Chapter Six~The Gift~

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Three Months Later… Bliss woke with a start, she would have screamed if she had not been used to waking up in such a way ever since the Yearning, but it was always the same dream every night. It always started out pleasant, Garrett and her making love, looking deeply into each other’s eyes. Then suddenly his eyes would change. They were no longer the beautiful hazel that looked upon her with warmth and desire but instead, they turned pure black. His hands suddenly wrapped around her neck and squeezing the life out of her, but just before she stopped breathing his eyes always changed back and he looked disgusted with himself. Then she would hear him screaming her name, pure agony in his voice. Just like on the last day she had seen him. It was his screaming that always made her jolt awake because she swore he was calling for her. It always sounded so real while the rest of the dream seemed like a faraway memory that had morphed itself into a terrible nightmare to torment her. The sudden movement had Bliss‘ head aching with a blinding headache and her stomach-churning. She had just made it to the edge of the bed before she vomited all that was in her stomach. There was not much since she no longer needed human food to survive but there was some. She may not need the food but her baby did. Bliss tried to shift into a more comfortable position but found it difficult since her ankles were in shackles that were bolted to the floor by chains. The chains were long, letting her move around the room, but once it reached the bed it became a little more constricted. This was done on purpose of course, so it was easier to restrain her on the bed. She lifted herself slowly off the bed and looked around her prison. It may not be a dark and dingy dungeon and was actually a beautifully decorated room but Bliss saw it for what it truly was, A gilded cage. Her prison was located high up in a tower so she had a beautiful view of Vulroo from her large window. There was a bed, a table with a chair, a washing bowl, a shelf with a few books, and a wardrobe. Her chain dragged across the stone floor as she made her way towards her washing bowl. The nightmares always made her break out in a cold sweat. She slowly removed her silk sleeping gown and grabbed the tiny sponge. Dipping it in the cold water before gently starting to clean herself. Her hand moved over her stomach which was now showing signs that her child was growing within her. Once she was clean she made her way to the wardrobe and took out a simple silk lavender gown. Slipping it on over her head before moving over to the chair to grab her brush from the table and start the long process of coming out her hair. Her mind drifted back to the night of the Yearning and the last night she had seen her sisters, Ecstasy, and Desire. Closing her eyes, she remembered how it felt to have her sister brush her hair and comfort her before her whole life was turned upside down. Bliss felt tears running down her face and placed the brush back down on the table. Taking a few deep breaths to stop her emotions from getting the better of her. She had already cried too many tears over all that had happened. On the night of the Yearning, she had been thrown into a cell in a dark dungeon. She was not at all sure where she was and all she could do was scream out but no one ever answered her. For a week no one came for her. She thought they had locked her away and thrown away the key. Then on the seventh day, a guard finally came, opening the door and taking her up a long staircase that led her to what seemed to be an endless hallway. They passed by several doors, still deep underground somewhere, Bliss assumed, since there were no windows. They finally stopped in front of an ornate-looking door before the guard opened it and pushed her inside. It was a small room with a large brass tub in the center, having been recently filled with hot water. The steam rising above it still visible. A side table with soap and a washing cloth stood beside it. Bliss turned to the guard who had not spoken a word to her the whole time about to ask him where they were but he spoke before she got a word out. “Bathe, I will be back soon to take you to the King” Bliss had been in shock. She remembered standing there unable to move for a few minutes before she turned back to the bath. If the King was going to sentence her to death she might as well enjoy the few moments she had left. She remembered feeling so resigned about the idea of her death. Ever since the night of the Yearning, it was as if her heart had gone numb to any feeling at all. She removed what remained of the beautiful dress she had worn that night, The beautiful lavender silk completely ruined from the dirt of the dungeon floor. She stepped into the water and practically moaned in pleasure at the feeling of warmth against her cold skin, having not realized just how cold she was. She picked up the bar of soap and brought it to her nose. Strangely, it smelled just like the one she had used at home. Lavender with a touch of honey. She turned the bar over shocked to see her family's crest imprinted onto it, a stargazer lily. She frowned wondering why they would bring her something to remind her of her life before all that had happened. Just to torture her? She felt tears welling up behind her eyes and took a deep breath to try and suppress them. She placed down the bar of soap and held her breath as she dunked her whole head underwater as if trying to wash away all her torment and fear. She