Chapter 13-1

2063 Words

Chapter 13I couldn't decide what to wear. What does one wear on a rescue mission? I finally went with casual— jeans and a light brown sweater—almost exactly what I was wearing all morning, except I changed into boots. They made me a few inches taller. Zachariah told me that he would meet me in the garage at Tremayne Towers, on the vampire side. He lived a tad closer than I did, travel-wise, so he didn't have to leave at the same time. Traffic was light on my way in. As always, I hit traffic snarls around the construction zones, as I got closer to downtown, but nothing that would make me late. I showed my ID like always to the guy at the gate. Before leaving, I'd noticed that my eyes looked bloodshot, but that wasn't why I wanted to hide behind my big sunglasses. I was about to go into a

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