Chapter 17

1439 Words

Emilia’s POV Teka nudged my side and I peered over at her. She gestured to her food. "Can I eat or do we say grace?"  "You can eat." She happily dug into her food without another thought and I suppressed a giggle at the mess she was making.  Tristian and Theo sat at the heads of the table and I just decided to sit next to Teka so I wouldn't have to pick between them. The cooks brought out more chairs to the already large table so we could all sit for breakfast.  It was awkward to say the least. Nobody really spoke. Theo and Tristian talked among themselves but only in mind. Their eyes glazed over now and then showing so.  "How did you all sleep?" Light murmurs of 'good' and 'fine' went around the table before silence casted over us again.  "I slept great." Oscar wrinkled his nose at

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