held her breath for as long as she could until her lungs were burning as if on fire. She quickly sat up, her head breaking the surface of the water violently making water splash onto the floor. The sudden movement made her feel nauseous and before she knew it she was vomiting violently over the side of the tub. A loud knock shook the door before the voice of the guard came from the other side “ Are you alright in there? Hurry up we cannot leave the King waiting!” Bliss sunk back down into the tub and closed her eyes for a moment until the room stopped spinning. Not replying to the guard since he did not seem to be looking for an answer but only to hurry her along so he could be done with his task of taking her to her death. They probably only wanted her clean because it was a rule that in public all succubi must look completely groomed and beautiful at all times. Even if they were being sent to the chopping block. Her head would make a pretty prize for some of the Masters. She pushed her morbid thoughts aside and picked up the soap, scrubbing her skin until it was red. She stayed in the bath until the water was no longer warm but near becoming stone-cold, disobeying the guard's order to hurry. She finally stepped out of the bath and looked around the room. There was a small fireplace in the corner with a blanket on the ground and a silver brush beside it. A white silk dress was hanging on a stand on the other side of the room with a full-length mirror. Bliss stood frozen at the sight of her image staring back at her. She looked like a ghost of her former self. She walked towards the fire and sat down on the blanket. It was what she had always done after bathing, drying before a fire while she brushed her hair. It was as if whoever had set up this room for her knew her very well. She picked up the brush and stared at it in shock when she noticed it was her very own. Lilies etched into the silver as if sprouting up from the handle coming to full bloom. It was the very brush she had used on her hair not but seven days ago before everything had changed. Bliss brushed her hair slowly before slipping on the silken dress. Knocking on the door to signal to the guard that she was finally ready. It opened and she could tell the guard was not happy with her for making him wait so long which she found strange. Most Vulroonian men would be quick to discipline a Succubus for disobeying a direct order. Why did it seem as if he was waiting for her orders instead of the other way around? He reached out, taking her gently by the arm and leading her up another flight of stairs. It soon became obvious that she had been in the dungeons of the Palace when she finally passed by a window and could look out, seeing exactly where they were. As the hallways started to become more opulent, Bliss knew exactly where they were headed. She let the guard take her through large double doors that led into the throne room. The King and his son sat upon their thrones and off to the side Bliss tensed at the sight of her mother, Sarafina. She could never tell what her mother was thinking let alone feeling. She was always as still as a statue and her dark eyes gave nothing away. You would almost think she had been made of stone, her skin so perfect, her dark hair nearly reaching the floor. It was the fashion for succubi to always wear their hair as long as possible and her mother was known for her overly long locks, among the many other things she was famous for. Bliss turned her attention back to the King, his coloring was much the same as most Vulroonian men. Dark hair and eyes with olive skin, he had a trimmed beard that was speckled with grey hairs giving him a very distinguished look. The only other evidence of his age was the faint wrinkles around his eyes. His son was much the same in coloring, except clean-shaven, and his eyes were much more amber in color. She had always thought Prince Raja had much kinder eyes than that of his father. The King’s eyes were just as cold and unreadable as her mother's. Bliss bit her lower lip and bowed her head while moving down to her knees before her King and The Prince, a Succubus was never allowed to stand before higher ranks in a formal setting. The room was completely silent except for the beating of Bliss’s heart which was thundering in her ears as she waited for the sentence that would end her existence in this world. “Stand.” She heard the King say, his voice echoing off the walls of the cavernous room. Bliss froze, never had she seen a Succubus stand before the King other than her Mother. She slowly lifted herself off the ground but was careful not to her raise her head. “Look at me, child.” Bliss slowly lifted her head looking towards the King in confusion. Her heart nearly jumped out of her chest at the sight of the King standing from his throne and walking towards her. She almost took a step back but quickly corrected herself, standing her ground. One should never retreat before the King. He stopped a few inches away from her, Bliss having to look up to meet his eyes. He looked at her with complete wonder as he raised his hand and slowly ran it down the side of her face. Bliss doing her best not to move away from his touch. The next thing she knew the King went down on one knee before her, bowing his head. Bliss nearly choked from the shock of it all. “You are a gift. The chosen one. Brought to us by the gods. You are a treasure. The most precious jewel in all Vulroo.” Bliss felt her heart drop down to her feet and her entire body went numb. This was not at all what she had been expecting. She quickly glanced