2173 Words

LYCANDRA POV. It wasn’t long after my mom and Missy left, when I heard my door open and close again. My thoughts haven’t calmed down in the least and I felt irritated to the point where I didn’t want anybody around me. The person took my hand, and a sob escaped her throat and I realised it was my mom. I guess she didn’t listen to Missy about getting some rest. I immediately calmed down as I felt guilty about not wanting anybody around as I heard her crying next to me and I felt her tears dripping onto my hand. I felt more helpless than ever that I couldn’t comfort her as she started to speak. “I’m s-so sorry Andra.” She said, using my nickname that I loved. “I never w-wanted this to happen t-to you. I thought I could p-protect you.” She said crying and I feel her laying her head down onto

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