Immortal 2 #54

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Azura's PoV   When I was finished with the four beasts' burial, I made many flowers with my hand and sprinkled them on the four beasts' tombs. I smiled and made butterflies in my hand to place in their grave. I also prayed for their eternal peace and thank you for being loyal to me throughout the years.   "The butterflies are lovely," Zero said as I knelt in front of them.   "Wherever you are now, I hope you are happy in your next life," I told the four beasts, smiling.   "I'm happy again, and I'm not going to lose this joy because you made me so happy. Your sacrifice will not be in vain," I told the four beasts as Zero tapped my shoulder as he kneeled to pay his last respects.   "I am forever grateful to them, and If it weren't for them, I would not be here with you. May you're souls rest in peace. We will see each other again. I will use this second chance to be with Azura and with our son. Thank you," Zero said in front of the four beasts' burial site.   "Are you hungry now? If you are, let's go inside and eat something," Zero said to me after praying at the four beasts' burial, I know it's late, and I'm hungry as well.   "I didn't realize that it was nighttime already. Let's eat," I said as we walked into the palace leaving the four beasts' burial site.   The helpers prepared something to eat; they were surprised to see Zero, but they didn't question why Zero was still alive. I saw Jaja come down and see that she was all right.   "Sit down, Jaja," I said, and she did so. We began eating, and while we were eating, I looked at the chair that four beasts used to sit in.   Because the four beasts have passed away, there are only three of us eating. I noticed Jaja was sad while eating. Is there still a chance to reclaim Skyler? Probably nothing, because when Skyler returns, there will be a fee, and it's a life also.   "Eat, Jaja. We must be strong," I told Jaja, and she smiled while looking at me, but I knew it was difficult for her to accept that Skyler was no longer with us.   I know how Jaja feels now, and she feels the same way I do when Zero is not around; when I'm finished, maybe I'll talk to her, but I know she can only tell me what she feels right now.   "Did you have another fight after you beat Sander?" While we were eating, Zero asked me a question.   "Yes, Aserious, Sander ordered him to kill me to complete the mission, but I also defeated him," I replied to Zero, surprising him.   "I thought he died when you ordered the four beasts to kill Sander's servants earlier," Zero explained to me.   "I didn't know; Aserious was also an immortal like me and stronger than Sander, so I had a hard time against him," I explained as Zero finished his meal.   "Tell me about it, about what happens and why did have a hard time killing him, and did you invite some army?" Zero asks me.   "I invited some staff and those immortal and demon pirates, and they helped me, and I paid them when you're not here," I explained to Zero.   "How did you fight Aserious, and how did you beat him?" Zero inquired further.   "I used the power of four beasts, and then I released my monster form, then my former wizard power woke up," when I told Zero that, he was surprised.   "What do you mean, former wizard power?" Zero wondered aloud, and I knew he had no idea about my past life.   "I had a past life, Dancvil told me this, and I discovered that I used to have wizard power," I explained to Zero, and he nodded.   "Then you became too powerful?" Zero asked me, and I nodded.   "Her hair and eyes turned white," I overheard Jaja say, and Zero looked at her.   "Really? In particular, it is stunning. It's too bad I didn't see anything," I squeezed Zero's cheek as he said this.   "You want us to go back to what happened during the battle?" I asked, and Zero laughed.   "Don't do that. You know it's against the rules," Zero warned me. I knew it was illegal, and I was only joking.   "I was just kidding," I told Zero as I finished my meal, drank the juice that was on the table, and stood up.   "Jaja, I'll talk to you," I said to Jaja as she was about to leave.   "Okay, I'll go to our room first," Zero said, and I nodded.   Jaja followed me to the rooftop, and when we arrived, I made her sit. I also sat down and touched my stomach; it was difficult to model because it was getting heavy.   "What are we going to discuss, sis?" Jaja solicited.   "I know you're sad, and I feel it right now," I told Jaja, and she smiled, which surprised me.   "You are right, sis, and I don't know what I am thinking right now. When I heard about their plan to resurrect Zero, I don't know what to do if I will stop Skyler or not," Jaja said to me, and I held her hand.   "Skyler will still be alive, but not right now; I'm sure he'll have a reincarnation," I told Jaja, and she smiled.   "Yes, sis, I know that, but I can't wait for Skyler because you know our lives are limited," Jaja said, her tears start to fall.   I quickly hugged Jaja and stroked her hair; when I heard her cry, I stroked her head until she stopped crying.   "I'm fine, sis; I'll forget everything; I'll use my power melody to forget the memories of the person you love." Jaja smiled at me, and I was relieved when I hugged her and saw tears dripping from her eyes as she smiled.   "What exactly do you mean? You're going to sing and then forget everything?" I inquired Jaja, and she nodded.   "Does this mean I need to leave when you sing?" I asked her, and she nodded.Tanong ko sa kaniya at tumango naman siya.   "Yes, because you might get affected, is it okay to stay away from this palace of yours?" Jaja said to me.   "It's fine if you return right away; the world is still dangerous today," I told Jaja, who nodded.   "But if you forget about me, don't come back here. I'm wonderful. I won't be sad if I know you're okay," Jaja was taken aback when I said this.   "You're right sis, maybe I'll forget you and this palace as well," Jaja said as she hugged me again.   "That's what you do when you forget me as well as everything; I know you can live even if you forget everything, but how about the spell and mermaid power you learn?" When I asked, Jaja showed me a piece of paper.   "I wrote down all of the spells I know, and I'm going to study them again, as well as mermaid power. Don't be concerned about me," I smiled as Jaja told me.   "It's all right then, thank you so much, Jaja, and you gave me strength every day," I told Jaja, and she smiled.   "I'm going to lose a friend, but I'm not going to forget you, and I know you're still alive, so I'm not going to be sad," I told Jaja.   "When I have free time, I'll look for you and remind you all," I told Jaja, and she laughed.   "Don't include memories of Skyler," Jaja said to me.   "Yes, I won't bring those memories to you, don't worry," I told Jaja as we walked downstairs and she entered her room.   I also went into my room, and when I opened the door, Zero was waiting for me, reading a book and sitting on the bed.   "I thought you were sleeping," I said to Zero as I sat down on the bed while he was still reading.   "I'm waiting for you because I know you can't sleep unless I hug you," Zero said as I approached him.   When Zero released the book, he hugged me and kissed me on the cheek; I felt his hand caressing my hair, so I smiled and let my tears fall.   "Why are you crying?" Zero immediately inquired to me.   "Because I am just happy it was hard without you! I don't have a hug, and I always cry every night, but our son is unaffected. I need to be strong when you're gone, but now I am glad you're back with me," I explained to Zero, and he kissed my forehead.   "You won't cry tonight because I'm back. Azura, I love you, and I will never leave you again," Zero said this to me, and I closed my eyes to sleep.   I awoke and immediately got up, and Zero was still beside me; I thought I was dreaming, but it happened last night that I could talk to him, and he still holds my hand to this day.   "Are you all right? Is there a problem?" I was taken aback when Zero abruptly spoke and stood up.   "I'm fine. I thought I was in a dream. You're indeed alive," I told Zero, and he took my hand in his and put it on his cheek.   "I'm alive, and I'm not going to disappear again. The four beasts' sacrifice will not go to waste," Zero said, and I smiled.   We exited our room and went downstairs; Jaja was not present; perhaps she had left, and last night was the last time we spoke, and she said goodbye to me. It's fine with me that she left this morning; I know she's strong and capable.   "Where has Jaja gone?" Zero asked when I sat down, and he sat down as well.   "Jaja's gone because she has a lot to do. I let her go because I know she's capable of handling herself," I informed Zero.   "Is that so? I hope Jaja is all right," Zero spoke up, and I began eating my breakfast.   Zero and I were quiet while we ate; when I finished, I drank my juice and then waited for Zero to finish his breakfast.   "What are your plans for today?" Zero inquired to me while he finished eating his breakfast.   "You can spend the entire day with me; I don't have anything else to do; I'll just stay here in the palace," I told Zero, and he smiled.   "I already know what we're going to do," Zero said to me.   "What are we going to do?" I inquired to Zero.   "Let's practice taking care of a baby! Maybe you don't know what to do when you give birth, and I don't know what to do either," I laughed as Zero said this.   "You're the only one who's puzzled because I've already read a book about babysitting," I explained to Zero, and he was taken aback.   "Really? I'm just going to practice because I don't know what to do," Zero said. I laughed as I rested my head on his shoulder.   My heart was racing as I rubbed my stomach and felt Zero press his head against mine. I couldn't help but smile when I heard him laugh; what was he laughing about?   "What's funny?" I asked Zero.     "You were so close to me when I returned. You missed me completely," Zero said, and my cheeks heated up.   "Probably! I guess you didn't miss me!" I informed Zero. He suddenly looked at me.   "That's not true; I miss you terribly!" Zero said to me as he kissed my cheek.   "I'll simply teach you because I know how to take care of baby," I explained to Zero.   "All right, teach me," Zero replied to me.   We went to our room, and I created a fake baby like a clone. I put it on our bed, and he was confused about what am I going to do. I put the illusion sound that the baby was crying and he was shocked he picked up the baby and didn't know what to do.   "What are you doing, Zero? And why are you perplexed? You shouldn't be perplexed; you should be calm; you're nervous, relax," I informed Zero, and he nodded.   I put down the fake baby clone, and I did the illusion of crying that I had just taken out again, and he ran, but he was no longer nervous, and he came out.   I followed Zero, and he came down. He went outside, which surprised me, but I heard him call my name.   "Azura, Felix is hungry; where have you gone? He doesn't have dirt in his ass, but he's starving!" Zero said this, and I laughed, and he turned to face me.   "What are you laughing about?" Zero inquired to me.   "I'm laughing at what you said because I don't know where I'll go if our son starts crying. I'm not going to leave the palace," I told Zero, and he, too, was taken aback; he laughed and laughed.   "It's okay, at least you know what you're going to do; the next one is put the child to bed," I said to Zero, and he nodded.   We returned to our room, and I went to bed, as did Zero, holding the fake baby clone; I noticed that he was singing a lullaby, and I smiled.   When he was finished, he closed his eyes, I touched his cheek, and he abruptly took my hand in his and opened his eyes.   "I knew you were going to hold my cheek," Zero said, kissing my hand as he drew closer to me.   "I want to kiss you," Zero said, and my cheeks became warm. I closed my eyes and felt his lips.   Zero continued to touch my cheek, but I stopped him because I knew where his kiss was going for me; I knew he desired s*x but was unable to due to my pregnancy.   "I'm sorry I just miss kissing you," Zero explained.   "I know, let's just do that when I'm finished giving birth and resting after giving birth," I explained to Zero, and he smiled.   "I'm willing as long as there are a lot of rounds," Zero told me, and I was taken aback by his statement.   "What are you thinking, Zero? I'm not good," I told Zero, avoiding eye contact.   "What's wrong? You're so good," Zero said, suddenly touching my t**s, which prompted me to slap him.   "Zero!" I sighed and overheard Zero laughing.   **
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