toward her mother and felt her whole body shake at the hatred she saw in her mother’s eyes. The Most Precious Jewel in all of Vulroo was her mother’s title. Why was the King giving it to her? The anger in her mother’s eyes left as quickly as it came and she quickly went back to looking like a beautiful statue. The King rose to his feet and took both of Bliss’ hands in his, turning her attention back to him. The King motioned for one of the guards and before Bliss knew it a heavy choker necklace made from diamonds and the Jewel Of Vulroo, the amethyst, was placed around her neck. It was the official collar for the royal Succubi slaves. “Even our beautiful jewel matches the color of your eyes. You were born to wear this.” The king said before looking down to her stomach., his hands moving possessively over it. “and soon your belly will be growing larger from the baby you carry within you.” It was at that moment the truth hit her and it felt like the ground had fallen away beneath her feet. All the memories of The Yearning came rushing back to her. The look in Garrett’s eyes, the glow wrapping around them. The feeling of their souls being forever bound together. It was something she had only ever heard whispers about. Soul bonding. A succubus could only ever conceive after breeding with an Incubus. Never had there been a child born between a human and a succubus. There were only tales that it was possible if a succubus had soul bonded with a human. Something only believed to be a story, until now. Suddenly all the commotion and them dragging her away made sense. She was something they had never seen before. A soul-bonded Succubus. Something only heard of in legends and something foretold to have powers that other Succubi did not have. Though she had no idea what those powers might be. She still felt like herself, except for the little life she felt growing inside of her. Something she had not let herself notice while she had been stuck in the dark dungeon awaiting death. “Now that you are soul-bonded, you will become my new breeder. After this first child is born you will give birth to many more. Your next child will be my sons.” Bliss glanced over to meet the Prince’s eyes. He looked terrified. Why was he so scared? Was he scared of her? She was an unknown. No one knew exactly what soul-bonding meant. It was knowledge that had been lost many years ago when the first Succubi had died out, taking their ancient lore with them. The Vulroonians had seen no use for their stories and legends. Though now it seemed Bliss needed that knowledge more than ever. How was the King so sure she would have another child? Just because she soul bonded with one human did that mean she could have children with any of them? Her stomach churned at the idea while Garrett’s hazel eyes flashed before her vision. Her heart was screaming at her that such a thing was not possible. “Now there is one thing I must ask of you…” Prince Raja’s face seemed to lose all color and it was then Bliss realized it was not her he feared, but his father’s next question. “Do you happen to know the name of the human you soul bonded with?” Bliss stared at the King in confusion. They did not know who Garrett was? She only had his first name but the sight of the Prince’s face made her choose her next words carefully. Trying not to stray too far from the truth. “I do not know of him, My King. It all happened so quickly.” The King stared at her for a long moment before slowly nodding. He then turned to Sarafina who had remained completely silent during all of this. “Please show your Daughter to her new chambers. We will take good care of you and your child and once it is born you will begin your duties as our new breeder.” Her mother moved slowly towards her and took her by the arm, her grip a little too tight. She led Bliss away out of the throne room, but not before Bliss saw the look of relief on the Prince’s face. Her mother led her up much more stairs until Bliss felt like she had to be above the clouds, they were so high. She led her to a small chamber that was nicely decorated with a large window that let in a warm breeze. Bliss looked out and saw she was in one of the tallest towers in the Palace. It was then she felt something cold and metallic go around her ankle and heard a loud clicking noise. Bliss quickly looked towards her mother who was backing away towards the door. “Enjoy your Prison, my dear.” The door slammed and Bliss had not seen her mother, nor anyone but the guards that brought her food for the past three months. Three months of wondering what exactly all this meant and what her future would be. More of this? There was no way she could survive it. The only thing keeping her together was the life growing inside of her and knowing it belonged to the man who haunted her dreams and whose eyes she could never seem to stop thinking about. He was still a complete mystery to her. Who was he? What did the King want with him? Why had the Prince seemed to be relieved when she had not said his name? The door that usually always remained closed suddenly flew open causing Bliss to jump to her feet from where she had been sitting. She turned, expecting to see a guard but instead, The Prince stood before her looking just as terrified, if not more, as the last time she saw him. However, he did not seem to be letting his fear take control and seemed more like a man on a desperate mission as he said his next words. “You must escape, Bliss. They have discovered who the father of your child is and War is coming.”
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