Immortal 2 #55

2345 Words
Zero's PoV   I am now in the garden where the four beasts' burials are located, and I suddenly remembered that I did not visit my family's burial, but I did see them in heaven.   I got up and went to the small house Azura had built for my family's burial. I WAS SURPRISED when I went inside because it looked like a flower had just been placed at my family's grave.   Azura didn't expect me to survive, and I was surprised to see my name. When I first got up, I prayed for my family, and when I came out, Azura approached me.   "I thought you were just passing through," Azura explained to me while walking towards me.   "Did you believe I will never come back again?" I asked Azura, knowing she was worried I'd disappear again.   "I didn't think of that. I'm just looking for you," Azura said, turning her back on me, and I hugged her.   "Don't worry about that. I won't disappear again. How many times do I need to remind you that," I said to her, and she faced me?   "Do you realize how much I suffered without you? I'm not sure if I'll survive, but four beasts are telling me to be strong because we still have a child," Azura told me, and I could see in her eyes that what she was saying was true.   "I believe you, even though I told you to be positive when I'm gone, but you didn't because you love me. I want to thank Skyler, Gabriel, Zach, and Jeff for bringing me back to life. I will not waste this second chance," I said as I stroked her cheek.   "Let's go inside," Azura said, and I agreed.   We went inside, and Azura sat on the sofa while touching her stomach; I stood next to her and touched her stomach as well, and she looked at me.   "Are you okay?" I asked Azura while touching her stomach.   "I'm fine; it's challenging to be pregnant. I also don't think we'll have a werewolf as a child, "Azura informed me.   "It's more difficult for you when the baby is immortal because it might you're your wizard power also," I explained to Azura.   "That's not going to happen, don't worry about me, I need to do something so that I forget the pain in my back," Azura said to me.   "I'd like to know what you remember about your previous life," I said to Azura curiously, and she was surprised.   I'd like to know what kind of Azura she used to be and who she was, if she was immortal or just a mortal with wizard power.   "All right, I'm ready to tell you what happened in my previous life, don't be surprised," Azura said to me, and why should I be? Does he have a boyfriend in her past life?   "Wait, have you ever had a boyfriend in your past life?" When I asked Azura, she burst out laughing.   "I never had a boyfriend before, and what I'm about to tell you will surprise you is how I died in the fight," Azura said, and I nodded.   "Would you like me to talk in the living room or the bedroom?" Azura asks, and I think it will be good if we talk in the bedroom so that no one would bother us.   "The bedroom so that no one can bother us," I said, and Azura nodded.   "Come on," Azura said, standing up, and I stood up with her, holding her hand as she climbed the stairs carefully.   When we arrived at the top, I opened the door, and Azura went inside, where I made her sit on the bed and lay down.   "Do you think you could sleep while I'm talking to you?" Azura inquired to me.   "I won't sleep because I know you're going to tell me a story; start now," I told Azura, and she smiled back.   Azura's PoV   I didn't think Zero was interested in hearing about my past life, but I was willing to tell him and wouldn't keep it a secret from him.   "I'll start now," I said, and he nodded. When I started telling my past life story, I was facing him.   Flashback (Rose Vàlaché Past Life)   "Good morning, General Rose," my staff said as I repositioned my armor.   "Is everyone prepared to fight? I never imagined we'd be fighting today and tomorrow." When I finished repairing my armor, I took my daiyi sword.   "The king suddenly ordered that we have an opponent today and tomorrow; I'm not sure why the king has so many opponents today," my staff explained.   "First, I'll speak with the king, and then I'll go to our base," I told my staff, and they paid respects to me before departing.   I entered the palace and saw the king, who was overjoyed because he recognized me; I was one of the king's favorites because I was strong and a wizard.   "Rose! I didn't know you'd talk to me first before fighting. What's the problem?" King Ashe inquired of me.   "I'm just curious as to what you intend to do. Why do we have so many fights this month?" When I asked King Ashe, he was surprised   "There are so many conflicts I don't know how I will respond to my enemies, so I was challenged in battle. You are the only one I can think of to fight against the Lotase Army," King Ashe said as I took a deep breath.   "That's why you made me general in your kingdom because I'm strong and capable of defeating many opponents," I explained to King Ashe as I knelt.   Even if there are millions of armies against us which I can fight, I am confident I will win today.   "Who is our new opponent?" I inquired to King Ashe.   "The Terre army they have one thousand armies," he said to me.   "Victory will be mine, King Ashe," I declared as I stood up to my feet.   I left and returned to our base, and many personnel was preparing when Dancvil approached me.   "They said you talked to the king?" Dancvil asked me   "Yes, and I'm right, he doesn't know what to do when he fights, so he always says he'll challenge his enemies," I said to Dancvil, taking the map of where we'd fight.   "I can't believe a mortal would think like this," Dancvil said to me as I pointed to the bridge where we would cross.   "Do you think the bridge will be destroyed if we cross? We are too many," I asked him, and he was also thinking.   "I'm not sure, but we need to find another way and not to reduce our staff," Dancvil told me. And I agreed on his plan.   "You're right," I said, looking at my staff.   "Listen to me, everyone," I said to my staff.   "I saw on the map that there was a bridge to cross, so we had to go somewhere else to cross the place where we were going to fight," I explained, to which they nodded.   "Then you have to be ready when we go the other way because we don't know if they are waiting or not," I told my staff.   "I'm just in front, so you won't be surprised because I'm a wizard, and I can expel them right away," I explained, and they just nodded.   We all acted when we saw the king saying goodbye to us after telling them our plan. The king is overjoyed because I will fight again; he is still very proud of me, but I am also very grateful.   When I needed a job to make money, King Ashe hired me right away because he asked if I was strong because I was still in the wizard's tribe, and mortals went there.   I was in a mortal world, and there were wizards there, but no one knew, and I didn't understand why I chose to study wizards when I was only human.   But someone can tell me that I am unique and that my future is not mortal, which I also don't understand, but I previously agreed with. Many trials occurred to me, and this is how I obtained the daiyi sword.   It isn't easy to obtain the daiyi sword because you have to devote half of your life to it. Dancvil told me that he also performed the ritual to spend half of my life on the daiyi sword.   When I die and resurrect, my name will be engraved on the daiyi sword. I'm sure I'll forget everything, including Dancvil and the others I met in the mortal world.   I noticed that the Terre Army was already present, so I approached them first. Their general looked at me and smiled. I was surprised when they took something out of the cage they were carrying, and it turned out to be a lion; it charged at me, so I used my strength to jump.   I was still being pursued when I went down to the other side, so I killed it with my daiyi sword, blood splattered on my armor, and I looked at their general.   "Do you believe I cannot defeat a lion?" I said this solemnly while smiling at them.   "Start!" The general of the Terre army yelled, and I signaled for my men to get ready for battle also.   I faced the general while my men were fighting, and he laughed, so I was frustrated.   "Funny, a female general, don't you know all the palaces in this mortal world are all men?" I laughed as the general told me.   "You also have no idea that women can do what you can do!" I charged after I told the general.   Our sword collided, and I could see in his eyes that the general was furious; I knew he wasn't angry with me but with our king. When he was about to kick me, I backed away, released my power with my sword, and turned purple.   "Cowardly, your king should be in this battle, not you!" I laughed as the general said this to me. When it comes to fighting, is it just words?   "You're nothing more than words! Fight! And I'll still come out on top!" General was frustrated when I told him.   I was surprised when the general got to slip on my face, and when I felt it, it was bloody already. I generated electricity with my hand and was about to direct it to the general when Dancvil stopped me.   "You don't have to use your wizard powers; you use the daiyi sword," Dancvil said, and I did nothing.   "Dancvil was correct! Be fair in battle! Make use of your sword!" That's why I smiled when the General of Terre said this.   "Don't worry, I can fight even without my wizard power," I assured General Terre, and he was taken aback when I pursued him.   General Terre immediately blocked his sword, and we both stared at each other, and we both jumped out when he pushed me. I charged at him again, raising my daiyi sword, but to my surprise, my hand spontaneously moved to split his hand.   General of Terre screamed because he was in so much pain, and the daiyi sword moved again while I was still holding it, splitting one of his hands.   "Daiyi!" I yelled, and the movement of the daiyi sword stopped, as did its purple light, and I saw blood flowing in the general of the terre's body.   "We've triumphed!" Dancvil exclaimed, still amazed that the daiyi sword could move on its own.   "How did you do that?" Dancvil asked me.   "We need to talk," I said to Dancvil, and he followed me.   The Terre armies also retreated due to their defeat, and we returned to the palace, where I removed my armor. I wiped a little blood from my cheek, looked in the mirror, and looked at myself.   I feel like something changed me before, but I'm not sure why because I'm probably bored with what the general of Terre has to say. Dancvil was entering our base when I noticed him taking off his armor.   "What are we going to discuss?" he asked, and I placed the daiyi sword on the table, and Dancvil was taken aback.   "Why do you appear scared?" I inquired to Dancvil.   "Because the daiyi sword is strong, as you already know," Dancvil explained as I crossed my two hands.   "I'm curious as to why it moved on its own. I can fight with the Daiyi sword, but it appears to be alive." When I asked Dancvil, he laughed.   "Because you gave your half-life, the daiyi sword knows you're going to get hurt. It'll move on its own," Dancvil explained to me.   "The daiyi sword wouldn't have done that because I can do it myself," I explained to Dancvil as I drew my daiyi sword.   I carefully examined it and placed it on my side, where I discovered my staff with minor injuries.   "Treat your wounds, and we'll fight again tomorrow. We must be prepared because there will be more opponents tomorrow, I am sure of it." When I told them, they all nodded and begun to treat themselves.   "What are you doing?" Dancvil questioned me.   "Where else? I'll tell the king that we won, and I'm sure he'll celebrate again," I told Dancvil, who laughed.   I left the base and went to the palace, where I found two men on their knees paying their respect to the king.   "Rose! I heard we were victorious! You're fantastic! Tomorrow is another fight, and I hope you win!" The king spoke to me.   "My power kills the general of the Terre," I told him.   "That's fine! At the very least, he was defeated! Later, I'll give you your pay!" I stood up when he said this to me.   I left because he was talking to two men on their knees, and from where I am, it appears that they did something wrong.   **
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