happens, don't leave you because you're still children," Igor explained to the four, and Jeff became angry.   "You should come to training with us! If you were there, Laine would not perish! We are your student, so you need to protect us!" Jeff said, and Igor remained silent   "Don't blame master Igor because when it's Laine's time, it's her time," Gabriel said to Jeff, staring at him.   "Bullshit! You're still on the side of our master!" Jeff said and went to his fox form as he ran away from Igor's house.   "Allow him to go; Jeff appears to like Laine, so he was hurt. I'll also admit that Laine is excellent even though she doesn't deserve it," Igor said, who assisted in the burying of Laine with the three.   They left their graveyard after Laine was buried and paid their last respect to Laine and waited for Jeff to return, while Jeff just kept running because he was in so much pain.   "We need to move on. Your next training will be on how to pass on strength," Igor explained to the three.   "Is that for our master in the future?" Gabriel inquired, and Igor nodded.   "Azura is an immortal half-wizard, so she can only use her power to a certain extent. If she uses too much, she will become weak and will require the strength of beasts. You will pass your power to her to restore her strength." Igor explained everything to the three.   Three hours later, while they were eating, Jeff returned and went straight to one side and lay down.   "You must be hungry," Igor suggested, but Jeff ignored him.   "You know you have to forget Laine and move on if I'm the one to die. You will act like this?" Igor questioned Jeff.   "I don't like you, so why should I feel sorry for you?" Jeff replied, still in his fox form.   "You said that, remember what you said," Igor said, standing beside the three beasts.   Jeff is just watching Gabriel and Zach laugh, and it occurred to him that he wanted to change and be happy all the time. He also believed that if he transformed into a cheerful person, no one would notice that he was sad.   Jeff stood up because he smelled the food, and this is where his energy began so that he could show his acquaintances that he was not depressed for life.   "Can I join on what you're eating! Let's talk!" Jeff said enthusiastically, and they were taken aback because Jeff's behavior had abruptly changed.   "Jeff, how are you doing? You were so sad before, and now you're happy?" Zach inquired, and Jeff laughed.   "I'm not sad! I'm just making it up! I'm going to eat something!" Jeff said as he accepted Igor's roast pork.   It was exciting to eat while the other four couldn't believe what they were seeing, and Igor appeared to have read Jeff's mind.   "It's fine that he's this happy," Igor said quietly to Gabriel.   It was late at night, and Jeff, Skyler, and Zach were all sleeping; Gabriel was the only one awake.   "Why are you still awake? We still have work to do tomorrow. It would be best if you went to bed early," Igor said to Gabriel.   "Do we have to be prepared to die when we meet Azura?" Gabriel inquired of Igor, who laughed.   "You won't die because Azura is also strong," Igor assured Gabriel.   "I also notice that you are being listened to and followed by the three more; you appear to be a leader," Igor added.   "I never thought about being the leader of our group, and we'd just help each other no matter what," Gabriel replied as Igor patted him on the shoulder.   "It's nice to help, but there must be one of you four who is good," Igor told Gabriel.   "But, am I any good?" Gabriel queried.   "Yes, you're good; you can think quickly about what to do, and you're also quick to understand; I believe you'll be even stronger," Igor said, and Gabriel smiled again.   "I'm going to rest," Gabriel said before returning to bed.   Igor sat down and gazed up at the sky; he suddenly remembered what had happened to his master because he had also served someone before, but it died.   Flashback (Igor and his master)   "You should be pleased that you will fight alongside me," said the woman with green hair and red eyes.   She was a demon who had captured Igor as a beast as part of a blood contract. Igor didn't like her at first, but he became close to her and considered his own master a friend.   "Master–"   "Isn't it true that I told you to call me Lilith? I'm not used to you treating you like a slave, so call me by my name, "Lilith clarified to Igor.   "I'm sorry, Lilith," Igor apologized as Lilith messed up Igor's hair.   "I thought we'd be enemies when I took you, but you grew close to me!" Lilith said with a smile to Igor.   After many years someone fought them that Igor didn't. That day will be the last to see his master. He did everything to help his master, but in the end, they lost.   "You will teach others everything you know, teach beasts like yourself, and tell them to value themselves. They will not be neglected once they have a master, and they will seek out those who are better than us," Lilith said as she was dying.   "I'll do that, Lilith," Igor said, smiling one last time to his dying master.   Lilith closed her eyes, and Igor was in excruciating pain crying when his master vanished,   End of Flashback (Igor and his master)   The following day, Igor awoke early and began constructing a wooden circle and arranging the archery he had brought.   "Was that our training today?" Gabriel questioned Igor.   "Yes, you must learn from two weapons, the sword, and this archery," Igor replied to Gabriel.   "Get up! Extend your arms!" Igor yelled, and the four stretched out their hands.   Igor had already given the four archers the bow and told them not to eat until they had aimed the bow at the center.   "The four of you do your best! So you can eat!" Igor stated, and the four tried their best.   Two hours have passed, but their shooting bow has not yet hit the middle target board.   "We're not used to the archery master; are there any other options?" Jeff inquired, knelt because his hand was tired.   "Jeff, you're capable of doing so. I am confident you can do it," Igor said to Jeff, and he stood it up.   "For you four to be able to focus, think more about who you fought before or your opponent before hitting the middle," Igor said as the four became severe.   They shot simultaneously, and it hit right in the middle, so Igor was taken aback and wondered who they thought was the enemy.   "Who did you think about?" Igor inquired of the four.   "That monster octopus we fought yesterday," Jeff replied to Igor, who smiled because he couldn't believe it.   "You're so good. What would you think if I didn't give you a hint?" Igor inquired of the four.   "I would have given up," Zach replied.   "I would have given up, too," Skyler admitted.   "You shouldn't give up when you don't know how, when you're in a fight, and you think there's no way to force your brain to think," Igor said with a smile on his face.   "Thank you, Master Igor," Gabriel said to Igor.   "I'm also thankful because I'm doing something these days," Igor said.   "Can we eat now?" Jeff said, eager to eat.   "Yes, you can eat now!" Igor said, and they quickly sat down.   "I already prepare some food because I know you can do this training," Igor said, and the four ate happily.   Igor sat down to accompany the four beasts who were eating, and while they were eating, Igor suddenly remembered Laine.   "When we eat, we should also give something to Laine because she just died," Igor said to the four as he stood up.   "I'll come, master," Jeff said, standing up.   They went to Laine's grave, and Igor placed the food and Jeff placed water while he prayed, which surprised Igor, so he accompanied Jeff to pray.   **
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