Chapter Five~The Connection~

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Nothing could have prepared Garrett for what was about to happen. Raja’s words about how some men would never feel pleasure again would soon become clear, his fate sealed the moment he had agreed to become a sacrifice. Possibly even before then, like from the moment he had been born. Destiny had a plan for him and the road ahead would not be an easy one. Garrett looked up at Bliss, not taking his eyes off her since it seemed to be the only thing that kept whatever horrible pain she was feeling, away. He shifted her into position knowing deep down what might take that pain away and his as well, his heart constricting at the sight of such a beautiful creature in pain. “Let me feed you.” He whispered, watching how those violet eyes of hers were burning with need. He held her close, the feeling of her crushed against him causing his body to ache in agony, needing her as he had never needed anyone in his life. Something within him begged to become one with her and to never let go. He shifted his hips and thrust deep within her. Groaning at the pure pleasure of having her body wrapped around him. He heard her moan as well against his ear and it sent shivers through his entire body as he moved his hips in a frantic rhythm. Her hips meeting him thrust for thrust as they climbed together towards the edge. It was then he could feel his heart and soul opening themselves up to her. As if answering some unknown call and pulling himself towards her. He watched as the glow of her body somehow shifted and moved to encompass him as well. The walls around his mind fell away until he swore he could feel what she was feeling. Feel the burning hunger that raged within her and the pleasure they were both feeling as if their bodies were connected as one. Never had Garrett experienced something so intense in his entire life. He felt that he might go mad from it all. Then, he felt his body tense as the climax overtook him unexpectedly. Almost crying out in pain because he did not want it to end so soon but he felt her body clench around his and he knew she had found her climax as well as they both held each other closely, spasms raking both their bodies. The glow that had been surrounding them suddenly became blinding in its intensity causing Garrett to have to close his eyes for the first time. Then he felt it, the bonding of their souls as if they were becoming one soul in two bodies. He slowly opened his eyes and stared at her in wonder. What had just happened? Was this what it was like to mate with a Succubus on the night of the Yearning or was this somehow different? He had to believe that there was something special going on here. Something he could not quite explain just yet. He saw tears spilling down Bliss’ cheeks but before he could reach up to wipe them away and ask if she was okay she was being pulled away from him by two Vulroonian Guards. Garrett jumped up quickly but felt hands being placed on his shoulders to hold him back. He looked over his shoulder only to see his friend, Raja, looking at him and shaking his head. Garrett fought against his friend's hold but two more guards came to hold him down. “Bliss!” He yelled, feeling like his soul was dying inside at being torn away from her. He saw her try to look back at him only to fall to the ground and be dragged by her hair, kicking and screaming at the two men holding her. She disappeared through the very door she had first come out of, it closing and blocking out her screams. Garrett quickly looked towards Raja, unable to hide the anger and despair in his voice. “Where are you taking her!” Raja looked Garrett straight in the eyes while placing a hand on his shoulder. “I will explain everything, my friend, but you must calm down.” How could he be calm? His body was in complete turmoil. He felt like a piece of his soul was being torn away. He swore he could feel Bliss’ fear as well mixed along with his own and it was driving him insane. Tears even came to his eyes at the thought of what possibly could be happening to her right at this moment. Garrett knew how slaves were treated, they were nothing more than property to the Masters of Vulroo no matter how glamorous a lifestyle they tried to make it appear. Garrett had seen firsthand how the Masters flocked to his kingdom to buy off the prisoners of war. Shackling them and throwing them in cages before whipping them for even speaking a word. The idea of any of that happening to Bliss stole all the air from his lungs. He could feel himself falling to his knees over the amount of despair in his heart. Garrett glanced around him for the first time. Noticing how the spectators were being evacuated out of the arena by armed guards and all the Succubi were being led through a large gate. Most of the sacrifices were still bound to the beds along with Caleb but guards were pulling them free and leading them away. Nicolas looked back towards the door where Bliss had been dragged through and was about to make a run for it, but before he could even take one step a large pain exploded in the back of his head and everything went dark. ------------------------------------------ Garrett awoke with the worst headache of his life. It did not help that wherever he was felt like it was moving, rocking back and forth like….A ship! Garrett sat bolt upright so fast that he instantly regretted it, the pain in his head feeling like a red-hot iron had wedged itself in his skull. He felt hands being pressed against him, trying to push him back down into the bed and he fought against them. Suddenly remembering the look on Bliss’ face as