Chapter 12-2

1986 Words

“Oh-h! They're ruined,” she said in a disappointed tone. Funny, I hadn't smelled burned sugar, vanilla, and cookie dough until that moment. Of course, that more terrible stench was gone now. Probably it had masked baked cookie aromas. Anger spilled through me, and I spun on Bill. My fist balled up I hit him with all I was worth. Ouch! It was like hitting a wall. “You knew she wasn't dead, but you acted as though she was!” I said holding my voice down. He merely chuckled low. “You should have seen your expression. It was priceless,” he said, a smile broadening across his handsome face. “Bastard!” I growled. He had a warped sense of humor. What else was warped I wanted to know. “I'd like to take you out, sibyl. We should go for a coffee.” I gritted my teeth. “My name is Sabrina.” “Yes

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