she was dragged through the doorway. “It’s okay Garrett! It’s just me!” a familiar voice said, causing him to cease his struggles. “Caleb? Where are we? Where is Bliss?” Garrett laid his head back down slowly, trying to clear his vision so he could see the face of his friend and his surroundings. The sun shining through a window was making it nearly impossible for Garrett to even open his eyes. There was a long pause as if Caleb was hesitating in giving him an answer which put Garrett even more on edge. “Raja told me you may be a bit out of it when you woke up. We are on a ship back home to Rylan. The Prince offered us his vessel since it is faster to reach the Stronghold by sea than by land. He said it was the least he could do after giving us some sort of Vulroonian drink that made us hallucinate.” Garrett had known Caleb all his life and he knew when his friend was lying to him. Why was he doing this? What had happened that would cause his friend to try and trick him? Garrett tried to think back to the last thing he remembered before everything had gone dark. He Remembered seeing Raja and him saying he would explain everything. Why had Raja put them on this boat back home rather than keep his word? “Caleb, we have known each other our whole lives. You cannot lie to me. I know what happened was real. Now, tell me.” He could hear Caleb sigh and then stand up and walk across the room. The clinking of glasses told him that Caleb was pouring them a drink. Caleb walked over to close the curtains across the window, the darkness finally allowing Garrett a chance to open his eyes. The room slowly came into focus along with his friend's outstretched hand, offering him a glass of what appeared to be rum. Garrett took it while trying to sit up a little bit more, moving very slowly. The rocking of the boat did not help with his pounding head but at least there was not a violent storm brewing. Making it bearable enough for Garrett to focus on Caleb’s face. His friend looked conflicted before he downed his drink in one large gulp. Whatever Caleb had to say was obviously serious. “Look, my friend. I do not know much of what happened. I do recall having some of the wildest s*x I have ever had and then there was this huge blinding light and the whole place went mad. Guards were suddenly everywhere pulling everyone away and by the time they had me untied, you had been knocked out cold. The next thing I knew, Prince Raja was pulling me aside and telling me we had to get on a boat and get out of there, now. He told me that when you woke up you would probably start saying crazy things, things that made no sense. He said to tell you what I had just said but I told him that you would be able to see through any lie I ever told you.” Garrett listened, more confused than ever about what was really going on. He remembered the blinding light, the feeling of his and Bliss’ souls becoming one. Why had it caused so much chaos? What did it all mean? Even now Garrett could feel his soul slowly dying. His heart hardened itself against the pain of not being with its other half. As if building a wall around itself to not feel anything ever again. It was rather terrifying. “So, what did Raja say to that?” “He said that the most important thing was to get you out of Vulroo and for you to never return. I tried to get him to explain more but his guards were suddenly leading us out of the arena while carrying you and before I knew it we were on this boat, headed back home. All I know is whatever happened it was not good, my friend. On the way to the boat, I could hear people talking. They were just as confused as we were but they kept saying how the Masters were out for blood. I think, Garrett, that they wanted to kill you.” Garrett sat there in silence for a moment. Finally taking a swig of the drink Caleb had given him, enjoying how it burned his throat and warmed his belly. Why would the masters want to kill him? What had happened between him and Bliss? Garrett knew little about the Succubus creatures other than what he had heard in stories. However, he had never heard anything near the likes of what he had experienced. The pain that had been racking his body the moment Bliss had been torn away from him was lessening, It seemed, the farther he got away from Vulroo. He could feel defenses going up around his heart as if he was no longer in control of his own body. His body was doing all it could to protect him from himself, it seemed. He closed his eyes for a moment, picturing Bliss’ face with those violet eyes he knew would haunt him for the rest of his days. Then he felt Caleb reach out to place a hand on his shoulder. “I am sorry that I ever took us to that place. Now that Alliance with the Vulroonians is truly lost. Your father will never stand with them knowing they wanted to kill his only son. Raja has some pull but even he is ruled by his father’s will. I am sure if his father knew what Raja had done for us he would not be pleased.” Garrett nodded, knowing what he said was true. There would be war and this time it would not be with the Aurelians like his father had wanted. Garrett sighed, knowing that going up against Vulroo would be bloody but he also knew he could never stop his father. In the back of his mind, Garrett worried about what would become of Bliss. If they wanted him dead, what did that mean for her? Surly a death sentence, for whatever it was they did it had not been good. Bliss was a slave, she would receive no mercy. Suddenly, Garrett felt like his heart was shattering into pieces until all those pieces turned to dust and Garrett felt no more.
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